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Trump risks blowback from war of words with China over coronavirus

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2 hours ago, JackThompson said:

So, right now, we have no known animal host starting-point, it appears to have evolved independently for a long time (genetic distance), if evolving naturally ( http://virological.org/t/divergence-of-ncov-2019-to-closest-non-human-relative/388/2 ), and has no close relatives known.  New information could change all that, of course.  But this is where things stand now, based on what I have read.  I am open to any new information, of course.

So I went to your link and I found this in the text:

"Recently it has been announced that a coronavirus recovered from a pangolin may have 99% identity to nCoV-2019 making this a far closer relative. Assuming the faster rate of evolution this would imply a most recent common ancestor approximately 6 years ago (2014)."

On 3/27/2020 at 10:59 AM, muzley said:

Travel ban was called on 31st January and Biden speaking on the same day as well as CNN idiots criticizing the European travel ban.


It's Mr touchy creepy man (and not Trump since you ask)....Imagine the Foxes at Fox with his leering, drooling all over them. Urgghh. He's lucky he didn't follow Harvey to chokey at least he should have had the decency to shut up. That's my No Spin on it anyway !

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