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What lies beyond the epidemic


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2 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

There are no climate change deniers. There are only cultists led by the nose by anti capitalist luddites, and normal folks like me who question why I need to go back to medieval times to solve a problem that folks cant demonstrate exists.....the wordl is still here Al, still here.


Similarly, I see the virus as a problem blown way the hell out of proportion for political ends.


So maybe expand your generalizations a bit. 

I don't need to expand...you just confirmed what I suspected: those who dismiss the reality of climate change are the same who now dismiss the severity of the virus...


One could ask why China, of all countries, would blow out the virus problem for political reasons???


And yet this totalitarian country was the first to put large part of its population in lockdown, and to shut down its precious economy.


So there must be a very good reason for that...

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

It's being over-hyped, I have walked around my gated estate shouting 'bring out yer dead' not one body appeared.

Cui bono?


Certainly not the rich and the political elites...so who?

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8 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

That could well be if Biden got elected with Hillary as VP (my bet)...


Currently Biden is coming across as the voice of sanity and reason whereas Trump is coming across as the voice of the headless chicken.


Bush Jnr was the joker and shot from the hip. replaced by Obama, serious and studious, replaced by Trump, another joker who plays it by ear. Next president will be serious and experienced. Biden is a nap come November.

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5 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Yes...things are getting very nasty on the economic side...and the recession hasn't even started!


Lockdown in a globalised economy is a recipe for disaster, maybe even a death sentence.


There is a lot of pain coming...and not from the virus...

I think recession is a guarantee.. you want a death sentence..  how about this..


everyone die soon sure.


now thats a death sentence. 

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2 hours ago, Brunolem said:

I don't need to expand...you just confirmed what I suspected: those who dismiss the reality of climate change are the same who now dismiss the severity of the virus...

Hey, take any and every opportunity to confirm to yourself that your POV is correct, why not indeed ????

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