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On 4/12/2020 at 6:52 AM, Inthailand2 said:

So This virus is originated from the USA ? why cdc didn’t run tests in Jan ?

The CDC's tests were broken - purportedly "worked" at CDC headquarters (and so-reported up the chain of command), then turned out they "didn't work" in the field, so they had to start over.


18 hours ago, Monomial said:

HIV attacks the T-cells but doesn't kill them. It uses them to hide and replicate further.  This mechanism they have found in Covid-19 simply kills the T-cell outright. Very different things.

Yes - and to clarify on the "has hiv genes" angle - COVID does have some of the same gene-sequences, but the same 4 dna sequences are found in one of the bat-viruses being studied in Chinese labs (published) - so likely just carried-over from that source - not "added in the lab," per some of the early stories on this.


12 hours ago, elliss said:

Yep , because they would not wear them .

    Same their leader , Trump..

A lack of protective-gear required prioritizing medical-professionals.  Unfortunately, LIES were spread through official channels telling Americans "masks did not help," to achieve that end.  Tucker Carlson, among others, called this lie out for what it was.

12 hours ago, Inthailand2 said:

That depends what you call "pro-China." USA-Today is owned by Gannet, with $3.146 Bn in revenue (2017) - now under parent company "New Media Investment Group" (via merger, 2019). 


The vested-interests of those who own controlling-shares in "New Media," will dictate what they report.  Reporters working there will quickly learn what gets published, and what doesn't, and adjust what they write, to ensure their incomes are preserved. 


Research scientists at universities, and the organizations who publish their work, are funded primarily by private-money (corporations, and foundations controlled by the same stockholders) - so must "live" (earn a living) under similar constraints.  This is why we saw articles "disappeared" off of research-gate, etc, as this virus-situation unfolded.  It is hard to calculate the ongoing "voluntary censorship" (sic) effects, under these conditions.

16 hours ago, bermondburi said:

Philippines, Indonesia it is only just starting. Wait till all this is over before you can say what the virus looks and doesn't like. 

It's been "just starting" in many Southeast Asian countries for weeks now, longer than the UK - which has quickly passed 10000 deaths and registered close to 1000 on one day last week. Agree the comment about wait till it's all over before drawing conclusions, but it's clearly not spreading in SE Asia at anywhere near the rate or severity it has in Europe, the US and Northeast Asia. 

On 4/12/2020 at 1:51 AM, Sundown said:

So in Thailand exploded because of a superspreader traced back to Italy but the thousands of people that fled Wuhan in January and came to Thailand to avoid the lockdown did not infect anyone. Those were not superspreaders. Amazing. This story from Thai media is more fantasy than the Lord of the Rings, yet a lot of people buy it.

My comment about the superspreader coming from Italy was just to point out that Thailand hadn't only been exposed to the Asian strain of the virus. The fact that Thailand didn't close it's borders to China when infections were at their peak would indicate it ought to have had catastrophic numbers of deaths, weeks ago already. But it hasn't. 

33 minutes ago, lamyai3 said:

My comment about the superspreader coming from Italy was just to point out that Thailand hadn't only been exposed to the Asian strain of the virus. The fact that Thailand didn't close it's borders to China when infections were at their peak would indicate it ought to have had catastrophic numbers of deaths, weeks ago already. But it hasn't. 

An early Chinese paper discussed the first two strains they called S and L. Both originated in Wuhan. S was the original milder strain that  spread throughout China as 5 million people left Wuhan for Chinese New Year just before the lock down. The more aggressive strain L arose after the lock down and eventually was exported to Europe and then to New York etc.


Chinese coming to Thailand in early January may have had the milder version. At the end of the day though, there are lots of variables including Thai ways.



22 minutes ago, lamyai3 said:

My comment about the superspreader coming from Italy was just to point out that Thailand hadn't only been exposed to the Asian strain of the virus. The fact that Thailand didn't close it's borders to China when infections were at their peak would indicate it ought to have had catastrophic numbers of deaths, weeks ago already. But it hasn't. 


On 4/12/2020 at 12:24 AM, timendres said:

Graphic presentation of the strains and mutations:




On 4/12/2020 at 12:45 AM, rbkk said:

Thanks for that. Transmissions: I zoomed into Thailand and only one transmission line (Wuhan) is shown. No Italy/Europe. 

The superspreader coming from Italy. The Chula  Professor confirmed this yesterday. The two clusters in Bangkok are from the Asian strain. Likely a porky pie from a g-enral who allowed the stadium event to go ahead. It will all come out in the wash and be neatly directed to the brush and the carpet. Thank god the deaths are low and long may it continue so.

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