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90days report Pain, as of March 2nd Immigration will open doors at Promenada

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My next door neighbors sent EMS 90days report and included prepaid returned EMS envelope addressed to both of them. They received only one Receipt of Notification.

I drove them to immigration and nice officer told them that they should send reports in separate envelopes and now have to pay penalty. She said as of March 2nd, 2020 immigration will operate at Promenada and can go there. My friends are living Thailand this September, Therefore they do not intend to pay and report any more.

Will there be a problem for not reporting? 

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3 minutes ago, featography said:

Ive been seeing this info posted all month long, but not by Immigration. It left some wondering as to it originating from an  authentic source 

In the topic I posted a link to there are posts by members that they were told the same thing by a immigration officer.

Same near the end of this pinned topic.



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2 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

Confused I mail my report to Immigration by airport even when they where at promenade and always got it back in a week 

I think that was secondary to the topic title and that was a comment about only one of two 90 day reports mailed together was processed.

I am sure there will be no change to mailed in reports due the change of location.

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20 hours ago, SoSoCNX said:


I drove them to immigration and nice officer told them that they should send reports in separate envelopes and now have to pay penalty. She said as of March 2nd, 2020 immigration will operate at Promenada and can go there.

Would they have to go in separate taxis to avoid the penalty....????

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