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Why Do I Continue To Do This To Myself?


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I have been to Thailand more times than I can count... Not as many times as some of you but probably as much as some of the few of you. When I first came, I visited Bangkok, Pattaya and Chiang Mai. I was not a big fan of Pattaya and said I would cut pattaya out from my travels when I come back. I also considered cutting Chiang Mai from my travels but figured I did not explore enough to do it justice.

When I returned I again went to Pattaya and had a good time. I was glad I had come but I still felt as if it was stolen time I could have better enjoyed in Bangkok. I went to Chiang Mai and promised I would not return.

The following visit to Thailand I visited Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and Chiang Mai. This time I promised myself I would not return to Chiang Mai, I fell in love with Pattaya and felt that Chiang Mai was a bore and I promised I would not return!

The next year I visited Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai and Phuket... I met some people in Chiang Mai and wonder if I can duplicate the fun when I come back.... Phuket was too expensive again but I met some people that made it a memorable time... I wonder if I can duplicate it when I return? Bangkok was AWESOME! I wonder if I can duplicate or surpass the fun when I come back? Pattaya was the best its ever been!

So it seems that all the places that I once found boorish have now grown on me because of the people and not so much because of the location... Now I am only debating on what hotel to use? Do I go back to the same hotels that I found so comfortable? Or do I try someplace new or make a return to places I once used but have forgotten if I liked the place or not?

And let me complain about the cost of things now to get it out of my system before I come to Thailand.

What!?? 100 baht is worth $3 USD???? Grrrrrrrrr!

Why are you telling me to stop haggling and to pay the requested amount? Who are you? This is my money...

How much for that small wood frog? 1000 Baht??? You start too high! In Chiang Mai it cost 40 baht!

Stop telling me how much it would cost in NYC. I am vacationing in Thailand. I don't go to NYC because of NYC prices and charges.....

OK that feels better :o

Edited by PaulUSA302
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i read everything you wrote and i must have missed your point and/or question.

I just realized that I did not leave a question in this post... Probably because I sort of worked it out as I was writing it... I was thinking about my return to Thailand and wondering if I should go back to Chaing Mai and Phuket? At one point in thought I remembered that I was bored with both those places but then I remembered that I made some good friends that made it all worth while...

I do want to try other places... Maybe even visit Vietnam or China or something like that, but I don't want to miss out on going to Chiang Mai and Phuket. They are nice places but.... Well.... I am not 100% sure why I am returning there when there are other places I want to see. I don't know if it has to do with familiarity or feeling bad when the people I met the last time ask me why I am didn't come to visit them this trip....

I go through this little struggle every year! LOL

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ditto sunshine.

edit: Sorry, just seen the O.P added to his ermm... O.P.

Why not just carry on your tradition.

Every year, you get to know more and more of a place, getting to know it better gives you a better perspective on the location, and as you get through places, you add new ones, etc etc... the world turns, in a few years, you'll know succintly where you wish to retire to!

bada bing! :o

Edited by kayo
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If you would like to visit Thailand and find out how much you really enjoy each of the places you visit....I'm talking about the places and not the people........then I recommend staying celibate throughout your entire visit....I think you will find that your perspective on all these places will change dramatically.

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i read everything you wrote and i must have missed your point and/or question.

I just read it three times ..... I'm still at a LOS :o

Seriously ..... what was the question? .... still no wiser after the second post by the OP

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Stop it... I was rambling.... Your going to make me feel bad....

i read everything you wrote and i must have missed your point and/or question.

I just read it three times ..... I'm still at a LOS :o

Seriously ..... what was the question? .... still no wiser after the second post by the OP

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I may try that. I just got a call from my employer letting me know that some of us may need to go to Thailand for a month.... I am wondering if I want to be a part of that group or if I want to stick to my one month vacation in Thailand unrelated to work?

You guys should pay me or something LOL :o

since when does the shrink pay the patient?

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Something wrong here, get paid to work in Thai, no doubt all expenes paid, good hotel ect, free time evenings and weekends, or pay to come here for a month and dont know where to go or return to,lay off that fried batter coated <deleted> and eat more greens, it will help you think straight,

Think about it, you can come here for a month free, and still have a months holiday later,

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Yeah, but many folk have lost their jobs because they could not keep their willy in their pants.... So if I come to Thailand with my employer..... Lets just say that I must be on my BEST BEHAVIOR for 4 weeks.... :o

Something wrong here, get paid to work in Thai, no doubt all expenes paid, good hotel ect, free time evenings and weekends, or pay to come here for a month and dont know where to go or return to,lay off that fried batter coated <deleted> and eat more greens, it will help you think straight,

Think about it, you can come here for a month free, and still have a months holiday later,

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You keep going back to those places, because you are addicted to them =) They are pleasant places, in which you probably have more fun than you do back home, otherwise you wouldn't keep coming. The only cure is to spend an extended amount of time in Thailand, the result of which will be that you either grow tired of it, or you love it so much you will quit your job and move full time.

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Lets just say that I must be on my BEST BEHAVIOR for 4 weeks....

Why? Will your employer? :o

BTW back to your OP. Why not just visit Bangkok and Pattaya then Krabi for a Change. Far better than Phuket. If you want to go to CM then go. But maybe think about seeing somewhere else instead. Its a decent sized country and its always good to see new places.

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What in particular about Bangkok keeps you so enthralled?

Is your itinerary party party party?

Are there certain places/activities you especially enjoy?

Just wondering, thinking of picking up some tips in case I visit again, thanks!

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Id take the work trip for the month...u will still have weekends and evenings free wont u. and Im sure u dont have to spend it entirely with the boss. i can understand if within a 5 day work trip, u feel somewhat obliged to spend some evenings with the boss too..or maybe there some work dinners and such...but that cant be happening all month long :D

and yes the novelty and exotic aspect of seeing a place for the first time can be exciting, but often Ive found that Im equally happy (sometime even more so) to go back to places I have been to simply cos I have friends there :o often when I go back to those places it doesnt even matter too much what I do there, as long as I do it with friends :D

so enjoy :D whichever option u choose. jockstar did make a good suggestion...Krabi is not that far from phuket...so might be worth giving it a try...if u dont like it..can easily cut it short and move over to phuket, or the other way would be ask your friends on phuket to join u in krabi :D

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