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Face Masks and Medical Clothing: Looking for knowledgable people.

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To prevent closure our garment factory has been making face masks. The masks covers a large area of the face and seals quite well. Yesterday we called a few places for N95 fabric, all had sold out. I'd like to keep making masks, there's a need and it keeps the wheels turning. It would also be good to make medical suits or anything else that may be necessary.


We have staff and experience manufacturing clothing and leather. I'm OK at research and start ups, but it's difficult to find the info, especially if we're looking to get products some kind of certification.


Is there anybody knowledgeable in this area that would like to collaborate? If so please PM or post here. Thanks.








I applaud your enthusiasm and quick adjustment to go with the times. I hope somebody will read this and be able to collaborate or point you further in the right direction. It does seem like you are looking to make actual SAFE masks and not just some cloth masks that could make things worse and / or give a false sense of safety.

Good luck.


We would like to make top quality masks, but in the meantime we are doing what we can. The CDC and WHO are recommending not to wear masks, possibly due to a shortage they want them for medicine and those already infected.


There's quite a lot of  research and other info here https://smartairfilters.com/en/blog/category/masks/

Including info on DIY masks.


The size and fit of the mask is important. It needs to feel comfortable to prevent touching your face while readjusting. The fabric used in N95 masks is in short supply, next best thing is vacuum cleaner bags which can be cut into replacement filters. I'm compiling relevant info now.


No matter how good the mask should not give ppl a sense of security, they should be used in conjunction with not touching your face, not touching anything, washing your hands often and wearing glasses.


From what I've read it's also important not to shake masks or clothing.



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