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Should I Stay Or Should I Go?


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Methinks Herr Rodent has a tiny chip on his shoulder about the 'old country'.

He never seems to miss an opportunity to dump on the poms - no doubt trying to provoke someone into a pommie bashing spat.

It's not a 'dump', it's a dig....and a tongue in cheek dig too, so don't take it personally.

....and in answer to Endure's question, I have never had the opportunity to visit England, but I will get there one day.....after I get tired of visiting LOS, of course.

To the OP. I wish you well. My original advice in this thread was the opposite to what you have now decided to do. For the sake of interest, perhaps you will return to this thread from time to time and update it as to how your life is progressing with your love life and your quest to find employment in Thailand.

I hope that you can eventually come back and say, "I told you so," but I have my doubts that it will all work out as you envisage. Prove me wrong. Good luck.

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Personally I wouldn't use the internet to decide such a major decision. Talk to family and friends, they like her and know both of you better than any of us.

I suggest three ideas.

1: Ask her to live with you until you find a job

2: Live separate until you find a job

3: Plan your money for 1 year not two, leave enough for a return trip home if you do not find a job here in Thailand.

Reflect on what you have and what makes you happy and talk to close trusted people and then decide.

My wife also has her MA (in TEFL) I am 25 and she is 28. I do feel it is rare to find a nice girl with a masters degree here and you do seem to be lucky.

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Sound likes you want your cake, ice cream and eat it to. My humble opinion I would give it a little time, she seem like a great gal(ie mom/family/friends agree). Bottom line my friend, if it's worth waiting for it's worth having. :D:o Drop us a note in about 6 months.

Edited by BigSnake
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