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Farang-managed Bed And Breakfast And Home Stays

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This topic is a spin-off from "Pros and Cons of Living in a City or a Rural Area", which has spun off from "Instantaneous Water Heaters".

I have put it up because there are some farangs who are contemplating coming to Thailand to live in retirement and doing B&B and/or Homestay to help to keep the old brain cells active.

Later, I will post a message that explains my thinking that resulted in the establishment that can be seen on www.thaihomestay.co.uk

I thought this would be a good retirement hobby. And that it might turn out to be self-financing. No way!!. I have serious doubts whether a Homestay activity can ever break even between its outgoings and its incomings, never mind make any profit to give income and/or return on capital. B&B may be in with a chance in a few locations, but not many. I'll do a posting on the financial outlooks also.

I hope that all farangs who have set up such an establishment will tell us where they are. There are a few expats working in Thailand who would appreciate knowing where they can get 'farang holiday', like some of us also like the occasional 'farang food'.


One particulary unlikely place I can think of is Chiang Dao Nest, see www.chiangdao.com (I think). Loads of foreigners with guesthouse-like operations in Chiang Mai and especially Pai as well. In Chiang Mai "Jonadda" (Aussie?) and "The Olde Inn" (Dutch) come to mind, but there must be loads. Now if they're making money is something else altogether.. :o


I have been thinking of it myself, Nan province, but put off by the many pitfalls, even before you are thinking of getting anything out of it. And I have no previous experience of running such a business. I'd advise against going through this ordeal, unless you have reasons other than business and have enough money already.

Martin, am I right in saying you haven't made much effort in attracting clients? Your website and your charges aren't convincing anybody, sorry, but I think you know that already.


Yes, stroll; and thank you for your comments.

I tried attracting clients by putting ads in things that I thought like-minded people would be reading---like the U3A magazine of the University of the Third Age and the magazines of the Staff Associations of all my former employers--and it brought in 'butters but no butter'. I got lots of interest (of the 'Lucky you, and I'd love to come, but.....' variety, with very few bookings.

I also put us on several of these "Collection of good holiday" sites. Money down the drain.

So I gave up all advertising.

Now we just get the occasional couple, who have dropped on our site when Googling seriously about a holiday in Thailand 'off the beaten track'.

That is why I said in a posting a few days ago to somebody who asked "How's business?" that it had been first-class in quality and pathetic in quantity.

Those who enquire now almost all book; and they turn out to be super people when Thong and I meet them at Khon Kaen Airport.

But they are few, and far between.

The crappy site and the charges are acting a bit too well as a filter!!!

That is why I was so pleased to meet a man who would re-design the website last Sunday. Watch that space!.

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