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Before he died, they took him to: A Place?


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 Just found out one of my friends died.  75 years old.

He did have prostate cancer that had spread, but I saw him just a few weeks ago and he seemed OK.

I had not heard back from a couple of texts over the past 2 weeks so I went to his apartment.

The nice Thai lady who runs the place told me he had passed.


But, I am a little confused as to what a happened.

She said he started getting real sick, and they took him to: a place.

I asked the hospital? And she said no, a place he could die.

I asked some more questions about this but with language issues could not clarify.


Anyway, he had no money and did not apparently go to the hospital.

So, is there some type of hospice here for the dying?

Maybe at a temple or a place that would be inexpensive or free even for Falang?


Just wondering and hoping he had a comfortable final days.

RIP, he was a nice guy with a good heart.



Edited by bkk6060
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It could have been a nursing home, there are a number of them in the area.


There is a hospice (of sorts) in Pattaya area but specifically for people with AIDs. I suppose possible they took him there. Late stages of cancer and AIDs look rather similiar, both are wasting diseases, though usually affecting very different demographics.


it is really not possible to know unless you can get the name or at least address of the place.

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