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UK can turn the tide against virus in next 12 weeks - PM Johnson


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7 hours ago, Rookiescot said:


Lets hold those who you dislike and are not in any position of power accountable for the disaster that is unfolding in the UK.

Makes sense.

How about you actually hold to account the people you voted for. Johnson had already seen what had happened in China and was unfolding in Italy.

But he chose not to lock down the UK. Why?

Oh yeah herd immunity. As advertised by his "Just carry on because we want you to get sick and some of you will die but try not to inconvenience the NHS while you are doing it" speech. 


That cronic under funding of the NHS really makes sense now. Far better to give tax cuts to the rich than to actually make sure we have an NHS fit for purpose. 

Are you tapped? Serious question by the way. Abbott, Corbyn etc would have been a disaster in the present circumstances. Boris is doing a great job, of course, if you're skint and workshop you'll probably not like him. 

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36 minutes ago, sotonowl said:

Are you tapped? Serious question by the way. Abbott, Corbyn etc would have been a disaster in the present circumstances. Boris is doing a great job, of course, if you're skint and workshop you'll probably not like him. 

How do you know that? Thats just an opinion and given Abbott, Corbyn etc are not in government its an asinine opinion.

What we have seen is Johnson being his useless self all the way through this.

Always behind the curve even though other countries have already shown what happens when corona breaks out in the community.

Reactive not proactive.  

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3 hours ago, bristolboy said:

If it ain't a flu, then don't call it a flu. Symptomatic similarity is not genetic similiarity.

"The two full sequences of the virus isolated in two of the first French cases were submitted to the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID) platform, which was initially developed to share sequences and monitor the genetic evolution of influenza viruses, a process that is vital to determine the composition of the influenza vaccine. A special "coronavirus" tab has been created so that the scientific community can work together and advance at a quicker pace."




Not only is it important to look at past flu pandemics to get an idea of how this pandemic will develop numerically, scientists are actually using genetic data platforms used for influenza viruses to help develop a vaccine.


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3 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

How do you know that? Thats just an opinion and given Abbott, Corbyn etc are not in government its an asinine opinion.

What we have seen is Johnson being his useless self all the way through this.

Always behind the curve even though other countries have already shown what happens when corona breaks out in the community.

Reactive not proactive.  

I'm definitely not a fan of Johnson. But if it's really the case that the govt. will be giving laid off workers 80% of their pay, that's huge.

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2 hours ago, vogie said:

That is only your biased opinion, Boris and the Tories must be doing something correct as their approval rating is now at a massive 52%.


A massive 52%? So basically half the UK population does not approve of BJ. How is this any different to months ago when the country was divided 50/50?


The UK is not massively united behind Boris Johnson, people are fighting in the supermarkets and wondering why they only have 4000 icu beds compared to Germany's 25,000, why they don't have enough respirators, why steps are being taken too late.

Edited by Logosone
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14 minutes ago, Logosone said:

A massive 52%? So basically half the UK population does not approve of BJ. How is this any different to months ago when the country was divided 50/50?


The UK is not massively united behind Boris Johnson, people are fighting in the supermarkets and wondering why they only have 4000 icu beds compared to Germany's 25,000, why they don't have enough respirators, why steps are being taken too late.

I agree that they should feel that way but it seems they don't. You seem to be offering an alternative poll which has queried exactly one person.

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48 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

I agree that they should feel that way but it seems they don't. You seem to be offering an alternative poll which has queried exactly one person.

By all accounts there is far more fighting in supermarekts, far more panic buying in the UK than elsewhere. This indicates that the people do not believe what Johnson is saying, what he is doing is correct.


Like all people the British should ask 'why were we not better prepared by our government', in view of the fact that the Robert Koch Institute wrote in 2012 of a coronavirus pandemic and its possible effects.


Governments had 8 years to prepare. They did nothing.

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2 hours ago, Logosone said:

"The two full sequences of the virus isolated in two of the first French cases were submitted to the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID) platform, which was initially developed to share sequences and monitor the genetic evolution of influenza viruses, a process that is vital to determine the composition of the influenza vaccine. A special "coronavirus" tab has been created so that the scientific community can work together and advance at a quicker pace."




Not only is it important to look at past flu pandemics to get an idea of how this pandemic will develop numerically, scientists are actually using genetic data platforms used for influenza viruses to help develop a vaccine.


Yes, they're using the software. That means covid is a form of flu?

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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

I'm definitely not a fan of Johnson. But if it's really the case that the govt. will be giving laid off workers 80% of their pay, that's huge.

What choice does he have?

He would be looking at civil unrest if he doesn't. 

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4 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Yes, they're using the software. That means covid is a form of flu?

Coronaviruses belong to Riboviria realm of viruses, which encompasses all RNA viruses.






Influenza viruses of the Orthomyxoviridae family are all, without exception, RNA viruses.



So both covid19 and influenza viruses are related.


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On 3/19/2020 at 10:53 PM, AlexRich said:

The Financial TImes published a graph showing that the UK is on a higher death rate trajectory than Italy, which would be a horrendous outcome.




brits are not like the itals as they dont go around hugging and kissing and partying ,,and use less grubby notes .mostly cashless so we'll see how it goes

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On 3/20/2020 at 5:53 AM, AlexRich said:

The Financial TImes published a graph showing that the UK is on a higher death rate trajectory than Italy, which would be a horrendous outcome.

Boris Johnson will really feel the pressure when the death rate begins to jump. The UK is not ready.



 The Big Red Bus ,  may serve a purpose . 

 Bring out your dead ...


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56 minutes ago, sotonowl said:

Fear mongering cobblers, get a grip of yourself, just sit and think if comrade corbyn had been elected will you? No, don't bother, it isn't worth worrying about, we managed to dodge that <deleted> exocet, thank god for that.

Remind yourself of this post in two weeks time and then tell me Johnson has this under control.

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On 3/20/2020 at 7:39 AM, Laughing Gravy said:

The usual Boris haters will complain no matter what he does, that is for the anti Brit posters on here too.


As the UK is not a totalitarian country like where I am currently, you can't control it the same way. Can you imagine if the army where on the streets imposing that people go home.


The so mentioned posters would be like rabid dogs, frothing at the mouth. 


He is doing things as sensibly as possible but will never please all. Just wait to those who have to look after their kids at home, as the schools are closed they will be screaming and kicking (the parents). why he has done that.


It is going to take people to be responsible for themselves and their family. Unfortunately in the narcissistic society we live in with the me attitude, I can't see it happening. then you get the crazy's suing the NHS and  government because they didn't what they wanted, at the time they wanted.


A totally selfish society and the toilet roll situation just highlights this as a stupid example.



So how is it that what you describe that society suffers from that  Boris's declaration can over ride?

What is in his adamant  declaration of  success that will encourage social conformity in achievement when  to accept that declaration as a given perpetuates  the very same social ignorances?

No  worries ! Boris  says.  No worries   Potus  says! 

Not   good way to  go !



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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Boris asks society to be sensible stay in side, don't panic buy and what do they do. Go out, drink in pubs, clear the shelves of food.


It is not Boris who is the clown it is the people not taking the advice given. So he has had to close the pubs and restaurants because of the stupidity of the people.


Possibly introduce rationing because of the peoples stupidity. He asks nicely and they ignore him. people want the virus to be contained, listen to the advice, do as your told or get thrown in Jail, if it was me.


No doubt the liberal 'do-gooders' will be up in arms shouting about their liberty, freedom and human rights while they go around infecting everyone and showing their total lack of responsibility for anyone except themselves.

That was the intent of my comment! "Suggesting " people  use good sense when there is a persistent element of ignorance that selfishly undermines the actions  of the less ignorant would it not be better to apply a more draconian approach initially instead of incrementally?

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4 hours ago, Logosone said:

Boris Johnson has poorly prepared.


It's not like he did not get a warning either, in 2012 a Robert Koch paper warned of a coronavirus pandemic and its implications.


He could have prepared then. He did nothing.


He saw the ciris in Wuhan unfold. He did nothing. Until it was too late and cases appeared in the UK.


How he is still in charge is a mystery.

Just because Cummings allows him for the time being ........???????????????? (  if needed he can always write him out of the script for number 10 Downing street later )

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Sad to say I didn't think that the uk had so many I'm entitled brainless morons.

The  'it's my right to go to the pub' it's my right to enjoy myself how I feel like it, type.

The 'it's not my fault the virus is spreading' 

Well you bunch of dipsh-ts, it is.

You can quote %, our leader is better/worse than yours and all that sort of cr-p but it's not going to stop you getting the virus and killing your parents or someone elses.

Grow up you bunch of political fact spouting idiots and act like the adults you're supposed to be.

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On 3/20/2020 at 4:44 AM, webfact said:

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday that Britain can turn the tide against the coronavirus outbreak within the next 12 weeks and eventually "send it packing".


How about giving us the lottery numbers for next week Boris?

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10 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:
27 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Source for those factoids?

What do I get if I provide them and you find out they're true?


How about your post doesn't get reported and removed for posting claims you can't make hard?


Good deal?

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Sunday Times today ...the whole article is referenced on another forum below.


The meeting that will change British society for a generation took place on the evening of Thursday, March 12. That was when the strategic advisory group of experts (Sage in Whitehall parlance), the government's committee of scientists and medics, gathered to examine modelling from experts at Imperial College London and other institutions.

The results were shattering. A week earlier, councils had been warned to expect about 100,000 deaths from Covid-19.




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Boris Johnson and his advisers thought they had a clever plan with the heard immunity approach. Giving the corona virus a red carpet welcome to the UK. I think he has realized his big mistake now and he does look worried.I have no interest in British politics but as prime minister he is the one ultimately accountable for this. If the British people want to forgive him that's fine with me, but that's not the usual outcome in these situations.

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