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4th waiver / Thai teaching license


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A visa related question for anyone who has had experience in a similar situation or can provide some guidance. 


I taught in Thailand for five years - all at the same school and hence used up 3 waivers. After my fifth year teaching I left Thailand to visit family and complete a teaching qualification outside of the country.


In May this year I will graduate and have been applying at various international schools back in Thailand for the new academic year (August). Today I received notification from one school who checked my visa status and informed me that I'm ineligible for a Thai teaching license as I've used up all six years of waivers. 


Is there anyway of me applying for a fourth waiver now I have a teaching qualification or applying straight for a 5 year license? 


Any help much appreciated.




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Hi BobbyL, thanks for your reply. Yes its a one year postgraduate course and 'should' fulfil the TCT requirements for obtaining a 5 year license.


Is a school required to get me a new teaching waiver before I can apply for the more permanent 5 year license? That's the only problem I can envision... 

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3 hours ago, Joees said:

Hi BobbyL, thanks for your reply. Yes its a one year postgraduate course and 'should' fulfil the TCT requirements for obtaining a 5 year license.


Is a school required to get me a new teaching waiver before I can apply for the more permanent 5 year license? That's the only problem I can envision... 

Perhaps so. You do have to have been employed at the school for a certain amount of time (can't remember whether it is 6 months or 1 year) before applying for the 5 year teachers license. If you're talking about a 'real' international school then I am very surprised there isn't something they can do now you'e fully qualified. 

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I see, thanks for your input BobbyL.


I guess that's the predicament I'm faced with then - hoping a school will be able to get me another waiver just so I can then go on to apply for the teaching license. 

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The TCT will give you a fourth provisional license, considering your educational upgrade, but then you'd have to wait one year, not one day less, starting from the day the provisional TL was issued.


 If you can get your full license now, go for it. If you go the 4th waiver way, the school has to evaluate you, which includes copies of the licenses of three Thai teachers at the school. You can find the requirements for a license here: 



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You can apply for full licensure on the 366th day after the date of issuance of your work permit. You will need a waiver to cover that. I'd think the TCT would give you a 4th waiver. One never knows. You might submit all your documents plus enroll in St Roberts PGTE course. The down payment is 5k thb. They will issue a magic letter that seems to get everyone their waiver. After one year, file the documents you have prepared over the past month+ all post dated of course within a few weeks of your anniversary. You should have your license in hand in about 15 months. Your contract must be 12  full months and yoy for two full years with no break in work (paid holiday is fine).

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7 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

the school has to evaluate you, which includes copies of the licenses of three Thai teachers at the school. You can find the requirements for a license here: 

As I recall I did it this way but all that was really needed were the signatures of the evaluators and the director and the director's license. They don't need to each do the evaluation it's a *group* evaluation the director *writes*. Best recollection. Check my facts but I'm nearly certain.


Your HoD writes it. Meanwhile you get five teachers to sign the petition with their license number and date. Three teachers plus HoD and Director. You have the Director sign the evaluation and include his/her/its license.

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Thank you to everyone for their input. 


Just a quick update on the situation: after a bit of back and fourth with the immigration coordinator at the school I'm applying at, they talked directly to Khurusapha to explain my situation. They were told that it may be possible to get me a waiver but the officer couldn't say for sure as I'm a special case in that I would be applying for the 4th waiver at a new school. 


It was mentioned that I may be able to apply for a teaching license if I return to my old school, the school that I left in July last year. 


So still in a bit of a predicament as it seems no one can say for sure if a 4th waiver is possible until an application is made - something I'm guessing the school is unlikely to proceed with given they would have to hire me with the possibility of me not getting a visa... 







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I worked in a school for 11 years. After the 5th waiver, I showed them that I had paid 5000 baht deposit to do an online Mickey Mouse qualification at a Flip uni. I never actually went to the uni and have no intention of working in the Thai system again. 

With your real qualification, there will be no problem getting a waiver.

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1 minute ago, Neeranam said:

I worked in a school for 11 years. After the 5th waiver, I showed them that I had paid 5000 baht deposit to do an online Mickey Mouse qualification at a Flip uni. I never actually went to the uni and have no intention of working in the Thai system again. 

With your real qualification, there will be no problem getting a waiver.

Lol. I've gotta agree with the Mickey Mouse qualification. 

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Haha I see. I guess the only difference is that I would be applying for a 4th waiver at a new school, all three previous ones were at the same school.


How much of difference do you think that makes in terms of getting one?


Thanks again. 

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7 hours ago, Joees said:

Haha I see. I guess the only difference is that I would be applying for a 4th waiver at a new school, all three previous ones were at the same school.


How much of difference do you think that makes in terms of getting one?


Thanks again. 

If you're coming back here as a fully qualified teacher (PGCE + QTS etc) then I just cannot see how they cannot accept it.


It would be utterly farcical that they accept some online Filipino course but not a real one. The school should be able to sort this out if it is a proper place. 

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