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Fisticuffs at a Thai wedding! Mother of the bride faints as daughter's day is ruined


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The people in the pictures were likely part of the cleaning crew, and workers that attend the tables during the wedding. Geez haven't any of you expert posters ever attended a wedding or large event in Thailand?  Go to a few then you will be better educated than you are now.

  I have been to a few weddings, but the fights were nearby, but not within wrecking distance of the main gathering.   We hauled the drunks that wanted to fight across the laneway to an empty field.                                                     What the fighters did at this wedding is disgrateful, and they should have to pay for their disruption, disowned by the family, they are related to, and barred from any other family gathering. That was how we dealt with the situatuon at my relatives wedding.


Edited by Stargrazer9889
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