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Australian, American among four charged for ‘Abandoned Phuket Zoo’ post


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1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

The rabbits are real, but the polar bears are large Farangs in polar bear suits, and they eat at McDonalds ????

I think the world, best organised by The Don, should get together and evacuate all the polar bears from the north pole to the south pole. That would end global warming once and for all. Then money can be wasted on other stuff; like clearing the world's oceans of plastic waste.

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These Animal rights weirdos should keep out of other peoples business. They are supposed to be on lockdown but they can't stop breaking the rules and poking their nose in where's it not needed. Their 3rd video is a complete backtrack on the first 2.  It basically says "Everything is fine and we made this all up".


Just lining their own pockets and using the virus as a smoke screen to do it. Bang 'em up and throw away the key along with the rest of their lentil eating friends. 

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2 hours ago, hansgruber said:

How can the zoo be abandoned when the owner lives directly across the road in that huge mansion? The zoo is on their doorstep. 

The land that the zoo sits is also their land. 

They entered private property and broke the law. 

When will farangs learn you can't come to Thailand and change things?. Let Thailand be Thailand. 

The zoo was in the process of finding new homes for the animals and closing down anyway.


heck, we saw it on youtube, so it's gotta be true!


bunch a criminals broke into a zoo "as a lark" (their words), filmed themselves throwing tree branches into the crocodile enclosure, and saw a scary tigger.


the next day, they went back, and were confronted by zookeepers.  as everyone knows, abandoned zoos have staff on the premises.


but the mean, nasty zooman said random folks can't just break into a zoo and throw food into the pens.  let 'em try that at any zoo in the west.  go ahead, i dares 'em.


they must have been on a mission from dog.

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3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Sounds like my step-daughters bedroom.

And her bathroom, she'd used some facial mudpack, looked like a hippo's swimming hole, all the drains were blocked.

The locals quite often bring round food or fruit, if there's nobody around I often find it left on the kitchen table.

It isn't considered breaking in, but an act of generosity and goodwill.


allrighty then, let's consider.........


a group of chinese tourists wander into your home, and despite your wife's protests, they begin feeding bat soup to your kids.



but seriously, they are guilty of breaking and entering and trespass, not to mention the computer crimes laws.  they didn't go into the zoo to save the animals, they went in because they thought it would be fun.


i'd bet if they knocked at the main gate, the workers would have told them they were closed, but for a couple hundred baht they could have gotten a private tour.  if they were concerned about the animals' welfare, there are proper channels.  it seems they were more interested in their video going viral and getting all the likes.

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6 hours ago, Snackbar said:

Wait for the ‘go fund me page’.


Oh dear, there’s a price to pay for being arrogant and stupid in this part of the world.


These clowns are headed for The Monkey House. 

The Monkey House? Isn't that where they took the photos?

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9 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

The videos seem to show him walking in the main gate with the Zoo staff helping carry in the food from his car.

that's an update.  check the first video, they went for a walk and came across what they believed to be an abandoned zoo.  they were apparently not aware of its existence beforehand.  they "got in there for a bit of a laugh..."


animal lovers at 00:59 throw log into animal enclosure.  what a hoot!  "it was exciting, so we were having a bit of a laugh."



Edited by ChouDoufu
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5 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

So the owner of the zoo a banded the animals the animals are not being taken care of or fed how come the please are going after the Thai owner for not taking care of his animals TIT

Because the owner is Thai duhh...

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18 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

that's an update.  check the first video, they went for a walk and came across what they believed to be an abandoned zoo.  they were apparently not aware of its existence beforehand.  they "got in there for a bit of a laugh..."


animal lovers at 00:59 throw log into animal enclosure.  what a hoot!  "it was exciting, so we were having a bit of a laugh."



Have you actually read any of the posts on here from someone that knows the situation? I think not.


They had permission.

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2 hours ago, Logosone said:


Well, exactly. If you have animals you have a duty of care. You have to ensure they have a proper environment. Those animals wallowing in filth show the zoo owner breached his duty of care and neglected those animals.


Yet the Thai police arrests only the people who call attention to the neglect, but not the person responsible for the neglect?


Something very wrong here.

Have you got some kind of mental thing where you just keep saying 'wallowing in filth" i mean we get the picture okay!

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5 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Have you actually read any of the posts on here from someone that knows the situation? I think not.


They had permission.

his words from his video from his youtube channel:


"...so we moved along, and we're walking cautiously cause umm, we weren't sure who was there or whether we were allowed to be there.  there was no sign saying we weren't allowed to be there, so...."

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Typical response from the Thai authorities.

Shoot the messenger.


the country needs to hang its head in shame over their treatment of both captive animals and wildlife.


It's an utter disgrace and those who promote these absurd laws are morally as Brett and  guilt as the perpetrators

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