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Information For Visa Runners

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Here is some information from the immigrations in Mae Sot

The "90 days in 6 month period" is counted from the date you enter Thailand, on the day of counting.


You can do 3 X 1 month free

2 Month Tourist Visa + 1 month extension


Then you can NOT do another "free one month visa on entry" because on the entry after your one month extension they look back 6 months and see you have been in thailand already for 90 days on "free visa".

What you can do is something like this.....

3 X 1 Month Free

2 Month Tourist Visa + 1 month extension

2 Month Tourist Visa + 1 month extension

3 X 1 Month Free

2 Month Tourist Visa + 1 month extension

2 Month Tourist Visa + 1 month extension

3 X 1 Month Free


1 st Jan ---> 1st Feb = you had 30 days (approx)

1 st Feb --> 1st March = you have 60 days

1st Feb --> 1st April = you have 90 days

1st April --> 1st July (2 + 1 months tourist visa)

When you try and get in for "free visa" on 1st July they count back 6 months (TO 1st JAN) and SEE THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN IN THAILAND FOR 90 DAYS ON "FREE" Visa

So you need to go and get another proper tourist visa.

After that visa you can do three more visa runs

Or you could do

2 X Visa Run (free visa)

2 Month Tourist Visa + 1 month extension

1 X Visa Run (free visa)

2 Month Tourist Visa + 1 month extension

2 X Visa Run (free visa)

2 Month Tourist Visa + 1 month extension

1 X Visa Run (free visa) -


If you cant meet the proper visa regs a better option to fly back to your own country, get a friend with a business to send you on a business trip to Thailand (letter headed paper only reqquired from company). You get 12 months B visa, on the last day of that visa do another visa run and get 3 more months. And then do 3 "free" visa runs

So this gives you 18 months in total.

*** This is the understanding of the rules by the immigration boss at Mae Sot

Edited by uk_falang
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I think the construction from UK Falang is too complicated and not required.

In my example I got my first free stamp on October 29th, 2006. So that means that on April 29th,2007 I should be able to do another 3*30 visa run to Cambodia.

However my TR expires on April 26th (180 days), so I come 3 days short. By getting another 7 days extension on my TR (or on any 'free' entry) I cross the 6 months barrier (ie May 2nd)

This simple construction should work, but to be honest I think I might pop over to Penang again on the 26th.

Edited by sniffdog
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No Mate

You have got it wrong.

On 29th April they will look back 6 months from 29th April. So they will look back 6 months from 29th April with is October 29th. Within that period 29th October TO 29th April you have **ALREADY** had 3 X 1 month visa on arrivals. *** plus you 2 + 1 month proper tourist visa... " you are allowed to stay in Thailand for a maximum of 90 days in any 6 month period on the free 30 day visa".

So, you are required to get another proper tourist visa.

When they say "ANY" 6 month period you cant forward-date that. It means ANY period. The period 29th October to 29th April you have already had your 3 free stamps.

You cant choose for the 6 months period to start on the day of your choice...they look BACKWARDS.

SO you need to

3 X 30 days visa run

2 X 1 month + 30 day extension tourist visa

2 X 1 month + 30 day extension tourist visa

3 X 30 days visa run

2 X 1 month + 30 day extension tourist visa

2 X 1 month + 30 day extension tourist visa

3 X 30 days visa run


I think the construction from UK Falang is too complicated and not required.

In my example I got my first free stamp on October 29th, 2006. So that means that on April 29th,2007 I should be able to do another 3*30 visa run to Cambodia.

However my TR expires on April 26th (180 days), so I come 3 days short. By getting another 7 days extension on my TR (or on any 'free' entry) I cross the 6 months barrier (ie May 2nd)

This simple construction should work, but to be honest I think I might pop over to Penang again on the 26th.

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Clearly wrong since we've had tourist visa(s) in conjunction with the 3 border runs since the new rules have started. :o

Sure you can get a tourist visa and enter thailand. But if you had october 10 to jan 10th on visa runs. Then jan 10th to april 10th on proper tourist visa. They will then not let you have 30 days again on visa runs. First you have to get ANOTHER proper tourist visa before being able to visa-run again. Because in the 6 month period October 10th to April 10th you already had your 3 visa run stamps

Even if they do this for you (up to immigration officer) you could be said to have broken the law. The stamps in your passport are only "as a guide". Fir instance when the immigration officer accidently stamps you in for 40 days instead of the 30 days - they are going to charge you 10 days overstays if you are unlucky (happened to me)

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But with my extension I won't see them on April 29th, but on May 2nd. Then looking back I had only 2 free stamps since November 2nd.

Actually is based on the number of DAYS in thailand and has nothing to do with stamps. Staying out of Thailand for a few days isnt going to make any difference, as is my understanding.

So in your case they may stamp you in for 4 or 5 days or so. I myself came back from Myanmar (monglar) having been there for a week and got an entry stamp valid for 20 days and a strong warning not to overstay the 20 day stamp. But he did say it is fine to go to Vientianne and get a 2 month visa and come straight back.

There is no reqirement to "leave thailand and not return under ANY circumstances for 90 days" as was posted on one of the British consuls web sites - i think now deleted.

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I remember this interview:

Question: It is obvious that the present border runners will change into visa runners to other countries. What are the Department of Immigrations thoughts on this?

Police Major Suppachai: From October 1st you can travel to the border and re-enter 3 times using the system of waiver of a visa. After that, if you get a single entry tourist visa from abroad you can stay here for 60 days, after that you can get a visa extension for 30 days, so it is already 6 months. Each time you leave the country you can come back with the visa extension again, so the tourist visa intervenes.

Isn't that implying that the whole process can be done all over again? (That is what I've been also told by the officier at Ban Laem).

Edited by sniffdog
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Thanks for your info. As said, I probably take the safest way and fly to Penang again. It's not a bad trip ... actually better than going to the border .... a little more expensive but safer ...

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I don't know what the trouble is. It is not about months but days.

3*30 = 90

1*60+30 = 90

Then you go back to 3*30

The problems arise because people go to border runs not on the 30th day but the 29th or before.

This is what they explained at Daung anyway.

Edited by torrenova
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Basically you have to get a 2 month tourist visa (pls one month ext) TWICE a year. But the two tourist visas have to be back to back with the visa runs before the first tourist visa and after the last.

Think about it.

You must make sure there isnt any 6 month period in which you have been in thailand for more than 90 days without a proper visa.

The only way to do this is by having your visa runs in month 1 to month 3 and month 9 to month 12, with your proper visa month 4,5,6 and 7,8,9

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Hi Guys ,

some addl info

1. The six months starts from your first entry after Oct 1st last year.

2. The period is fixed it does NOT roll.

3. If you try to enter within 30 days of the end of your 6 months you may only be permitted to stay until the end of the period NO MATTER HOW FEW OF YOUR 90 DAYS YOU'VE USED .

4. Once your first 6 months is over a new period starts and you will be able to do a border run and return with a full 30 day stamp.

The regulation stipulates that visitors can only spend 90 days out of every SIX-MONTH period on the visa-exempt stamp. Days spent in Thailand on any kind of visa do not count towards that 90-day total.

Further, Immigration only counts the days actually spent within Thai borders, as long as you don’t exceed 90 days in a SIX-MONTH period, the number of visa-exempt entries are unlimited.


1. Entry @ Airport 11.10.06 exit @ Ban Laem 9.11.06, 30days, visa type: visa exempt

2. Entry @ Ban Laem 9.11.06 exit@ Mukdahan 8.12.06, 30 days, visa type: visa exempt

Enter @ Mukdahan 9.12.06 exit @ Ban Laem 6.2.07 , 60days, visa type: Tourist Visa ,extent in Thailand at any Immigration Office for 30days , THB 1,900.- , extension until 7.3.07 .

3.Entry @ Ban Laem 7.3.07 permission to stay until 5.4.07 , 30 days , visa type : visa exempt

Immigration will allow this person back into the Country with a 30day visa exempt stamp on 11.4.07.

This person has now two possibilies .

A: Get another Extension (THB 1,900.-) for 7 days at the Immigration and re-enter Thailand on the 11.4.07 with a 30day visa exempt stamp to start a new SIX-MONTH period with 3x30days border runs .

B: Apply on/before the 5.4.07 for a new Tourist Visa.

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Hi Guys ,

some addl info

1. The six months starts from your first entry after Oct 1st last year.

2. The period is fixed it does NOT roll.

3. If you try to enter within 30 days of the end of your 6 months you may only be permitted to stay until the end of the period NO MATTER HOW FEW OF YOUR 90 DAYS YOU'VE USED .

4. Once your first 6 months is over a new period starts and you will be able to do a border run and return with a full 30 day stamp.

The regulation stipulates that visitors can only spend 90 days out of every SIX-MONTH period on the visa-exempt stamp. Days spent in Thailand on any kind of visa do not count towards that 90-day total.

Further, Immigration only counts the days actually spent within Thai borders, as long as you don’t exceed 90 days in a SIX-MONTH period, the number of visa-exempt entries are unlimited.


1. Entry @ Airport 11.10.06 exit @ Ban Laem 9.11.06, 30days, visa type: visa exempt

2. Entry @ Ban Laem 9.11.06 exit@ Mukdahan 8.12.06, 30 days, visa type: visa exempt

Enter @ Mukdahan 9.12.06 exit @ Ban Laem 6.2.07 , 60days, visa type: Tourist Visa ,extent in Thailand at any Immigration Office for 30days , THB 1,900.- , extension until 7.3.07 .

3.Entry @ Ban Laem 7.3.07 permission to stay until 5.4.07 , 30 days , visa type : visa exempt

Immigration will allow this person back into the Country with a 30day visa exempt stamp on 11.4.07.

This person has now two possibilies .

A: Get another Extension (THB 1,900.-) for 7 days at the Immigration and re-enter Thailand on the 11.4.07 with a 30day visa exempt stamp to start a new SIX-MONTH period with 3x30days border runs .

B: Apply on/before the 5.4.07 for a new Tourist Visa.

This ishow you interpret the rules and how the rules might be applied at some border points.

It seems though that as UK Falang said at least at Mae Sot border they ALSO look back 6 months meaning rolling periods.

As always in Thaialnd, each immigration office and even within the same office the rules are applied differently.

Better be safe than sorry and get a TV as arguing at the border will not help if the officer will not stamp you in (even if you are .....right)

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If what visarunner mentioned about the 180 day or 6 month period being fixed is correct, then a lot of peoples plans will be fcuked! I was one that believed that it was a rolling 6 month period, but it sounds like its a fixed period. Good luck to all of those who this affects.

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Hi Guys ,

some addl info

1. The six months starts from your first entry after Oct 1st last year.

2. The period is fixed it does NOT roll.

3. If you try to enter within 30 days of the end of your 6 months you may only be permitted to stay until the end of the period NO MATTER HOW FEW OF YOUR 90 DAYS YOU'VE USED .

4. Once your first 6 months is over a new period starts and you will be able to do a border run and return with a full 30 day stamp.

You seem to know what you are talking about. That is not always the case in these complicated matters. A simple (?) question: Why all this talk about the 30 day visa-exempt entries? Can't you just go get a tourist visa every two or three months and forget about the counting of days? Seems to me that there are several consulates close to Thailand that will give you a tourist visa with very few problems and at a low cost, in time as well as money. Why then use the visa-exempt at all?

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