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British Diplomat's Blog Withdrawn After Claims Of Thai Red Light Visits


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Let's face it, THIS IS 'political', and as such IT IS 'incorrect'. That's all.
It will not be too long from now when people will be using non political correct phrases like “Stuff it

Not long at all, in fact you took the two words right out of my mouth.

The guy's got red blood, and also my good wishes.

Well not exactly the context I had in mind, but I guess it works.

I can’t help but wonder if this (particular to this thread) issue is being generated by people who have miserable lives and just look to dump on people who are enjoying their lives. Also if the people that are complaining have even been to Thailand.

The way I view it is by where the money goes if someone decides to bar fine a girl out. The money goes to take care of the girl’s family and not for drugs or self serving needs. It is simply the way it is in Thailand, and I think this is very unique. I have yet to see this anywhere else in the world. So if in fact this guy did take a girl out so he could help her take care of her family, I would see that as more noble than someone sitting around implying in other words “Don’t help the girl take care of her family.”

If you ever get a chance talk to the girls one on one and you will discover that not every time they go out it involves sex. Many more senior men just enjoy the company of an attractive lady for dinner and what could be viewed as a wonderful night on the town. To make an assumption otherwise and pre judge ones intent is wrong by the laws of many countries.

If you did not catch that pre judge is the dictionary’s definition of prejudice.

I have had the opportunity to observe the many faces of Soi cowboy. I watched all the bars stop and everyone standing on the street for 35 minutes holding yellow candles singing together last year to celebrate the King’s 60th year on the throne. I have seen SongKran in all it’s insanity being enjoyed by everyone brave enough to enter into to soi. I have seen bar girls fighting over a customer in dead low season because their child was hungry.

For the people who would complain about soi cowboy I would do some soul searching and give some serious consideration to implying soi cowboy is evil. If you plan to fall back on “The government should do something about it”, then consider that because of corruption all the money that could be ear marked to help the poor families of Isaan is finding it’s way into the pockets of corrupt politicians. Keep in mind where Thaksin’s power came from. He gave a taste of the money to the poor however only the smallest percent of what was actually available. If corruption was in check soi cowboy would only be a shadow of what it is today. So seeing that corruption is not in check at the moment, I would suspend any negative judgment about single mothers wanting to feed their familes.

Edited by John K
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Just because the guy went to cowboy does that make him a bad person? My friends and I visit there quite often for the happy hours and a laugh.Not once have any of us left with a female companion. Just because you are on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu !

HEAR HEAR agree totally,

at least even diplomats are men....

....its another thing maybe if they catshed Mrs Thatcher oder Angela Merkel in a red light district thought :o

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Tying to work out where the hypocracy is?

Is it in th allegation that a Brit Diplomat was been caught in a Red Light district (stiff upper lip and all that crxp), or is it that the Brit's then whent cap in hand to the media, "er,... please don't let your publication e used to embarrass our diplomat", and the media then said,"yes - sorry - we'll withdraw the blog".

As sideline, it was interesting to note how the blog was used as a platform to voice some not very complimentry comments about the visa section.

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And their point is about visiting soi cowboy?????? :o

It makes me sick, this small mindedness. Isn't there nothing better to report that we can discuss in Soi Cowboy with a fresh beer and some nice shapes around?

Come on guys, let's mature...

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Let's face it, THIS IS 'political', and as such IT IS 'incorrect'. That's all.
It will not be too long from now when people will be using non political correct phrases like “Stuff it

Not long at all, in fact you took the two words right out of my mouth.

The guy's got red blood, and also my good wishes.

Well not exactly the context I had in mind, but I guess it works.

I can’t help but wonder if this (particular to this thread) issue is being generated by people who have miserable lives and just look to dump on people who are enjoying their lives. Also if the people that are complaining have even been to Thailand.

The way I view it is by where the money goes if someone decides to bar fine a girl out. The money goes to take care of the girl’s family and not for drugs or self serving needs. It is simply the way it is in Thailand, and I think this is very unique. I have yet to see this anywhere else in the world. So if in fact this guy did take a girl out so he could help her take care of her family, I would see that as more noble than someone sitting around implying in other words “Don’t help the girl take care of her family.”

If you ever get a chance talk to the girls one on one and you will discover that not every time they go out it involves sex. Many more senior men just enjoy the company of an attractive lady for dinner and what could be viewed as a wonderful night on the town. To make an assumption otherwise and pre judge ones intent is wrong by the laws of many countries.

If you did not catch that pre judge is the dictionary’s definition of prejudice.

I have had the opportunity to observe the many faces of Soi cowboy. I watched all the bars stop and everyone standing on the street for 35 minutes holding yellow candles singing together last year to celebrate the King’s 60th year on the throne. I have seen SongKran in all it’s insanity being enjoyed by everyone brave enough to enter into to soi. I have seen bar girls fighting over a customer in dead low season because their child was hungry.

For the people who would complain about soi cowboy I would do some soul searching and give some serious consideration to implying soi cowboy is evil. If you plan to fall back on “The government should do something about it”, then consider that because of corruption all the money that could be ear marked to help the poor families of Isaan is finding it’s way into the pockets of corrupt politicians. Keep in mind where Thaksin’s power came from. He gave a taste of the money to the poor however only the smallest percent of what was actually available. If corruption was in check soi cowboy would only be a shadow of what it is today. So seeing that corruption is not in check at the moment, I would suspend any negative judgment about single mothers wanting to feed their familes.

Thats what is behind most of the sniping from the PC crowd in the west. They have such wretched lives, working nine to five, rain, miserable funless marriages, miserable drunken escapism weekends, divorce, stress, moaning etc.

Anybody that may have moved on from that, is now deemed a "sad looser", "fat sex tourist" "dirty old man" etc Asian women are portrayed as sad sex slaves or ugly drug ridden whores. Nowhere is the resulting fun filled warm family life mentioned by these journalist loosers, who went to Hack School and learned to sterotype and rubbish anything that didn't fit with their jaundiced view of the world. Steroptyping and sluring in a way that would have them purple with rage if it we were to do it about any other group of people.

Many of them (hacks) must surely have realised this happy side of life out here but dare not report it for fear of attack from the PC Harpies of the left.

How dare anybody find a life better than their peers who are left behind in the rat race back home? Trust this guy can now throw off the shackles of his former career, leave his job to some grey boring dullard, and get on with his new found life! Welcome on board!

Edited by Dupont
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Thats what is behind most of the sniping from the PC crowd in the west. They have such wretched lives, working nine to five, rain, miserable funless marriages, miserable drunken escapism weekends, divorce, stress, moaning etc.

you are the ones taking this too seriously.

there is nothing pc about this.

its that a public person has to be seen doing the right thing , and not getting caught out.

its a game.

its the press having their sport , and the readers getting their entertainment from someone who should have known better that to foolishly identify himself ...... and the gleeful mocking that the brits love so much of those in high places that take a bit of a tumble.

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I think most people are missing the big picture.

The problem is not that he frequented Soi Cowboy, I'm sure half the embassy staff do without any reprecussion. Who cares ?

THE PROBLEM IS that he posted a blog on the nation website and made a fool of himself. No career diplomat can afford to do something this stupid and expect to walk away unscathed. :o

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With all the world's wars, terrorism, disease, and other problems, it's great that such important news as this doesn't get drowned out by such trivial matters. It really is a shame that we don't get more quality news such as this in Thailand, so I'm off to download Trisha on BitTorrent, and subscribe to a years subscription of the News of the World.

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I think most people are missing the big picture.

The problem is not that he frequented Soi Cowboy, I'm sure half the embassy staff do without any reprecussion. Who cares ?

THE PROBLEM IS that he posted a blog on the nation website and made a fool of himself. No career diplomat can afford to do something this stupid and expect to walk away unscathed. :o

Actually I think we all know that, however in this case, the diplomat in question has a unique chance to knock the complainers off there high perch if he considers what I posted in post #32. It certainly will make them look like hypocrites. This is Thailand and not the UK, you can’t apply the end result standards of one country in another as the steps along the way are entirely different. Hence when in Rome....

I could imagine very easily there are enough people in the UK who support him for helping contribute to the Thai social structure. It could start a long overdue revolt against being politically correct. It makes you wonder why some of the morning radio personalities who’s program is “on the edge” are in fact so popular.

As for the original thread, one place said he had a girl on his arms. Any man who has walked down soi cowboy after the bars are open will find it difficult to not have one or more ladies grab his arm and attempt to usher him into a bar. I guess that is a bit hard to imagine in a posh diplomatic office in the UK.

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Just because the guy went to cowboy does that make him a bad person? My friends and I visit there quite often for the happy hours and a laugh.Not once have any of us left with a female companion. Just because you are on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu !

You must be either gay or blind.

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The way I view it is by where the money goes if someone decides to bar fine a girl out. The money goes to take care of the girl’s family and not for drugs or self serving needs. It is simply the way it is in Thailand, and I think this is very unique. I have yet to see this anywhere else in the world. So if in fact this guy did take a girl out so he could help her take care of her family, I would see that as more noble than someone sitting around implying in other words “Don’t help the girl take care of her family.”

:o:D :D


In order to get a few real insights you should stop barfining them and then taking them to short time hotels, but have a look into their lives. Plenty of drugs around, and locations to cater for self serving needs such as discos and karaokes with rent-a-boys.

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The way I view it is by where the money goes if someone decides to bar fine a girl out. The money goes to take care of the girl’s family and not for drugs or self serving needs. It is simply the way it is in Thailand, and I think this is very unique. I have yet to see this anywhere else in the world. So if in fact this guy did take a girl out so he could help her take care of her family, I would see that as more noble than someone sitting around implying in other words “Don’t help the girl take care of her family.”

:o:D :D


In order to get a few real insights you should stop barfining them and then taking them to short time hotels, but have a look into their lives. Plenty of drugs around, and locations to cater for self serving needs such as discos and karaokes with rent-a-boys.

So certainly this suggests your experience so you can have such a conclusion. Please point out where I said I bar fined a girl. Did you ever consider the fact that some may be my clients. So please continue with your experience with pointing out the exact places where you acquired this first hand information. Perhaps I missed the and discos and karaokes in soi cowboy.

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The way I view it is by where the money goes if someone decides to bar fine a girl out. The money goes to take care of the girl’s family and not for drugs or self serving needs. It is simply the way it is in Thailand, and I think this is very unique. I have yet to see this anywhere else in the world. So if in fact this guy did take a girl out so he could help her take care of her family, I would see that as more noble than someone sitting around implying in other words “Don’t help the girl take care of her family.”

:D :D :D


In order to get a few real insights you should stop barfining them and then taking them to short time hotels, but have a look into their lives. Plenty of drugs around, and locations to cater for self serving needs such as discos and karaokes with rent-a-boys.

So certainly this suggests your experience so you can have such a conclusion. Please point out where I said I bar fined a girl. Did you ever consider the fact that some may be my clients. So please continue with your experience with pointing out the exact places where you acquired this first hand information. Perhaps I missed the and discos and karaokes in soi cowboy.

Yeps, it does suggest so.

I was once young and stupid, and had plenty of fun (yes, even the anal retentive ColPyat had once fun in life :D ) , including getting shit faced with bar girls on all sorts of substances in the days when taking drugs was not as dangerous as it is now. I though don't feel the need to hide this by claiming them to be solely "my clients", or having been "on excursions" to show visitors around. :o

I got not much to lose either by admitting of having been a fool at times.

Much use you are to your clients, or your clients to you, when you don't understand some of the basic aspects of life here.

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The way I view it is by where the money goes if someone decides to bar fine a girl out. The money goes to take care of the girl’s family and not for drugs or self serving needs. It is simply the way it is in Thailand, and I think this is very unique. I have yet to see this anywhere else in the world. So if in fact this guy did take a girl out so he could help her take care of her family, I would see that as more noble than someone sitting around implying in other words “Don’t help the girl take care of her family.”

:D :D :D


In order to get a few real insights you should stop barfining them and then taking them to short time hotels, but have a look into their lives. Plenty of drugs around, and locations to cater for self serving needs such as discos and karaokes with rent-a-boys.

So certainly this suggests your experience so you can have such a conclusion. Please point out where I said I bar fined a girl. Did you ever consider the fact that some may be my clients. So please continue with your experience with pointing out the exact places where you acquired this first hand information. Perhaps I missed the and discos and karaokes in soi cowboy.

Yeps, it does suggest so.

I was once young and stupid, and had plenty of fun (yes, even the anal retentive ColPyat had once fun in life :D ) , including getting shit faced with bar girls on all sorts of substances in the days when taking drugs was not as dangerous as it is now. I though don't feel the need to hide this by claiming them to be solely "my clients", or having been "on excursions" to show visitors around. :o

I got not much to lose either by admitting of having been a fool at times.

Much use you are to your clients, or your clients to you, when you don't understand some of the basic aspects of life here.

You speak in absolutes as if everyone is the same. If that was the case every thread here would have only one post in it.

Please don’t pretend to be an expert where you are not, it only serves to embarrass you. You have absolutely no knowledge of what my clients see me for. Apparently by your post you make assumptions and word them as factual. Apparently you don’t seem to know too much about the present laws in Thailand in particular Thaksin’s favorite one.

You often speak in the past tense. I am not disputing what you said about the past, but that has nothing to do with the present. The diplomat in question has only been in Thailand for less than 4 years. What happened in soi cowboy prior to his arrival it totally irrelevant.

Your attempts at flames only end up with you getting burned in the end. Address your posts to the thread topic and not the poster, that is the basic description of not flaming. If you are not capable of that the mods can help you.

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