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If You Came To Los Looking For 'the Good Life'......


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Do you miss your Homeland?

Would you go back if it was possible?

I wouldn't even if I could afford to live in the UK now.

With all it's faults Thailand is a far better place to live in. IMO.

The only thing I miss about England is The Sunday Morning Car Boot Sales!


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Im going back to Oz for a few years and I can't wait to get there!

This was my first time in LOS and I've now been here for 2 years, but with many changes that have taken place in the last few months and the overall feeling I get about where thailand is headed, I know its best to go back home for a while. I will miss many things here, but I also miss many things back home. There is good and bad in both places so I don't really look at staying or going as a win or loss situation............

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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My life is generally much better here... I don't miss the snow and ice of the north eastern US at all, or the giant, moose-like females.

A friend of mine used to say the following:

The further from the equator you go, the uglier the girls get.

But I do miss American Football! Very difficult to see here, only one or two mediocre games a week.

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Do you miss your Homeland?

Would you go back if it was possible?

I wouldn't even if I could afford to live in the UK now.

With all it's faults Thailand is a far better place to live in. IMO.

The only thing I miss about England is The Sunday Morning Car Boot Sales!


Depends on how deep and smelly the shithole you are coming from was.

From Sydney, Potts Point, BKK and pretty much the rest of Thailand is inferior.

From Japan, better, but poor customer service.

From Singapore, a good 2 days visit now and then, but please don't move me there (to BKK).

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I don't miss being in a rut.

I don't miss sitting in the pub listening to the same old "mates" whinging about the same things year in year out

I don't miss the driech weather

I don't miss UK taxes

No way would I leave SE Asia

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Definately better in LOS at my stage in life. Alternative is a "brain dead" retirement community in my home country and/or shovelling snow 6+ months of the year. And finally, don't miss dealing with the rude, crude & stupids back home.

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The last nine years here in Thailand have been better than I ever could have dreamed before. I hope to stay a long, long time with the family. I miss very little of Los Angeles and the rest of California except my parents and a few friends. Two 10 day trips per year to the US seems more than enough to reaffirm my love for Thailand and the Thai people.

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Everytime I miss things back home, I go back for two weeks and that pretty much takes care of that problem. Then, it's back to Asia with a big smile on my face. I agree with the comment about "the farther you get from the equator", I'm from North-Eastern U.S. and that is very far from the equator.

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I was just discussing plans to return for a visit, can’t say I think about it a lot though. I have stimulating work in front of me here; my schedule is whatever I make it. I have taken up fishing recently as a distraction; it is so much easier here to catch a fish. I miss the constant variety of food back home, easy to get in a rut here. I miss ice hockey, especially right now; the Flames are in the playoffs :o . I don’t miss the gruntiness of life back home, everything is about money. I miss deep conversations the most I guess, it seems people don’t like to get to serious around here, and my Thai is fairly pathetic too.

I certainly am happier, healthier, and more confident in Thailand.

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Do you miss your Homeland?

Would you go back if it was possible?

I wouldn't even if I could afford to live in the UK now.

With all it's faults Thailand is a far better place to live in. IMO.

The only thing I miss about England is The Sunday Morning Car Boot Sales!


Then check out the car boot sales on Rachadapisek Road on Sundays on the left hand side before reaching the Lad Prao intersection coming from Rama IX.

The only thing I miss is familly and friends there, and now that technology has moved on I get to video chat with them on Skype which helps but is not the same as being there.

I certainly dont miss the violence in the pubs on Friday / Saturday night, the rising violent crime, the weather, and most of all prices (esp. for good food)

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I have a better life in Germany and most places I lived have been an improvement on the UK. What I miss and can't replace are my family and friends but flights are short and cheap from here. However, I'd be ungrateful if I didn't mention that England made me what I am, gave me an excellent education, ambition and security enough to support a family. My ambition just outgrew what the UK can offer me today but it's still a haven for the less fortunate people in the world.

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My life is generally much better here... I don't miss the snow and ice of the north eastern US at all, or the giant, moose-like females.

A friend of mine used to say the following:

The further from the equator you go, the uglier the girls get.

Giant, moose like females!! :o

I like what your friend said!

i miss not having to go to the border every three months. back home that would just be silly (unless it was to buy tequila, cuban cigars, and M-80 firecrackers)

So you are from, lemme see... Mexico, Cuba and er... China?

Oh wait... sorry! misread the border run bit...


I don't miss being in a rut.

I don't miss sitting in the pub listening to the same old "mates" whinging about the same things year in year out

I don't miss the driech weather

I don't miss UK taxes

No way would I leave SE Asia


Unfortunately, I did leave the Kingdom.

and I've felt somewhat lacking since, despite spending some years in central america before finally making a return to the UK.

I've been back some two months nearly, and i shouldn't have done so.

It's ridiculous, pathetic, petty, closed minded culture of self righteous people... I forgot how many English have never set foot abroad.

Don't get me entirely wrong. There is a lot about the english I love, and a lot about England I love, too, but i can't live here, not entirely happily, anyway.

My four years in Thailand, were without any doubt the best four years of my life, in every respect you can think of. Lifestyle, diet, interpersonal relationships, personal developement, outdoor pursuits, productivity, etc etc etc...

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I lived in Thailand for just short of 5 years. I had a great life. Met heaps of great people. Met and married my wife. Loved the food and the people. Hated the traffic and pollution. But had a great life. Though i now live in Sydney. Things are expensive but less pollution , I make more money here than i did in BKK alot more money. But rent is more. Its swings and roundabouts. Personally i love Oz and i also loved Thailand. But Oz gives me more security than LOs did. I havennt lived in Scotland for 13 years. I havent lived in London for about 6 years. So no desire to return to the UK. I'm lucky i have options. Life is what you make it, no matter where it takes you. LOS is great in many ways. But not too good in others. Each to their own. I would retire in CM maybe. But the wife is quite happy to retire here and we have only been here about 6 months. BTW retirement is a long way off. :o

Edited by Jockstar
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15 years and counting ...... still loving it ! :D:D

Content working, built house, got married , kids , dogs , beaches , good food, cheap beer, warm weather, warm rain etc ... you've all heard it before!

Learn to accept the things you cannot change :o

...... Thailand 'till I die (to that Bryan Adams song )

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I found what I was looking for sure... My wife, the dream house I could NEVER afford in the USA.. and a baby on the way.. Thought I solved the family problem by buying them a house... but I am beginning to see this is a never ending cycle... Don't get me wrong I love giving... (and this is NOT just lip service.) Its the entitlement attitude that I get from some of them. ahhh its most likely just me and just today... TOO much family came for Songkrahn and my nerves are thin.... No more family for at LEAST 6 months.. FOR SURE....

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TOO much family came for Songkrahn and my nerves are thin.... No more family for at LEAST 6 months.. FOR SURE....

swain, is that because they imposed on your funds, or frayed your nerves in other ways ? (just curious)

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If you are asking the question, "could you afford to live back home?"

Then surely the next question you should ask is "What are you going to do if you are forced, for one reason or another, to move away from Thailand?"

We hear a great deal about people moving to Thailand, arriving with a fan-fare, we hear less of those who sneak back home having made a mess of the move.

My advice to anyone is don't burn your bridges.

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I'm confused by that as well. What do you mean by, "Can't go back home?" sounds a bit ominous... Do people do naughty things before coming here? Thats a shame if they do. I was shocked and chuffed when my European Director told me to keep in touch and the door would be open if I wanted to come back. I guess they had invested in me though so it would be shrewed to maximize their return.

I came looking for a life without the clutter of all that stuff we feel we have to have in the West to show everyone how well we are doing. And to meet the challenge head of fitting into a totally new culture and language. Its not without it's traumas but I am glad and sad to say that that any moments of dissapointment have been as a result of being let down by other westerners, NOT thais.

I'm still loving it but should that change I'll ride a motorcyle around the world for as long as takes to find out enough about me and the world and how we mesh together. Life is an adventure. I don't miss wearing Neck ties.

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no offense to anyone but there is a lot of moose like looking women here in thailaand also. and i mean the thai women............lol.

can someone tell me if this type of posting is allowed here. little humour is not appreciated everywhere.

mr swain you surely knew when you married yr girl you were also in holy matrimony with the entire village and family.

Edited by blizzard
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Yes, found the Good Life in Thailand, but also found that I have to keep looking for a new "Good Life" all the time because things change so very quickly in LOS.

Twice already, I moved into a brand new condo and, within 2-3 years, watched owners, tenants, and/or neighbors turned a nice spot into an undesirable place.

This also apply to nice beaches and islands.

Although some things get better, many good things may not stay so good for as brief as 3 years.

You used to hear people, both Thai and expats, talk about the good old days, ten or twenty years ago. Now, they sometimes talk about the good old days only three or four years back.

So, in my experience, the window between "Now" and "The Good Old Days" have a tendency to get pretty short in LOS.

And that could affect the "Good Life" you're looking for or have discovered.

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15 years and counting ...... still loving it ! :D:D

Content working, built house, got married , kids , dogs , beaches , good food, cheap beer, warm weather, warm rain etc ... you've all heard it before!

Learn to accept the things you cannot change :o

...... Thailand 'till I die (to that Bryan Adams song )

Good on ya Cobber!

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no offense to anyone but there is a lot of moose like looking women here in thailaand also. and i mean the thai women............lol.

can someone tell me if this type of posting is allowed here. little humour is not appreciated everywhere.

Of course, dear. :o


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no offense to anyone but there is a lot of moose like looking women here in thailaand also. and i mean the thai women............lol.

can someone tell me if this type of posting is allowed here. little humour is not appreciated everywhere.

Of course, dear. :o

Thank you for that, can I by you a beer?



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If you are asking the question, "could you afford to live back home?"

Then surely the next question you should ask is "What are you going to do if you are forced, for one reason or another, to move away from Thailand?"

We hear a great deal about people moving to Thailand, arriving with a fan-fare, we hear less of those who sneak back home having made a mess of the move.

My advice to anyone is don't burn your bridges.

In my case it is a resume issue, I don't want to appear to "cut and run" kind of person. So I figure I am here for at least 5 years or so. Could I afford to go back home? I earn as much as most do in the states doing what I do. So either way.... I just want my son to be happy.

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ive been away from the uk travelling since 2002 (although ive been a more static dosser for the last year),& the only time ive felt a culture shock is when i went back home to the uk for a short while (weeks).although it was great to see family.

i also found the atmosphere a bit narrow minded & boring.

i think england is a bit screwed,in a way,small country,decreasing land,immigrants having 10 children,but i suppose every country is going to go that way down the line,overpopulated.

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I lived in Thailand for just short of 5 years. I had a great life. Met heaps of great people. Met and married my wife. Loved the food and the people. Hated the traffic and pollution. But had a great life. Though i now live in Sydney. Things are expensive but less pollution , I make more money here than i did in BKK alot more money. But rent is more. Its swings and roundabouts. Personally i love Oz and i also loved Thailand. But Oz gives me more security than LOs did. I havennt lived in Scotland for 13 years. I havent lived in London for about 6 years. So no desire to return to the UK. I'm lucky i have options. Life is what you make it, no matter where it takes you. LOS is great in many ways. But not too good in others. Each to their own. I would retire in CM maybe. But the wife is quite happy to retire here and we have only been here about 6 months. BTW retirement is a long way off. :D

and just to add to that jock,

aussie is a brilliant country with a great life style, offering security and mainly a decent bunch of people.

its so easy to see how you and your wife appreciate living in this great country and one would have to be a real sad bas-ard to slag off australia.

the really good thing about being born and breed in aussie is that one can come and go as one likes and living in perth, asia is only 5 hours away. :o

i plan to have the best of both worlds spending 9 months in los and 3 months in aussie.

how bloody good is that.? :D

its a ripper idea. :D

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