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Wuhan lab testing bats for coronavirus had sloppy safety precautions

silver sea

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“China continues to lie; people continue to die.”





“More evidence has emerged that the coronavirus pandemic started before China said it did as scientists in California say they had patients with symptoms of the virus before Christmas last year. 


‘Doctors at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Health who scoured millions of old medical records found a spike in admissions with coughs and lung failure beginning in December, which continued through February. 

‘During those months, there were 50 per cent more of these cases than the hospital system had seen during that period for the previous five years – and they have pointed the finger at Covid-19.“







Those, who have read earlier posts in this thread, will remember this one from page 7 post #94. Connor Reed, a 25 year old teacher, who spoke good Mandarin, from North Wales was based in Wuhan. We know from the diary he kept at the time, that he first noticed what he thought was the start of flu on Monday 25th November 2019; Day 12 (6th December 2019) he goes to a local hospital and is treated for flu; day 52 (January 15th 2020), he was notified by the hospital that it is not flu but Covid-19.




Edited by silver sea
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On 9/4/2020 at 3:20 PM, silver sea said:

“China continues to lie; people continue to die.“


The article below is by Steven Mosher about a new book by Giuseppe Tritto, who is “an internationally known expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology. He is also the president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies (WABT), an institution founded under the aegis of UNESCO in 1997.”

Professor Tritto, in his book, argues that COVID-19 “... definitely wasn’t a freak of nature that happened to cross the species barrier from bat to man.  It was genetically engineered in the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 (high-containment) lab in a program supervised by the Chinese military.“


As you might expect, Shi Zenghli, aka Batwoman, gets plenty of attention. In the early years, she received financial and scientific help from French and American virus experts.


“Although neither American nor French virologists are responsible for the end result—a highly infectious coronavirus and a global pandemic—their early involvement may explain why so many insist that the “chimera” must have come from nature.  The last thing they want to admit is that they might have had a hand in it.”







Tritto may be many things, but a virologist he is not. And as for the WABT, if you go to its website, http://www.thewabt.com/ , it's virtually defunct. The only link that leads to anything is one for a Men's Health Conference that took place in 2015.

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13 hours ago, silver sea said:

“China continues to lie; people continue to die.”





“More evidence has emerged that the coronavirus pandemic started before China said it did as scientists in California say they had patients with symptoms of the virus before Christmas last year. 


‘Doctors at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Health who scoured millions of old medical records found a spike in admissions with coughs and lung failure beginning in December, which continued through February. 

‘During those months, there were 50 per cent more of these cases than the hospital system had seen during that period for the previous five years – and they have pointed the finger at Covid-19.“







Those, who have read earlier posts in this thread, will remember this one from page 7 post #94. Connor Reed, a 25 year old teacher, who spoke good Mandarin, from North Wales was based in Wuhan. We know from the diary he kept at the time, that he first noticed what he thought was the start of flu on Monday 25th November 2019; Day 12 (6th December 2019) he goes to a local hospital and is treated for flu; day 52 (January 15th 2020), he was notified by the hospital that it is not flu but Covid-19.




But U.S. intelligency agency assessment reported that it probably wasn't until early January that the central govt was notified of this. The Wuhan govt was keeping reporting under wraps because of some major CCP meeting due to take place. Not to say that the central govt is blameless. In fact, the system of government there which relies so much on suppression of information, makes this kind of practice inevitable.

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