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British Diplomat's Blog Withdrawn After Claims Of Thai Red Light Visits


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British diplomat's blog withdrawn after claims of Thai red light visits

LONDON: -- The British foreign ministry said on Thursday that the blog of a British diplomat in Bangkok had been withdrawn after accusations that he had been spotted in the city's red light district.

Ian Proud, whose blog was posted on the website of the Thai national newspaper The Nation, (nationmultimedia.com) denied the "malicious accusations" made on the site, the foreign ministry said.

"These were personal comments made by a member of the British Embassy in Bangkok," a Foreign Office spokesman said.

"He is a member of the diplomatic service and as such we do not comment ... I believe the blog has been withdrawn."

"Ian has been the victim of malicious accusations about his personal behaviour. He has rejected such accusations."

The foreign ministry also said it was reviewing its policy on allowing diplomats to write blogs.

Proud, 38, has admitted to visiting Cowboy Street in the Thai capital, part of the city's red light district, but has been quoted as saying that "the suggestion that I'm some sort of upholder of the sex trade in Bangkok ... It's pathetic, frankly."

Proud's four-year tenure in Bangkok as head of the British embassy's political section is set to end next month, according to his profile in the blog.

-- AFP 2007-04-13

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It's wonderful to see how many of the posters in the previous part of this thread were willing to forgive and forget. Probably a case of no one being in a position to throw the first stone more than anything else, but pukka sahib for the resident colonialists-at-heart, nonetheless.

I wonder ... no, actually I know ... how a Thai civil servant or politician would fare in the High Court of the TV message board, if he were caught out in a case of poor judgment.

"muddle Thai thinking"

"feudal society"


...the well worn list of predictable favorites is virtually endless.

All the typical accusations normally hurled at Thais for any slip, real or imagined, come to mind.

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It's wonderful to see how many of the posters in the previous part of this thread were willing to forgive and forget. Probably a case of no one being in a position to throw the first stone more than anything else, but pukka sahib for the resident colonialists-at-heart, nonetheless.

I wonder ... no, actually I know ... how a Thai civil servant or politician would fare in the High Court of the TV message board, if he were caught out in a case of poor judgment.

"muddle Thai thinking"

"feudal society"


...the well worn list of predictable favorites is virtually endless.

All the typical accusations normally hurled at Thais for any slip, real or imagined, come to mind.

They only get to be typical if they are at least partially true or if a significant number (including me) believe them to be true.

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Continued from here.

British diplomat's blog withdrawn after claims of Thai red light visits

"These were personal comments made by a member of the British Embassy in Bangkok," a Foreign Office spokesman said.

"He is a member of the diplomatic service and as such we do not comment ... I believe the blog has been withdrawn."

Proud, 38, has admitted to visiting Cowboy Street in the Thai capital, part of the city's red light district, but has been quoted as saying that "the suggestion that I'm some sort of upholder of the sex trade in Bangkok ... It's pathetic, frankly."

Well, big deal. Visiting a redlight district isn't a sin. Now, if he had an liason with a pro that's another issue. Since this was reported by fellow members of Bangkok's British Embassy could it b professional spite. Whatever!

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the guy has been caught hook line and sinker , and any holier than thou politician or public servant from the uk should know by now that they are fair game for a public debagging should they become involved , however tenously , with a sex scandal or the prostitution industry.

a mere sniff of suspicion is more than enough.

its a public sport in the uk and long may it be so.

he should take his humiliation and disgrace like a true brit , with a stiff upper lip and a dozen denials.

its trousers down and six of the best when he gets back to whitehall. thats for sure.

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Next time they will learn(?) to turn off commenting/remove ability for non-registrated to post/turn on moderation to remove the problem with a few dozens of VISA-rejects to clutter up the comments with seemingly hundreds of 'posts'.

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the guy has been caught hook line and sinker , and any holier than thou politician or public servant from the uk should know by now that they are fair game for a public debagging should they become involved , however tenously , with a sex scandal or the prostitution industry.

a mere sniff of suspicion is more than enough.

its a public sport in the uk and long may it be so.

he should take his humiliation and disgrace like a true brit , with a stiff upper lip and a dozen denials.

its trousers down and six of the best when he gets back to whitehall. thats for sure.

Absolutely right of course, but not for doing whatever, but for getting caught!

Just seems a bit silly since he is young and single and only behaving like a normal, red blooded human being.

Bet when he was interviewed for his position he wasn't asked if he would remain celebate in his term in office here and I'd rather see this guy in the red light district relieving himself, rather than in the headlines for raping and killing some female 'cos she said no.

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yes, for getting found out.

most brits have no time for the embassy , its a difficult place to do business in , and for many its too much of a reminder of why they are here and not there , and so the staff , who are only doing their job , sometimes well , sometimes not so well , become the focus for the negativity , and when one of theirs goes public with a blog and a photo and is then recognised as an alleged pussy hound and cowboy creeper , well , its party time for the blog posters and the press took it from there.

the press would be failing in their duty if they didnt milk this one for all it is worth and hang this poor fellow out to dry. its a classic.

british diplomat , her majestys representative abroad , paid out of public funds , flying the flag , projecting the image , mission statements and policy , your country expects etc. ....... soi cowboy , drinking , bar girls , sleaze , prostitution , sex tourism , topless , babara windsor , sid james , carry on cowboy , seaside postcards , etc.etc.

then the denials and removal of the blog.

its a very british thing.

if more of these jokers got caught i would seriously consider paying taxes again , its good value.

Edited by taxexile
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What a load of old cobblers. Old "2 Jags" has been caught doing all sorts of dubious things, such as fiddling his tax; fiddling expenses; getting caught with a female also with his snout in the trough a number of times and he is still deputy prime minister of 'Great' Britain. Here we have a normal guy doing normal things in his own private free time and the heavens fall in on him.

Reminds me why I am out here and have no wish to return to the UK. By the way, in my opinion the girls in Soi Cowboy are far prettier and more sociable than those in Nana and its environs. Long may they continue to lighten our collective load and bring enlightenment and happiness to many.

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I feel like it is WORSE that the People Pulled the Blog on the mere assumption that this person was seen in "The Red Light District" as if to imply that #1 Sex should be Considered Evil, (Which it is Not, but I DO believe that everyone who THINKS Sex is Evil Does have every RIGHT to Cut off their Genitals in Protest of Sex, if they really sincerely believe that Sex is Evil that is.)

#2 Just Being in the AREA where Sex is the main Focus, should be considered Evil? (I don't Think So.)

If Diplomats and Dignitaries are all suppose to be above this kind of thing, then they are all more than Welcome to Cut off their Genitals in Protest as well. I mean if THAT is what they REALLY believe, then why not commit to those Beliefs ya know?

Wouldn't it be more Compassionate and admirable if the Diplomat was down there passing out Money and Flowers to the Girls showing he CARED about them, instead of being embarrassed just to be SEEN in their Company?

I think the fact that People are embarrassed or ashamed to be seen with the Girls or in the area with the Girls, only illustrates a person's LACK of Compassion. Because most of these Girls are in the Bars either because they need money, or because they actually enjoy the environment. Believe it or not some Girls actually LIKE Sex. And they LIKE it with Many Different Guys. I know because I have personally MET Girls like this.

I think of the Girls in the Bars as VIP Tour Guides. They offer the BEST Service that Thailand can Provide, they offer complete Strangers, LOVE and CARING. THIS IS NOT EVIL! IT is LOVE, and CARING, which are GOOD things. Only when the people incorporate Religions and Philosophies based on ideas of Hatred and Contempt, do they try to make Sex (the very origin of Human Existence) out to be something Evil. And to actually have a Business that Sells Love and Care, is considered outrageous to Religious Fanatics who base their Beliefs on Hatred and Contempt of all others. Yet a Doctor does the same thing, and they are paid well. A Bar Girl only Cares for people in a Different way, but it is STILL a form of Love and Caring. We should show Compassion and Understanding towards these Girls, not be embarrassed to even be SEEN with them.

I hope I made some kind of Sense here.

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Just because the guy went to cowboy does that make him a bad person? My friends and I visit there quite often for the happy hours and a laugh.Not once have any of us left with a female companion. Just because you are on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu !

I like the comparison with the diet and the menu.

As a diplomat you are just a bit more exposed than as a normal person. I guess a diplomat knows that. I just doesn't look good when representatives of other countries (who already have special rights) are found to be too normal.

Again, I don't have a problem with the man visiting Soi Cowboy and as you said, going there does not mean anything. I used to go from Silom to Surawong using Soi Patpong. Luckily I'm not a diplomat.

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In a former life, I was once a British diplomat, based in a country, near Thailand. One of the perks was to go to Bangkok to deliver and collect official mail, in the diplomatic bag. Once you had delivered the mail, you were free until it was time for the return journey. After some beers in Jools bar, which had only been open a few weeks, yes back in 1989, I ventured to Patpong, finishing up in Queens Castle. It was Halloween night, and just before closing, there was a free raffle, using the numbers on customer's bins. Lo and behold, I won first prize, a free bar fine. Now that needed all my diplomatic skills.

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and the rookie posts again. :o

playing the devil's advocate now. the man's blog was inocuous stuff about the thai smile, soidogs, and singing generals.

u only have the word of 2 anonymous posters, who say they saw him down SC in dubious company.

can those posters be trusted, bearing in mind the amount of trolls that were commenting on his blog?

i could probably go onto blogger right now, and leave similar messages on a dozen blogs for fun. doesn't make it true. couldn't help noticing the language was funny too. "a two dollar whore" ?

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I still can’t see what all the fuss is about going to soi cowboy. Just last week I saw a group of Bible thumpers there at night, and it appeared they were enjoying themselves. I spent a good part of today at soi cowboy myself today enjoying the Songkran celebrations. I only have three words for the people who complain and imply things about others going to soi cowboy, GET A LIFE!

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Proud, 38, has admitted to visiting Cowboy Street in the Thai capital...

Out of curiosity, has he broken any laws? Like many posters in this thread, I have also been to Soi Cowboy. Last I checked that's still legal, so what's all the fuss about?

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What I can see is this is one of the “political correct eggshells” people in the west walk on. Shall I tell you what some of my stress management clients come to see me for or can you guess? I can clearly see an implosion coming in the west and political correctness is the center of it. It will not be too long from now when people will be using non political correct phrases like “Stuff it” as a form of stress management where political correctness has gotten completely out of control.

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Proud, 38, has admitted to visiting Cowboy Street in the Thai capital...

Out of curiosity, has he broken any laws? Like many posters in this thread, I have also been to Soi Cowboy. Last I checked that's still legal, so what's all the fuss about?

I don't think he has broken any laws, it's just the British stiff upper lip syndrome.

I think the main problem now is the fact he is a representative of Britain and it will be looked on as he has embarrassed and let his country down.

This is probably the reason why an awful lot of Brits have emigrated to other countries.

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Let's face it, THIS IS 'political', and as such IT IS 'incorrect'. That's all.

It will not be too long from now when people will be using non political correct phrases like “Stuff it

Not long at all, in fact you took the two words right out of my mouth.

The guy's got red blood, and also my good wishes.

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Continued from here.

British diplomat's blog withdrawn after claims of Thai red light visits

"These were personal comments made by a member of the British Embassy in Bangkok," a Foreign Office spokesman said.

"He is a member of the diplomatic service and as such we do not comment ... I believe the blog has been withdrawn."

Proud, 38, has admitted to visiting Cowboy Street in the Thai capital, part of the city's red light district, but has been quoted as saying that "the suggestion that I'm some sort of upholder of the sex trade in Bangkok ... It's pathetic, frankly."

Well, big deal. Visiting a redlight district isn't a sin. Now, if he had an liason with a pro that's another issue. Since this was reported by fellow members of Bangkok's British Embassy could it b professional spite. Whatever!

When are we going to stop making such a big deal about a person's sexual adventures? Who cares if he visited hookers or not? Does it make him any different from the rest of us...even the 'holier than thous' who shout loudly that they 'would never go with a prostitute.' Yeah, right. So what are you sanctimonious bastards doing in Bangkok then?

The fact is, our sex lives are private. When/If we go to a red light district we assume (obviously mistakenly) that other mongers we see there will remain as anonymous as we wish to be. Attacking this man for walking down Soi Cowboy was a small minded, stupid, malicious act, worthy only of the likes of Keith Summers and his ilk.



Wouldn't it be better to attack people like Bush and Cheyney to stop the killings (murders authorized by them, really)?

Read what two of America's great men say about Bushco. They actually make good sense! Read these:

Ron Paul speaks out


Lee Iacocca tells it like it is

I see nothing wrong with making love. I see everything wrong with making war. Don't you?


Edited by MarcHolt
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Proud, 38, has admitted to visiting Cowboy Street in the Thai capital...

Out of curiosity, has he broken any laws? Like many posters in this thread, I have also been to Soi Cowboy. Last I checked that's still legal, so what's all the fuss about?

I don't think he has broken any laws, it's just the British stiff upper lip syndrome.

It's got nothing to do with the 'stiff upper lip' syndrome. It's the fact that someone who is intelligent enough to pass the necessary Civil Service exams to get into the Diplomatic Service is stupid enough not to realise that the job that they've managed to land by passing those exams requires a certain amount of decorum. Some jobs really do require you to act responsibly. If you can't do that you're better employed elsewhere.

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... they offer complete Strangers, LOVE and CARING. THIS IS NOT EVIL! IT is LOVE, and CARING,...

I think this is an interesting - and highly contentious - point. I also think trying to make this point in the west is going to get you crucified. For example, you would get fired from the diplomatic corps :o

There's two angles to this - understanding the reality of this over here, and the perception of it in the west.

People in the west - and, having been one of them just a few years ago I can remember this very well - have a strong negative reaction when it comes to the sex trade. It triggers an enormous guilt complex. Women feel threatened - what's the world coming to?, men feel confused - would I do this? Guilty feelings about exploiting women / evil men, then add to that third world country and you end up thinking of the exploited poor and disgusting pedophiles. One could say that decades of negative media coverage have done this, but I think it's probably deeper, starting with Christian morality and guilt.

The reality of it here is of course very different. At the same time, it's also little understood. I understand your point but I am not 100% sure I can subscribe to it. It's clear these girls need money, but as for the rest of their motivation, there's probably a wide variety. Many perhaps are looking for a husband - it's even supposedly a myth in the country side that the way to get a nice farang husband is to go work as a bargirl in the big city. Just keeping your eyes open in Thailand will confirm that yes, in many cases that has worked. So who's to blame them? And who's to tell these farangs whom or how to love? Not me - that would be silly and pretentious.

Back on topic, the row about the british diplomat is ridiculous. The English need to get over themselves. You know, relax a little. The French President openly had a mistress while in office, fer chrissake! How many politicians - along with everyone else - are being seen in Amsterdam's red light district every single day? Being seen somewhere doesn't mean using the services on offer, and using the services on offer would be a private affair in any case.

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It's the fact that someone who is intelligent enough to pass the necessary Civil Service exams to get into the Diplomatic Service is stupid enough not to realise that the job that they've managed to land by passing those exams requires a certain amount of decorum. Some jobs really do require you to act responsibly. If you can't do that you're better employed elsewhere.

It doesn't take any great intelligence to pass the Civil Service examination. I did it without breaking into a sweat and I don't claim to be a Mastermind candidate. I did however have the good sense to turn down the Civil Service employment opportunity.

When visiting the Subic Bay base in the Philippines nearly 50 years ago I was in a party of four taken out by Embassy staff for a night on the town. Where were we taken? Every sleazy bar and strip club in town. The Embassy staff seemed to be known in most of them.

Why do the rich Arabs, Moslem to a man, visit London so often? Because they can shag, get pissed and gamble. Anybody wondering what Thai diplomats do abroad? Or even too many Buddhist monks on their home soil.

This story is not worth a column inch in a reputable newspaper.

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It's obvious to me that people are just jealous. He has a nice cushy job at the expense of the British taxpayer that many people would cut off their right arm for. :D Is it wrong for him to have a life of his own outside of the PC British Embassy? :o

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