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Can social distancing work at airports? Bangkok airport quiet despite resumption of some flights


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The guys right, it don’t work. I think he must be the head at Heathrow, if not he said exactly the same. He almost made the comment that taking out the middle seat makes you 2 foot apart, not 2 metres. 

It doesn’t work on planes, or any public transport so they need to find a way of detecting it before arrival.  Therin lies the problem. Not everyone has symptoms. 

I dread to think what they are going to come up with. 

The British Gov are already talking about staggering work hours to stop congestion on public transport. What they will suggest for Airports and Aeroplanes god only knows. 

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On 5/2/2020 at 5:36 PM, Krataiboy said:

Surely, sitting on an airplane jammed together like sardines, breathing in recycled air, is much more hazardous than being in an airport lounge. 


We are reliably informed that face masks make no discernable difference to one's chances of becoming infected. So exactly what precautions are taken to protect passengers from inhaling viruses and other pathogens en route?



Apart from what I believe is a wholly unrealistic reliance upon government statistics (which I believed to be dodgy in the extreme) probably none. Airlines are going to try make a profit, it seems to me that they will be largely unconcerned with the safety of passengers, though of course they will express a politically correct wailing and gnashing of teeth if they should have a PR disaster like a planeful of passengers becoming infected.


My own assessment of human nature is fairly jaundiced, and I recognise that impacts upon my opinions as expressed here, but I believe my own jaundiced view of human nature Is well founded, and if it is free political correctness, then that adds to its credibility rather than diminishes its credibility.


Personally, I, like many many others have been inconvenienced by the social distancing measures imposed by this government. Nevertheless, I would rather have that inconvenience than a dose of COVID-19. I believe the relaunch was not based upon sound principles of the health of the population and On the need for many to return to harvesting money, some more than others. I believe that in two months time we will look back, and recognise that a catastrophic mistake has been made perhaps I'm right perhaps I'm wrong.


Horses for courses.

Edited by ParkerN
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On 5/2/2020 at 2:56 PM, Xi Tha Virus said:

CCP Covid-19 goes in waves. The only way to get rid of it is to get rid of CCP.

Not sure how your twisted mind can come to that conclusion. China only reported 2 cases today, thanks to its authoritarian government. I was hoping that my own government in Malaysia took the same drastic actions like China's, but too bad my government was a bit half-hearted and didn't do a full lockdown, and wasted so many weeks of partial lockdown.

If you want your government to quickly get rid of Covid-19, ask your government to do exactly what CCP did - drastic lockdown. This crisis had shown how incompetent Westerners were in dealing with a pandemic. That's not something new - the Black Death killed 30% to 50% of the people of Europe but China did not suffer that much.

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2 hours ago, dinsdale said:

You mean a responsible, socially conscious, non-individualistic, non-selfcentred little boy surely.

Sounds like the brainwashing has worked like a charm. Now roll up your sleeve and enjoy that mandatory vaccine.

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We went through SE Asian airports 8 times in January and February. (no Thailand again)

We put masks on before we left our room and kept them on until we were in the destination room.

We had 60% alcohol hand sanitizer and wipes. We wiped contact areas in the plane seats and cleaned hands.


I complained online and in reviews about Grab taxi drivers coughing without covering. Grab contacted me every way possible and the NEXT DAY 99% of taxi drivers were wearing masks in Vietnam. Virtually none wore them the day previous. Impressive response.


At a Vietnam airport a Chinese woman at the luggage belt pulled her mask down to sneeze and put it back on... TWICE!

She sneezed all over people near her. We were standing away from people. I can see how SARS-CoV-2 can spread wildly.


I can tell you that after VN banned certain tour groups, the airports were absolutely zen. No cutting in line or pushing or shout-talking. It was like airports used to be. Wonderful.

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1 hour ago, Selatan said:

Not sure how your twisted mind can come to that conclusion. China only reported 2 cases today, thanks to its authoritarian government. I was hoping that my own government in Malaysia took the same drastic actions like China's, but too bad my government was a bit half-hearted and didn't do a full lockdown, and wasted so many weeks of partial lockdown.

If you want your government to quickly get rid of Covid-19, ask your government to do exactly what CCP did - drastic lockdown. This crisis had shown how incompetent Westerners were in dealing with a pandemic. That's not something new - the Black Death killed 30% to 50% of the people of Europe but China did not suffer that much.

The crisis has shown how incompetent the CCP was to avoid spreading this virus all over the world.

Thank you also to remind us about the Black Plague, another nice present from China to the world.

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On 5/2/2020 at 2:36 AM, Krataiboy said:



We are reliably informed that face masks make no discernable difference to one's chances of becoming infected. 





Gotta refute that misinformation. The amount of virus at initial infection can be a matter of life and death. Masks reduce both shedding quantity, and quantity taken in.

1) SARS-CoV-2 has a doubling time.

2) The immune system has a ramp-up time.


If you get a large dose of virus at initial exposure it's far more likely that it will exceed the threshold of immune response.

So there's a strong chance of the immune system being overwhelmed.


This is a pandemic.


Like yelling FIRE in a crowded theater, personal liberty and freedom needs to be put on pause. All of us need to be big boys and girls; wear a mask in public.


PLUS! You don't touch your mouth and nose which are the most common routes of infection.

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1 hour ago, Anton9 said:

The crisis has shown how incompetent the CCP was to avoid spreading this virus all over the world.

Thank you also to remind us about the Black Plague, another nice present from China to the world.

On the contrary, the CCP was highly successful in minimising the spreading of this virus all over the world, by first implementing a total lockdown of Hubei and banned outbound international tour groups. If the CCP was not successful, there would have been huge number of cases in other parts of China, but it didn't happen.

It's the total incompetence of Western leaders in dealing with this pandemic, now even more glaring with all the blaming on China by them.

Do you blame your Western leaders at all? Trump and Johnson did nothing wrong? Don't tell me you actually believe that other countries do not need to do anything at all on their own to prevent the spread of the disease in their own countries?

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4 hours ago, Selatan said:

Not sure how your twisted mind can come to that conclusion. China only reported 2 cases today, thanks to its authoritarian government. I was hoping that my own government in Malaysia took the same drastic actions like China's, but too bad my government was a bit half-hearted and didn't do a full lockdown, and wasted so many weeks of partial lockdown.

If you want your government to quickly get rid of Covid-19, ask your government to do exactly what CCP did - drastic lockdown. This crisis had shown how incompetent Westerners were in dealing with a pandemic. That's not something new - the Black Death killed 30% to 50% of the people of Europe but China did not suffer that much.

You seem to be conflating things that should not be conflated and you seem to be saying that westerners are incompetent which is both untrue and racist. Quite what the Black Death has to do with it I'm not quite sure; that was half a millennium ago or more, and it as a whole different world - China was left largely unscathed but it had little to do with competence.


And keep the name-calling down to a minimum if you please, Malaysia hasn't been such a wonderful example of humanity that you can indulge in name-calling.



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1 hour ago, Selatan said:

It's the total incompetence of Western leaders in dealing with this pandemic, now even more glaring with all the blaming on China by them.


Not much doubt about that - unfortunately, but it doesn't signify what the OP says it signifies, and neither does it apply evenly to all western governments.


It seems to me that the time when Thailand (and any other SE Asian country for that matter) can gloat as still some way off. Attend to the beam in your own eye rather than gleefully noting the mote in another person's eye.


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24 minutes ago, ParkerN said:

You seem to be conflating things that should not be conflated and you seem to be saying that westerners are incompetent which is both untrue and racist. Quite what the Black Death has to do with it I'm not quite sure; that was half a millennium ago or more, and it as a whole different world - China was left largely unscathed but it had little to do with competence.


And keep the name-calling down to a minimum if you please, Malaysia hasn't been such a wonderful example of humanity that you can indulge in name-calling.



You think it's okay for the West to call it a "Chinese" virus, as if the virus has some kind of race classification? You think it's okay to spat at and assaulted in the West just because you looked like a Chinese during this time? No, we Chinese (I'm a Chinese Malaysian) didn't start all these name callings, you farangs did. And yes, I repeat - the Western countries are utterly incompetent in handling this pandemic. China had left the top 10 top number of infected countries already. Look at all the countries currently in the top ten list.

Edited by Selatan
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41 minutes ago, Selatan said:

You think it's okay for the West to call it a "Chinese" virus, as if the virus has some kind of race classification? You think it's okay to spat at and assaulted in the West just because you looked like a Chinese during this time? No, we Chinese (I'm a Chinese Malaysian) didn't start all these name callings, you farangs did. And yes, I repeat - the Western countries are utterly incompetent in handling this pandemic. China had left the top 10 top number of infected countries already. Look at all the countries currently in the top ten list.


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2 hours ago, Selatan said:

China had left the top 10 top number of infected countries already.

Yes, China decided to leave the top 10 early, being number 1 was not their cup of tea, at a population of 1.4 billion, about 4 times higher than the US.

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10 hours ago, Selatan said:

You think it's okay for the West to call it a "Chinese" virus, as if the virus has some kind of race classification? You think it's okay to spat at and assaulted in the West just because you looked like a Chinese during this time? No, we Chinese (I'm a Chinese Malaysian) didn't start all these name callings, you farangs did


I didn't say any of that. Fantasise on your own time.


If you want to pick a fight, then go somewhere else, I'm not your man.



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Wearing a mask is so simple. So little is being asked.


Yet many on this forum are so fearful that they can only cope by taking a "head in the sand" approach.


I just read a post on TVF today where one of the local yokels here is still referring  to CV19 as "only the flu".


Cowards too afraid to deal with reality.

Edited by JimmyJ
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17 hours ago, Selatan said:

Not sure how your twisted mind can come to that conclusion. China only reported 2 cases today, thanks to its authoritarian government. I was hoping that my own government in Malaysia took the same drastic actions like China's, but too bad my government was a bit half-hearted and didn't do a full lockdown, and wasted so many weeks of partial lockdown.

If you want your government to quickly get rid of Covid-19, ask your government to do exactly what CCP did - drastic lockdown. This crisis had shown how incompetent Westerners were in dealing with a pandemic. That's not something new - the Black Death killed 30% to 50% of the people of Europe but China did not suffer that much.

there was zero reason to lockdown in the first place anywhere on this earth. do we lock down every flu season? NO . and if you want to say this is different, than you have no understanding of microbiology. Everything is smoke and mirrors, you are too brainwashed to comprehend anything, I advise you start reading and wake up before its too late. There are forces behind this unrelated to containing a virus.

Edited by at15
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COVID-19 may spread through breathing and talking — but we don't know how much

By Nicoletta Lanese - Staff Writer a month ago

Speech-related spread could help explain why people can spread the virus before they develop a cough.

People infected with COVID-19 may spread the disease when they speak and breathe, not only when they let out a hearty cough. 

Although these modes of transmission could help to explain how asymptomatic and mildly infected people fuel the virus' spread, researchers don't yet know whether tiny particles expelled in breath infect more people than large droplets spewed through coughs, experts told Live Science.


"There's a possibility" that COVID-19 primarily spreads via fluid particles less than 0.0002 inches (5 microns) in diameter, known as aerosols, which can be emitted when people speak, said William Ristenpart, a professor of chemical engineering at University of California, Davis. "We just don't know," he said.  


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6 minutes ago, 3NUMBAS said:

heathrow faces queues of 1 kilometere  long to board planes and airlines are not happy about this   mulltiply this for each plane and it gets chaotic


not just heathrow, any major airport... the boss of heathrow was interviewed and said for each jumbo jet you'd get a queue of around 1km, obviously social distancing will not work at major airports, so they may as well forget it and think about other measures they can take.

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18 hours ago, Selatan said:

You think it's okay for the West to call it a "Chinese" virus, as if the virus has some kind of race classification? You think it's okay to spat at and assaulted in the West just because you looked like a Chinese during this time?

Yes to the first, no to the second.


The virus came from China, whether it was accidental or deliberate and whether it came from a lab or a wet market may still be up for argument, but it's still Chinese.


Two wrongs don't make a right, and it's wrong if you are personally abused, but don't mix that up with the issue of source of the virus - they are two distinct questions with different answers.

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6 hours ago, treetops said:

Yes to the first, no to the second.


The virus came from China, whether it was accidental or deliberate and whether it came from a lab or a wet market may still be up for argument, but it's still Chinese.


Two wrongs don't make a right, and it's wrong if you are personally abused, but don't mix that up with the issue of source of the virus - they are two distinct questions with different answers.

China is unlikely to be the origin of the virus. Genetic analysis had shown that the strain in China was a later strain. There were earlier strains found.

And here's the latest discovery, a further sign of Western incompetence:

France’s first Covid-19 case 'dates back to December', flu retest shows


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17 minutes ago, Selatan said:

China is unlikely to be the origin of the virus. Genetic analysis had shown that the strain in China was a later strain. There were earlier strains found.

And here's the latest discovery, a further sign of Western incompetence:

France’s first Covid-19 case 'dates back to December', flu retest shows



Quote from your linked article ["We can deduce from this experience that Covid-19 was already in France in December, because the first patient we tested positive dates back to 27 December. We can't go further than that.]


But... they can go further than that. It is widely known that the first case of Covid-19 was detected in China on November 17th. 



Additionally, the article you quote makes no statement regarding genetic analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 strain or ageing of any mutation or recognition of any. 


Your article quotes Dr. Yves Cohen, who is quoted as saying: ["Twenty-four percent of patients [admitted to french hospitals in December] had symptoms which could have corresponded to Covid-19,”]


Which ‘Could have corresponded’ to Covid-19... the symptoms also ‘could have corresponded to Influenza.


These statements are proof of nothing. Unfortunately your argument at the moment is too thin. 


Edited by richard_smith237
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9 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Quote from your linked article ["We can deduce from this experience that Covid-19 was already in France in December, because the first patient we tested positive dates back to 27 December. We can't go further than that.]


But... they can go further than that. It is widely known that the first case of Covid-19 was detected in China on November 17th. 



Additionally, the article you quote makes no statement regarding genetic analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 strain or ageing of any mutation or recognition of any. 


Your article quotes Dr. Yves Cohen, who is quoted as saying: ["Twenty-four percent of patients [admitted to french hospitals in December] had symptoms which could have corresponded to Covid-19,”]


Which ‘Could have corresponded’ to Covid-19... the symptoms also ‘could have corresponded to Influenza.


These statements are proof of nothing. Unfortunately your argument at the moment is too thin. 


Maybe you have missed this:

French coronavirus strain may be local and may not have come from China

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Well this is what Skytrain Stations looked like this morning so hopefully Airports would be managed better lol.
Can't help but think people might believe those surgical Face masks give them false sense of security to COVID19 just like lucky Amulet!



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On 5/3/2020 at 4:56 PM, Krataiboy said:

Far from arguing against myself, I'm arguing (as I consistently have) against the fallacy that wearing a mask will protect against becoming infected by the COVID virus.


The tiny gaps in mask materials are large enough for any virus to easily penetrate. Also, wearing a mask for long periods - particularly one of the cheaper varieties or a scarf -is downright unhealthy, as loose fibres can be inhaled and cause respiratory problems.


A mask IS useful is when used by an infected person, or a surgeon in an operating theatre, as it stops saliva and other potentially germ-laden fluid from being sneezed or coughed into the air.

Not scientific but Taiwan Health Ministry credits their low number of infections and deaths to mask usage by the population.



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5 hours ago, Selatan said:


A highly interesting comment in [Genetic analysis of the samples revealed that the dominant types of viral strains in France belonged to a “clade” or group with a common ancestor that did not come from either China or Italy.]


I wonder how similar the the common cold and SARS-CoV-19 are. Could it be claimed that they belonged to a “clade” or group with a common ancestor?



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7 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


A highly interesting comment in [Genetic analysis of the samples revealed that the dominant types of viral strains in France belonged to a “clade” or group with a common ancestor that did not come from either China or Italy.]


I wonder how similar the the common cold and SARS-CoV-19 are. Could it be claimed that they belonged to a “clade” or group with a common ancestor?



The French researchers definitely were referring to strains of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid-19), and not other human coronaviruses such as 229E, NL63, OC43, HKU1, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV.

And here's another mystery:

Belleville Mayor Has Coronavirus Antibodies; Here's What It Means


"I had always been suspicious that I had been potentially positive for coronavirus in November," Melham said. "But I dismissed it because I kept hearing the first cases were in January 2020."

The type of antibody that this New Jersey mayor has is IgG, which means that he caught Covid-19 quite some time back. If he had got the disease recently, such as a week ago, the type of antibody is IgM.

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