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Do You Avoid Silom/suk When With Your Gf


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I find this thread to be quite enlightening. It is incredible how many people have posted here who have self-identity problems. I feel so sorry for their Thai partners. If you are one of the posters who worries about what other people think when you are seen in public with your Thai partner, you should not be with a Thai partner. Go home, find someone of your race and your age. Otherwise, grow a set of balls and live a happy life.

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I guess it should be said that you need to meet some people and talk to them to understand exactly what's going on. this stuff isn't black and white in the least.

that said, i know she's not the ultimate good girl, but I was using that to illustrate that she wasn't the type you'd expect to be doing the kind of thing she did. no serious family problems, not really from a poor background/in serious need of cash, etc. I was trying to illustrate that even the really 'good' thai girls can still do bad stuff. I still think highly of her, because she had the courage to come forward and actually tell me what was going on, on her own motivation. and so we ended it, but it's still a bummer.

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but yeah, anyway, that shit is overwith, I'm gratefull, I hope it never happens to either me or the old guy again (what do I have to hold against him? I was -ing his girl, even if he got her just out of some cultural nonsense). oh, and if you're in a situation which (from your end) looks similar, and your wife/girlfriend just got done with an internship you suggested, PM me, we might need to talk.

Choscura, I doubt this guy wants to know or even think about such a situation. Probably best to let sleeping dogs lie.

( Ooops ! Pun unintended !)

Edited by WaiWai
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Yeah, Choscura, it sounds like you have decided to move on, so you should probably do just that and not look back. The old guy will probably figure it out eventually and if he doesn't it is probably because he doesn't want to know. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

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So, if your knowledge of Suk and Silom is only about the bars, then it is a pretty easy assumption that is where you spend your time.

only a c.unt would make such an assumption.

1. i dont eat in expensive restaurants. i just eat inside shopping malls and in local resterants and perfer to cook by myself.

2. my knowledge of red light districts is that it is bars, that is all i was aware of

so how from these two facts do you come to the conclusion that "i should spend less time going to bars"? what if i told you i live in bangkapi and havent been in either of these areas in two years?

it just seems to me like only a complete c.unt would come up with this of rationalization because on the internet people take out their life frustrations on others.

if you are not familiar with area, why are you commenting on it and getting defensive when people point out you dont know what you are talking about?

and perhaps go easy with the way you throw around the word c*nt, it does not do your obvious intellect any credit.

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do you see any thai couples coming there on their own?

Many thai couples are abound - what planet are you on??? :o

Yeah, lots of them, but mostly are bargirls and with their motorbike taxi drivers that are usually introduced as their brothers, cousins, good friends or whatever

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do you see any thai couples coming there on their own?

Many thai couples are abound - what planet are you on??? :o

Yeah, lots of them, but mostly are bargirls and with their motorbike taxi drivers that are usually introduced as their brothers, cousins, good friends or whatever

:D :D :D

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We certainly would never avoid going somewhere we enjoyed because of a few small minded individuals.

I'm on your side but unfortunately, it is not just a "few small minded individuals". There are loads of them and they serve your food, grant your bank loans, give you jobs, have power to give you good deals or bad deals, etc etc.

Agreed there are plenty not like that, but they are a minority so much so that when you come across one, it is a real relief. More power to you if you don't rely on other people for anything in your day to day life, but I guess that's not really the case.

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I find this thread to be quite enlightening. It is incredible how many people have posted here who have self-identity problems. I feel so sorry for their Thai partners. If you are one of the posters who worries about what other people think when you are seen in public with your Thai partner, you should not be with a Thai partner. Go home, find someone of your race and your age. Otherwise, grow a set of balls and live a happy life.

Yea ok, take a stab. You of course have no self confidence issues, since you take every available opportunity, even when it is irrelevant to a thread, to let us all know that you date ladyboys. Good for you. I'm glad you're so independent and do not need the approval of anyone else. As I am sure you would realise, it would be incredibly sad to be seeking that approval on the internet.

Those of us living in reality, are capable of making the basic logical connections between what someone else thinks and what someone else does.

Bit of Karma for you.

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For the most part now 30 years later times have changed and locals are much more accepting of farang/Thai relationships. Mistakes are still made as per some of the postings in this thread, but it is nothing like it used to be.

I'll second that and agree that things are much better than they used to be back in the 70s and 80s. Thais have loosened up quite a bit.

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I never said "yep, knew she was a whore", but any girl that is taking advantage of one man to support herself and her entire family (not to mention her other boyfriend :D ) and is cheating on that man with someone else who also isn't aware that she has (at least) another boyfriend can hardly be described as "the ultimate good girl."

I was also struggling with this definition of "good girl" :D:D

Of course folk do have differing (??!! :D ) concepts of acceptable behavior and cultural norms :o

Unless it's a man doing the cheating of course, then he's........................

'One of the boy's'..... a 'Jack the Lad'.......... a 'Ladies man',........... a ' Good bloke who likes a good time'...... a 'Bloke who can really pull the birds'...etc etc......

If a women behaves the same way, she's a tart, No good, evil, a slag, slut, whore...etc etc.......

It's a Mans world. :bah:

Edited by Maigo6
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I never said "yep, knew she was a whore", but any girl that is taking advantage of one man to support herself and her entire family (not to mention her other boyfriend :D ) and is cheating on that man with someone else who also isn't aware that she has (at least) another boyfriend can hardly be described as "the ultimate good girl."

I was also struggling with this definition of "good girl" :D:D

Of course folk do have differing (??!! :D ) concepts of acceptable behavior and cultural norms :o

Unless it's a man doing the cheating of course, then he's........................

'One of the boy's'..... a 'Jack the Lad'.......... a 'Ladies man',........... a ' Good bloke who likes a good time'...... a 'Bloke who can really pull the birds'...etc etc......

If a women behaves the same way, she's a tart, No good, evil, a slag, slut, whore...etc etc.......

It's a Mans world. :bah:

Hate to disagree with you Maigo (not really :bah: ), but if the gender roles were reversed and it was a woman posting here about a similar situation with a man I would have the same response. I certainly wouldn't be describing him as "the ultimate good man." But you are right that a lot of people don't view it the same way.

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the simple fact was that I offered her a way out of the boredom/stagnation/whatever, and she took it just to experiment, it seems. but it's over and done with now.

Why is IT over, did she find you just as boring as the other guy? :o

no, I eventually got pissed with sharing her with some saggy/wrinkly old guy who I don't know if he's doin anything bad on the side that could hurt her (and thus me, herpes, AIDS, etc). the other reason is that I don't cheat, I did it once and nearly killed myself when I sobered up and realized what I'd done. I just can't deal with it, and I don't want to be stuck with this girl now and I want to move on.

then again, I *have* ended things with her twice, and she's ended them with me twice now. we've had sex after all but the last of the endings....

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I am proud to announce that I shall be around the Suk area with my wife, sister-in-law and various nieces...it's the 5 y.o. niece's birthday and we intend there to be a shopping orgy and a birthday cake for the niece...

any of you disgraceful types sitting on the Landmark's terrace tomorrow and the next day that see a decrepit falang surrounded by beautiful thai females aged between 5 and 41 y.o. give us a shout...mebbe I'll buy you a beer... :o (they are all very dark and all look like prostitutes...can't miss 'em...)

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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do you see any thai couples coming there on their own?

Many thai couples are abound - what planet are you on??? :o

Yeah, lots of them, but mostly are bargirls and with their motorbike taxi drivers that are usually introduced as their brothers, cousins, good friends or whatever

:D :D :D

Sorry to break it up to you my friend, but you need a reality check.

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any of you disgraceful types sitting on the Landmark's terrace tomorrow and the next day that see a decrepit falang surrounded by beautiful thai females aged between 5 and 41 y.o. give us a shout...mebbe I'll buy you a beer... :o (they are all very dark and all look like prostitutes...can't miss 'em...)

Yeah, I'll be there - but could you be more precise? I see a crowd like that go by every 20 minutes.


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This thread seems to have staying power. I'll try to address OP's original question with some experience of my own.

I tend to agree with an earlier post that said it is the age gap (between a farang man and his Thai female companion) that draws the hostile stares and rude comments.

My Thai (ex-) wife is three year older than me. We travelled to many places together on Silom and Suk, and other tourist destinations around the country over 20 years of marriage. I can't recall a single double-take or offensive comment -- though there may have been some. Not the case however when I went out alone with our daughter, who is 35 years younger than me and an attractive Eurasian. One weekend morning, when my daughter was about 11, she and I went to the local Dunkin' Donuts in our neighborhood, which is a 99.9% Thai area of Thonburi. Well we were sitting in the shop, me with my coffee, her with a donut, and a Thai lady with her daughter came in. After a minute or so, my daughter leaned over and, in a whisper, asked me "why is that lady looking at me like that?" I didn't have the heart to explain. Nor did I want to cause a scene by making some statement to the lady. So I let it go. But it sort of put a damper on what was otherwise a beaufitful Sunday morning.

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I am surprised that you feel that you get more stares around the lower Suk areas. By that I am not saying your wrong, I'm just surprised.

I have always thought it was like carrying a tree in a forest. I notice it more when we are out in the sticks with Thais stopping what they are doing just to stare. It seems not to bother my wife, but it winds me up. As for westeners staring that tends to happen when there is a family. The wife tends to point it out to the husband. Sour grapes? I don't know.

A couple of times stick out in my mind. My wife went to visit my family when they stayed at the Amari Atrium ( I was at work) and the guard wouldn't allow her to take the lift unless she left her ID card. She called my dad and he came down and tore strips off the staff. my wife was well received the next time.

We were in the pool at the Landmark waiting for my parents to join us and some British skank made some comments. I asked my wife to order me a drink, so she was out of earshot. I informed these rather tubby Welsh girls of a few facts and they kept very quiet after that.

But seriously, I find the Thais WAAAAAAAAAAY more judgemental and prone to slack jaw staring.

However, nothing, and I do mean nothing, beats the stares and hushed comments of walking about with a 10 year old. Her neices stay with us when school breaks up for holidays. One in particular will grab my hand when confronted with crowds or busy roads. I dare say she doesn't see much of that upcountry. As we entered the skytrain at 5.30 ish one day one of the girls held on to me and I noticed several Thais smiling at the girls and giving me aproving glances, the girls are very happy when they stay as it is a time of good food, new clothes and trips out, and it must show. At the same time I saw a middle age western lady nudge her friend and glance at her husband. All 3 turned and glared at me as if I had been caught doing something very untoward. Now THAT feels uncomfortable.

But when push comes to shove I really don't care.

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any of you disgraceful types sitting on the Landmark's terrace tomorrow and the next day that see a decrepit falang surrounded by beautiful thai females aged between 5 and 41 y.o. give us a shout...mebbe I'll buy you a beer... :D (they are all very dark and all look like prostitutes...can't miss 'em...)

Yeah, I'll be there - but could you be more precise? I see a crowd like that go by every 20 minutes.


tutsi to his 17 y.o. niece 'see that smirking falang over there?...go over and kick him in the balls...' :o


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I read this topic in amazement.. Why do you all care so much about what people think? To the point of actually avoiding establishments / areas that you enjoy?

(For everyone's information my wife is of course a rocket surgeon who I met while we were both interns at Nasa and we are near exactly the same age, born mere minutes apart. Tattoos are all very respectable ones depicting mission emblems for projects we were a part of, and mostly in discreet locations.)

I never ever even get this crap that everyone talks about.. no looks, no remarks, no nothing. Doesn't matter if we're in my country, in Thailand up-country or in Bangkok or Pattaya. And that was before we had a baby, I think with the kid in tow it becomes even more unlikely unlikely to get a mistaken idea of the scenario. Maybe when my daughter grows up I will be able to participate in this discussion with some actual experience or anecdotes.

I think the worst that happened, ever, was my wife not being welcome in some Khao San Road bar, and that was largely due to them not noticing that we were together.

YOU ALL THINK TOO MUCH! It's not that big a deal anyway.

Just about the only sensible post on a thread full of drivel.

2 of the biggest urban myths about Thailand are 1) that in most Thai / Farrang couples, the Thai girl is a bargirl or ex-bargirl (I've never met anyone in a relationship like this) and 2) that when walking around with your Thai partner, you will get a lot of people staring and making snide comment (this has never happened to me or anyone else I know).

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So, Dantilley, everybody else is wrong and you are right. Let me tell you for 100% sure people do stare. I live in a very Thai neighbourhood and folks do gawp slack jawed at us. Now before you climb on your high horse. My wife and I are the same age, we dress well and there is nothing out of the ordinary about either of us. Yet the locals continue to gawp and comment if we walk back with shopping.

Some western women, for 100% sure, do stare and make comments. I have had it and had friends who are smart with office type wives say it.

Are you sure it has never happened to you or anyone you know, or are you just being a smart ass.

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Are you sure it has never happened to you or anyone you know, or are you just being a smart ass.

It's never happened to me, no. Obviously I can't be 100% sure it hasn't happened to anyone else because I'm not there all the time, but no-one's ever mentioned this staring thing happening, and it's never been discussed as an issue because, as far as I know (and the people I'm friends with know), it's not something that generally happens. Maybe it's just the me and people I mix with, I don't know, but that's my experience anyway. Hence my assessment of it being nothing more than a myth...

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Are you sure it has never happened to you or anyone you know, or are you just being a smart ass.

Looking like Brad Pitt doesn't help if you don't wanna attract attention, but I refuse to have plastic surgery just to stop a few stares!

talking about stares...I was in our small tescos today and there was a young woman with legs up to here and wearing tight white jeans...I maneoureved to get a better view not realising that as the only falang in the store and at the check out I had 10 pairs of eyes on me...shit; again, can't win fer losin'... :o

(c'mon miz jet...now is the opportunity to howl 'yer lucky yer weren't strung up in the car park, yer salacious bastid...')

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