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Covid-19 death rate in Thailand averages 0.97 per cent

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7 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

WHO is an information aggregator, not a research agency. You'll find better peer reviewed studies in Lancet: https://www.thelancet.com/


Obviously all of it lagging weeks behind because peer review takes time.

A preliminary study published on The Lancet on January 24 [3] provided an early estimation of 3% for the overall case fatality rate. Below we show an extract (highlights added for the relevant data and observations):


Hmm , That is the same Lancet as stated here ?

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15 minutes ago, sezze said:

A preliminary study published on The Lancet on January 24 [3] provided an early estimation of 3% for the overall case fatality rate. Below we show an extract (highlights added for the relevant data and observations):


Hmm , That is the same Lancet as stated here ?

I'll tell you if you give the actual link.


EDIT: Fine, I dug it up: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30185-9/fulltext#tbl1


From January 24, it only has data from the early days in China. There's very likely newer publications with more data.


EDIT2: Here's one https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(20)30246-2/fulltext . Interesting that they have Tomas Pueyo in the references.


Here's the beef from it:


As of March 16, the CFR per total cases in China is 4·00%, per closed cases is 4·44%, and as calculated with Baud and colleagues' method is 4·03%. However, despite the downturn of the outbreak in China, 8043 cases are still open, of which 2622 are serious or critical. According to Wu and McGoogan's estimates based on 72 314 cases from Wuhan,4 81% of patients are classified as mild, 14% as severe, and 5% as critical. CFRs in these subgroups are 0%, 0%, and 49%, respectively. Based on these estimates, of 8043 open cases in China, about 377 are in a critical condition and of those 184 will die. Therefore, once all active cases are closed, we might expect the CFR in China to be around 3·85%.


and funnily enough, same data source as your initial one:


All calculations were based on data acquired from worldometer.info/coronavirus and are available in the appendix. We declare no competing interests.


I have already expressed my worries about the worldometer data for Thailand. It comes from MoPH reports which are inadequate.

Edited by DrTuner
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