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Cancer Treatment


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A lady friend at work has cancer, she has read somewhere that there is a root from the north east Thailand beeing used for cancer treatment in the hospital in Udon Thani.

I would very much like to help her if possible, has anyone heard about this treatment ?

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The only root I know of that might be used is ASTROGALUS and it has been used in CHINA for a few thousand years, I use it for enfazema as it is also supposed to increase lung function, It was recommended a few years ago when I was there, The Chinese call it HUANG KI, and I bought it in the states pretty easily,but can not find it in Thailand so have it sent over from the States. They say that it does increase resistance from cancer. Other than that I don't know.

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huang Qi can help support the immune system but is certainly not enough on its own. I've been treting Aids and cancer patients for years, each case is different.

It's not cookie cutter medicine Astragalus won't hurt but it's a small part of the picture. This patient needs a comprhesive work up with reveiw of all organ systems to develope a good treatment plan.

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HEY PEPE, did them chinese tell me the truth or was it bullshit about Huang Ki really being a lung function enhanser or was they bullshittin me. I take a couple of caps a day and do seem to feel better,but is it givin my lungs a shot or not. I know my doc in Yreka was Ok with herbals.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi i think that you might be interested in knowing that i have Lymph node cancer and i take ( Spelling not sure ) BY BUA BOK and also ginger and also gin sing.

Alternitive treatment is good there are many sites on the internet. go to google.com and type up cancer (search)

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what part is that she has the cancer?

they have the cure of immune system in the north of thailand.

they also offer the course at several periods of the year

as well as the detox

i think, the foreigner patient are welcome also.

the doctor himself is the editor for Thairath Newspaper - Mor Chevajit (every Sundays section)

sorry it's written in Thai.


i will try to look for more info.


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When I was in the South Pacific I learned of NONI as a cancer treatment. In Malaysia, it is called MENGKUDU. In Southeast Asia it is known as NHAU.

A few years later I noticed it being sold in Thailand. I saw it in Phetchabun under the name Noni.

I found this online:


I wish I could be more help. Good luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...
what part is that she has the cancer?

they have the cure of immune system in the north of thailand.

they also offer the course at several periods of the year

as well as the detox

i think, the foreigner patient are welcome also.

the doctor himself is the editor for Thairath Newspaper - Mor Chevajit (every Sundays section)

sorry it's written in Thai.


i will try to look for more info.



ชมรมชีวจิตขอเชิญท่านที่สนใจเข้าร่วมคอร์สฟื้นฟูสุขภาพ......แบบเข้มข้น 4 วัน 5 คืน เพื่อ เพิ่มภูมิชีวิตในแนวทางชีวจิตกับอาจารย์สาทิส อินทรกำแหง และทีมพี่เลี้ยงจากชมรม วันที่ 23- 27 ตุลาคม 2547 ณ โรงแรมโรสการ์เด้น สวนสามพราน นครปฐม

สนใจสอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ 1. ชมรมชีวจิต โทร. 0-2570-8220 โทรสาร 0-2570-8273 2. คุณสิริแก้ว 0-1625-7875, 3. คุณสุวคนธ์ 0-9664-7743.คอร์สพิเศษ...สำหรับคนรักสุขภาพ

-- Thairath newspaper 15th of august, 2004.

here is the doctor i mentioned before, attached the telephone number

just try to contact

tel: 0-2570-8220, fax: 0-2570-8273 2.


K. Sirikaew: 0-1625-7875


K. Suwakon: 0-9664-7743

i think they can speak english, as well.

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  • 3 months later...

Re Noni juice,

An Ozmate (Rob) has a plantation of Noni in Thailand.

I drink it every day.

It tastes like shit and smells like it, but you get used to it.

Take & Mix it 50ml noni and 50ml water twice a day (on a empty stomach.)

It has helped me........

300 Moo 2 Pae Klang-Kram Road

Muang Rayong



Phone & Fax

038 896-193 - from within Thailand

+66 038 896-193 - from outside Thailand

email rob[at]traditionalnoni.com


Rob's mobile is 096677329

Tell him Big John in SYD., referred you, should you call him.

Ignore the prices on the website if you are in Thailand.

Cases of 8 x 500ml glass bottles only.

You probably have a Noni shrub Morinda citrifolia in your garden and didn't know it :o

Thais are very familiar with Noni juice.

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  • 9 months later...
what part is that she has the cancer?

they have the cure of immune system in the north of thailand.

they also offer the course at several periods of the year

as well as the detox

i think, the foreigner patient are welcome also.

the doctor himself is the editor for Thairath Newspaper - Mor Chevajit (every Sundays section)

sorry it's written in Thai.


i will try to look for more info.



ชมรมชีวจิตขอเชิญท่านที่สนใจเข้าร่วมคอร์สฟื้นฟูสุขภาพ......แบบเข้มข้น 4 วัน 5 คืน เพื่อ เพิ่มภูมิชีวิตในแนวทางชีวจิตกับอาจารย์สาทิส อินทรกำแหง และทีมพี่เลี้ยงจากชมรม วันที่ 23- 27 ตุลาคม 2547 ณ โรงแรมโรสการ์เด้น สวนสามพราน นครปฐม

สนใจสอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ 1. ชมรมชีวจิต โทร. 0-2570-8220 โทรสาร 0-2570-8273 2. คุณสิริแก้ว 0-1625-7875, 3. คุณสุวคนธ์ 0-9664-7743.คอร์สพิเศษ...สำหรับคนรักสุขภาพ

-- Thairath newspaper 15th of august, 2004.

here is the doctor i mentioned before, attached the telephone number

just try to contact

tel: 0-2570-8220, fax: 0-2570-8273 2.


K. Sirikaew: 0-1625-7875


K. Suwakon: 0-9664-7743

i think they can speak english, as well.

Traditionalnoni is 94% moisture 0.02%sodium , 2.2%sugars , 4%carbohydrates,fat,protien and ash approx. Contrary to what Udon says it is offered for sale in Thailand at an extortionate price , not bad for something that is basically putrid tasting and smelling water. In Europe and America noni juice cannot be sold or advertised as a health product.A noni company has had to pay large compensation over claims of cancer/HIV etc curing properties. The only reliable scientific study was EU Commissioned, the report on the internet says noni was found to have no medical properties and can only be advertised and sold as a fruit juice. Go to Google and search worldwidewarning. You will see all the scams and hype surrounding this product. Of no more benefit than orange juice noni juice will not be found in any health shop and I have never seen it in a supermarket.

Like any unworthy item sales are only acheived through pyramid selling and false advertising particularly through the internet.Pyramid selling is what traditionalnoni looks like it is attempting.

Noni does not grow in most gardens in Thailand , is of no medicinal benefit.

You should be ashamed that you can relate traditionalnoni to a cancer forum giving people false hope for an extortionate price.

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A lady friend at work has cancer, she has read somewhere that there is a root from the north east Thailand beeing used for cancer treatment in the hospital in Udon Thani.

I would very much like to help her if possible, has anyone heard about this treatment ?

I don't know about this root, but see the post that I just made in the liver damage topic. This doctor and system of natural medicines can be helpful here also.


In the mean time she should stay away from sugar and high fat foods. Especially sugar at this stage.

This is from Hari Sharma one of the authors of "The Answer to Cancer"

"In the area of diet, high-fat foods can increase the chances of getting cancer (e.g. colon, rectum, prostate, endometrium). Cancer develops frequently if you eat too many smoked, cured, pickled, or charred foods. Some sources are also linking sugar to cancer. Cancer cells thrive on sugar. By using more sugar, the cancer cells produce lactic acid, which seems to help the body produce new blood vessels. This, in turn, helps the cancer to spread. Sugar also weakens the immune system and increases insulin, which causes cells to reproduce quickly. This can contribute to more rapid growth of the cancer."


This book gives most importance to prevention but the knowledge is also good for those who already have cancer.

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Noni does not grow in most gardens in Thailand , is of no medicinal benefit.

You should be ashamed that you can relate traditionalnoni to a cancer forum giving people false hope for an extortionate price.


who are you addressing about Noni?

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