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That's great news! I could not understand why they refused to doing it at the beginning. Nice.


Deutsche Bürokratie - dauert halt immer etwas länger.






I got my letter (took about two days), monday or tuesday i will try to get the extension.

They print it, stamp and sign it, scan it and send it by email. They explicitly say that they will not send it by post, so let's hope immigration will accept the print out of the scanned PDF file. If somebody requires the original it has to be obtained at the embassy in Bangkok in person.

They could have invested in a new scanner, the scan quality looks like from 20 years ago.


Now they only require the data page of the passport


Für die Ausstellung einer Konsularbescheinigung zur Verlängerung Ihres thailändischen Visums wenden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail mit Betreff: „Visaverlängerung“ an [email protected]

Wir benötigen NUR eine Kopie der Datenseite (Angaben zur Person) des deutschen Reisepasses.




Somewhere they said that people should only apply for this document if their visa is nearly expiring, if you still have a month left there is no need to apply now.

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