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Free Rabies Vaccinations For Pets In Phang Nga

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Thais News:

A free-of-charge anti-rabies vaccination mobile clinic is being arranged and offered for dog and cat owners in Phang Nga by the Provincial Livestock Office. The mobile clinic, offered between March 1 and April 30, aims at risk reduction for rabies during this hot season. The services also cover birth control and neutering. During a service in Kapong’s Thana sub-district more than 300 pet owners brought in their pets for the service. The Phang Nga authority aims to make the province a rabies free zone.

However, just a note, if they offer to inject your female dog for birth control, please decline. These injections usually result in breast cancer for your dog after a few years.

Thais News:

A free-of-charge anti-rabies vaccination mobile clinic is being arranged and offered for dog and cat owners in Phang Nga by the Provincial Livestock Office. The mobile clinic, offered between March 1 and April 30, aims at risk reduction for rabies during this hot season. The services also cover birth control and neutering. During a service in Kapong’s Thana sub-district more than 300 pet owners brought in their pets for the service. The Phang Nga authority aims to make the province a rabies free zone.

However, just a note, if they offer to inject your female dog for birth control, please decline. These injections usually result in breast cancer for your dog after a few years.

Or pyometra, a potentially lethal inflamation of the womb. SBK is 100% correct, if you want your dog to have birth control (very sensible!!), particularly a female dog, get them neutered surgically.

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