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Thailand confirms 120 new coronavirus cases, 2 more deaths


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How is more testing going to help Thailand? What will they do differently? What does it matter that the stats are low if it stops civil unrest? I believe Thailand has taken the appropriate action of closing shops except those that are essential, limiting travel and public transportation and encouraging social distancing. The virus is most likely in every province and growing already. However as some have theorized the wide usage of masks and temperature may be making the virus less virulent here so the spread is naturally slowed to a manageable level. I will not be letting down my guard no matter what statistics are thrown out daily and I'm not leaving so it doesn't make a difference to me. I continue to believe herd immunity again with those requiring hospitalization kept down by mask usage, some social distancing, and the weather is going to make it bearable here. 

Edited by wasabi
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8 minutes ago, Rod the Sod said:

To cut a long story short he said that 3 countries were well placed to deal with CV-19 - Singapore, Taiwan and believe it or not Thailand.

Did he give an inkling of why?


All I see on this thread are number of cases, but not number of tests? Without tests (positive AND negative) who knows what real damage is out there or when it will be safe to go out. 

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Just now, MJKT2014 said:

Did he give an inkling of why?


All I see on this thread are number of cases, but not number of tests? Without tests (positive AND negative) who knows what real damage is out there or when it will be safe to go out. 

He didn't, but the fact I could have one of the first tests ever for antibodies (and the kit was made in Thailand) suggests that they are ramping up here in the Kingdom. It did seem to work very well. Cost TB1,250. It wasn't the result that I wanted but it was, or seemed to be OK. He did mention that the constant high temperatures also help things here. I don't know if any of this is true, but there is such a dearth of positive news that even little bits lift the spirits.

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1 minute ago, MJKT2014 said:

Did he give an inkling of why?


All I see on this thread are number of cases, but not number of tests? Without tests (positive AND negative) who knows what real damage is out there or when it will be safe to go out. 

We only need to see how many people are sick in hospital why do we need to see how many people that only slightly sick


That type of testing is only needed after the worst is over you see how dangerous it is

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Don't believe any data from any Asian countries, except possibly Korea and Singapore. They would be under-reporting by factors of 10 to 100 or more, either to show a better face to the world, or due to lack of testing....

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Having seen the numbers coming out of Thailand, it is clear that they either test too few, or just simply come out with whatever number they want. 

This bloody Covid will never end if governments don't take it seriously, see the rhetoric of the UK, and the US at the beginning, for instance.

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29 minutes ago, Rod the Sod said:

BTW I had an Antibody Test this morning and it was negative - booooo!

Where was that? Which test?


Just so you know, antibodies only develop after the infection. So what you want is a positive. It would mean you're asymptomatic or already recovered.

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5 minutes ago, garrya said:

Having seen the numbers coming out of Thailand, it is clear that they either test too few, or just simply come out with whatever number they want. 

This bloody Covid will never end if governments don't take it seriously, see the rhetoric of the UK, and the US at the beginning, for instance.

They test too few. The admission criteria for testing does not allow those who are asymptomatic or only have mild symptoms, unless they are in very specific risk groups:  https://ddc.moph.go.th/viralpneumonia/eng/file/guidelines/G_CPG_en.pdf




That's why most confirmed cases are from tourists, overseas travel or existing clusters. General public remains completely untested, exactly what should not be happening. The extent of the epidemic remains unknown.


Given that they boasted their testing capabilities were beefed up with "superlabs", this is intentional filtering of people who will get the test. Why, well take a guess.

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29 minutes ago, MJKT2014 said:

All I see on this thread are number of cases, but not number of tests?

I found this at OurWorldInData dot Org, but its only dated 17-Mar-2020 and says tests conducted are hard to verify. It shows Thailand far behind the countries with the higher death rates reported, presumably because theirs have more tests done. As of 17-Mar-2020 only 1 in 10,000 of the population is tested. I'm no statistician but do we simply multiply all the daily reports of positives and deaths cases by 10,000 to get the complete picture?



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Somebody posted something in yesterday's thread about COVID patients being in his local hospital in Isaan which has no separate rooms to isolate them in. I wondered why they would not refer COVID patients to the amphur or provincial hospital.  I mentioned this to a friend who is married to a doctor from Isaan and she said she had heard of a case in Korat where a tambon hospital tried to refer a critical suspected COVID patient to the provincial hospital in Korat city but was declined.  I stress that is unverified but, nevertheless it probably illustrates what will happen if the small tambon hospitals (40 beds is a big one and they usually have to serve more than one tambon) start getting a lot of critical patients from the villages following the exoduses from Bkk, Pats, Samui, Phuket etc.  Provincial and amphur hospitals in Isaan usually don't have much spare capacity of ICU or normal beds even in normal times.  My f-i-l was moved critically ill from a tambon hospital but was declined en route by a private hospital in a provincial capital in Isaan a few years ago. on the grounds the ICU was full and he died a few hours later in the provincial government hospital. 


It stands to reason that tambon hospitals will have to be left to cope as best they can even with critical cases, if there is a big outbreak in Isaan (and other regions) with open wards, no ventilators and without enough protective gear and probably without test kits.  Even if they have them, the only certified labs in Isaan are in Khon Kaen and Korat. Without tests a situation could develop without much warning and infections would go through tambon hospitals and back into the villages. 


I hope this is not and will not be the situation in Isaan but feel quite concerned.  Does anyone have first hand experience of the small hospital situation there?

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22 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Where was that? Which test?


Just so you know, antibodies only develop after the infection. So what you want is a positive. It would mean you're asymptomatic or already recovered.

Thanks I knew that which is why I was hoping for a positive. I had some of the secondary symptoms like loss of taste etc. I had the Antibody test at Medconsult in BKK. From tomorrow everyone has to undertake the test themselves, sourced by the Clinic, just to keep a distance. It just means I have to go on being very careful.

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Probably around 60 thousand deaths on the roads including those that didn't die at the roadside so far this year. 


Yet people are in a panic and closing everything because of a strong flu virus that might kill a few thousand at worst. 


Look at the UK,  On average around 17 thousand people die in England alone from the flu over the last 5 years. The figure for Clovid looks like much less,  But the whole country and others like it come to a standstill,  costing peoples jobs,  causing depression People becoming overweight through being stuck indoors all day.  etc etc.


Total Madness ( the word sheep springs to mind )  

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11 minutes ago, MJKT2014 said:

I found this at OurWorldInData dot Org, but its only dated 17-Mar-2020 and says tests conducted are hard to verify. It shows Thailand far behind the countries with the higher death rates reported, presumably because theirs have more tests done. As of 17-Mar-2020 only 1 in 10,000 of the population is tested. I'm no statistician but do we simply multiply all the daily reports of positives and deaths cases by 10,000 to get the complete picture?




Oh dear.  Thailand is pitiful in terms of the number of tests carried out.  Half as much as Vietnam and we hear of no plans to scale it up dramatically.  There are only one or two testing labs in regions outside Bangkok. 


The UK and the US have also fallen way behind other developed countries.  Australia is doing well and Russia looks like it's doing well but its number may be fake.

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1 minute ago, fabman5 said:

Probably around 60 thousand deaths on the roads including those that didn't die at the roadside so far this year. 


Yet people are in a panic and closing everything because of a strong flu virus that might kill a few thousand at worst. 


Look at the UK,  On average around 17 thousand people die in England alone from the flu over the last 5 years. The figure for Clovid looks like much less,  But the whole country and others like it come to a standstill,  costing peoples jobs,  causing depression People becoming overweight through being stuck indoors all day.  etc etc.


Total Madness ( the word sheep springs to mind )  



You may will be right.  The global economy will be decimated which might turn into a financial crisis and create unrest in some areas but when it comes to the crunch even people like Boris and Trump have diverted from their initial take it on the chin strategies. They seem to have a fear of what it would look like and what their re-election chances would be if there were ugly scenes of hospitals being overwhelmed and people being left to die in the corridors or at home. Also there is no evidence for Boris original herd immunity plan.  COVID is a corona virus like the common cold which only provides limited immunity for three months and has defeated all attempts to find a vaccine.   The Brazilian president is still trying to hold out in take it on the chin mode.  It will be interesting to see how that pans out.

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If that is true, it is a very low number.  However like China I suspect the numbers are not accurate.  It has been reported in China the number of cell phone subscribers dropped over 21 million in one month.  Again, if that is true, it certainly could not be explained by just a monthly fluctuation. 

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I note that here a lot of foreigners come to criticize with a lot of negative assumptions without any clue. I do not know what is the reason for such behavior (like you, I have an idea, but unlike you, i don't think i know all the truth in all the world, but there is no point in talking about it, whatever it is good, you will know better than anyone how to get it dirty and imagine salacious stuff for free) but the fact is obvious, it is always easier to constantly dirty and imagine negative stuff than to just ask for objective questions.
All over the world we are given figures which, from a statistical point of view, do not show anything. They do not show nothing because you never know (anywhere in the world where journalists publish these figures) what is the ratio of infected people compared to people tested on D day test. Therefore, any suspicious comment (and always miserably negative ) has no foundation other than a view of the mind (and which mind ...). No one data logger should be able from this poor data information to build statistic, but anyway... you seems to know something (how funny at final time, don't you see ?).
Fantasies, denigration, and rarely in the form of humor (also, humor at least brings something positive that is not too messy... please try to use humor if you failed to be humble).
It is also possible that virus can grow slower in high temperature countries than other tempered ones (do you know ? you know so much... try to really teach something, we all of us care about to learn something)... let's compare to any other tropical places with same density of people... sure, lot of us feel concerned by the epidemic COVID-19 and danger for health of people and economy, all over the world now.
Peace and nice thinking is a mental power, please show us how great Human can be.

Edited by jerolamo
errors typing...
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6 hours ago, mrwinner said:

Approx 120 new cases every day. You wonder if this reported linear increase is because the number of tests that can be carried out is limited to a very low number. You would think there should be some exponential increase by now. 

If you look closely at the numbers, and if you can believe them, there is a downward trend...136, 127, 120...if, if and if, that's a good trend. 

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6 hours ago, ICELANDMAN said:

How many lives saved yesterday for not having an accident due to low traffic 63-2= 61

...But in Udon Thani a couple of days ago without the usual congestion, motorbikes and some cars were weaving and speeding like lunatics through the city centre.

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3 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

Why are western country numbers dropping like flies but Asian countries have relatively low numbers?


explain it...




The western countries have much lower temperature



Coronavirus most active at about 4 degrees Celsius, scientists say - Society & Culture - TASS

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Some mention warm weather, no winters in SEA as a possible factor .  Winter areas of NY, Seattle, Italy, Spain, and China (at first) have many more new cases, deaths daily.


Could food be a difference?  Many unprocessed foods here, many foods made to order.  America has mostly processed foods, packaged foods, frozen foods.  Don't know about Spain and Italy.


The Antibiotics theory.  Americans have been taking too many and are immune/less effective now which has altered body defences to viral loading also.  I do know many people who had flus in America who were given heavy doses of antibiotics even though they are for bacterial infections and not viral. 


1 hour ago, jerolamo said:

Peace and nice thinking is a mental power, please show us how great Human can be.

jerolamo : philosophy of positive thinking and health.  The Thai culture overall has a history of positivity and happiness.  The benefits could be immeasurable.  


In summary, a plethora of conditions, body types, attitudes could make a difference.


Stay safe people. stay away from others, and wash/sanitize your hands.

And dagnabit, wear a f#kking mask when anywhere near others.  Be responsible

It could save you or others from getting this f#kking CV. 

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