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Another Farang Marriage Ends

The Professor

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Real genuine Thai people, that don't care about Money, you will not find them on the Internet or in Bangkok.

These angels are located on the poor villages around Thailand.

The rest is a piece of shame.

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Why is a 37 year old Farang marrying a 37 year old Thai?

This marriage was doomed from the start.

What makes you say that??


It is Asian culture for the man to be older, sometimes much older than the woman. Most Asian girls I know over 30 wont talk to me because they know I couldn't possibly be serious with them because they know I have my pick of any amount of beautiful 20-somethings.

They would view a man in his 30s dating a woman in her 30s as a little stupid or they would know that soon enough he is going to get himself a younger woman, so the 37 year old Thai knows she has a limited time to milk this guy for all he's worth before it's too late.

Glad to have been of some help.

Thanks for that nugget, My Gf and I are of the same age, I guess i'll sack her off now then!

I highlighted this part of your post as you seem quite bitter!


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i dont know what percent of farang are with former bar girls, but it has to be atleast 1/4, and probably closer to 1/2.

well to be strait up mate ,

you would never know, and your figures are assumption and mean nothing.

its like asking, " how long is a piece of string." ?

is it a quarter of an inch long or is it half.? :o:D

It would be way more than half. How many farang do you know have a non-bg wife?

Ask them how they met their wife. A classic line is that she was in a bar but she wasn't a bg. :D:D

Or a waitress or hairdresser,.or what about this one " this ones different " ,read a book called money number 1, hilarious but scarily totally accurate !

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Another word to the wise... just because the norm seems to be foreigners marrying prostitutes/former prostitutes... does NOT mean a girl who is not in the same profession is automatically a "good girl."

Farang men marrying prostitutes is far from "the norm".

Not in pattaya its not !

if a guy wants to marry a prostitute that's his business, and i say good luck to him if that what he really wants to do.

but for gods sake, dont come writing crap stories on this forum when it goes tits up.

thank you very much. :o

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Why is a 37 year old Farang marrying a 37 year old Thai?

This marriage was doomed from the start.

What makes you say that??


It is Asian culture for the man to be older, sometimes much older than the woman. Most Asian girls I know over 30 wont talk to me because they know I couldn't possibly be serious with them because they know I have my pick of any amount of beautiful 20-somethings.

They would view a man in his 30s dating a woman in her 30s as a little stupid or they would know that soon enough he is going to get himself a younger woman, so the 37 year old Thai knows she has a limited time to milk this guy for all he's worth before it's too late.

Glad to have been of some help.

I highlighted this part of your post as you seem quite bitter!


How can you work that out from words on a computer screen?

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i dont know what percent of farang are with former bar girls, but it has to be atleast 1/4, and probably closer to 1/2.

well to be strait up mate ,

you would never know, and your figures are assumption and mean nothing.

its like asking, " how long is a piece of string." ?

is it a quarter of an inch long or is it half.? :o:D

It would be way more than half. How many farang do you know have a non-bg wife?

Ask them how they met their wife. A classic line is that she was in a bar but she wasn't a bg. :D:D

sorry about this begbie,

but i can honestly say that of all the farang that i know that have relationships with thai girls, not one is married or going out with an ex bar girl.

suppose it boils down to who one associates with. :D

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i dont know what percent of farang are with former bar girls, but it has to be atleast 1/4, and probably closer to 1/2.

well to be strait up mate ,

you would never know, and your figures are assumption and mean nothing.

its like asking, " how long is a piece of string." ?

is it a quarter of an inch long or is it half.? :o:D

It would be way more than half. How many farang do you know have a non-bg wife?

Ask them how they met their wife. A classic line is that she was in a bar but she wasn't a bg. :D:D

sorry about this begbie,

but i can honestly say that of all the farang that i know that have relationships with thai girls, not one is married or going out with an ex bar girl.

suppose it boils down to who one associates with. :D

Or whos telling the truth.

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It would be way more than half. How many farang do you know have a non-bg wife?

Ask them how they met their wife. A classic line is that she was in a bar but she wasn't a bg. :D:D

Another classic line - she was only working as the cashier in the bar :D


i think you guys are way of the mark when you make a blanket statement that most of the girls are working girls. :o

actually, its insulting to the guys that have solid relationships and i can only come to the conclusion that you are so bitter because you have gone this way and taken a tumble. :bah:

and thank you very much. :D

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When considering a relationship with a bar girl you also need to consider;

"You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl"

There are way to many, at least fifty times more decent women with better career paths to choose from in LOS. hel_l, there are even hotties that work in The Mall would make fine girl friends. If you need to go to a bar in LOS to find a GF, you are a sad looser. However, if you happen to accidently fall in love un-intentionally with a BG, then that is a little, just a little bit more understandable. If your relationship last, congrats and good luck, but, if it doesn't, what did you expect? Who in their right frame of mind would look for a relationship with a hooker.

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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i dont know what percent of farang are with former bar girls, but it has to be atleast 1/4, and probably closer to 1/2.

well to be strait up mate ,

you would never know, and your figures are assumption and mean nothing.

its like asking, " how long is a piece of string." ?

is it a quarter of an inch long or is it half.? :o:D

It would be way more than half. How many farang do you know have a non-bg wife?

Ask them how they met their wife. A classic line is that she was in a bar but she wasn't a bg. :D:D

sorry about this begbie,

but i can honestly say that of all the farang that i know that have relationships with thai girls, not one is married or going out with an ex bar girl.

suppose it boils down to who one associates with. :D

Or whos telling the truth.

telling the truth would be more apt i would think most of the people on this forum went to thailand in the first place to meet girls in some way shape or form

i have TGF ex BG 6yrs now both happy have house in patters and she has house and land in bung kan cant see how ex bar girl is any different to bank clerk ,maybe people get so used to telling porkies that they start to believe it themselves.

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i think you guys are way of the mark when you make a blanket statement that most of the girls are working girls. :o

actually, its insulting to the guys that have solid relationships and i can only come to the conclusion that you are so bitter because you have gone this way and taken a tumble. :D

and thank you very much. :D

Terry I am not for one minute making a blanket statement or suggesting that most girls are working girls, I am not trying to insult anyone at all. Apologies if you interpreted it this way


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Speaking from a personal experience I would never marry a Thai girl. They have nothing to offer me other than sex that would make me want to spend the rest of my life with them, and I've been through loads from all different areas of the spectrum. Bar-girls, office workers, single mothers, hi-so etc, etc, etc. I can understand why the older falang contingent get hooked up, let's be honest, no woman in their right mind would touch most of them with a barge pole back home, let alone put up with their antics, but if they can find some solace or happiness in Thailand then that's great. It just ain't my idea of a partnership. Maybe when I'm a lot older (I'm 32) my opinion and/or needs will change.

Don't get me wrong, Thai girls in general are great fun, but essentially they are just like children, regardless of what status or background they come from. The cultural and educational differences are just too severe for most longer term relationships to work here. Factor in things like the inequality of foreigners to Thai nationals and the class society with the all important status and you have a very difficult barrier to overcome in order to succeed from the get go. The financial disparity which all too frequently plays a big part in the failure of these intercultural marriages doesn't have me wanting to tie the knot either.

Another thing I find about a lot of Thai girls is that they will tell little white lies with impunity.

Why on Earth you'd ever want to get seriously involved with somebody you can never fully trust is beyond me.

I see all these older, unattractive guys in Thailand with younger wives and I wonder, do they actually know they are physically unattractive to these young, pretty women? Do they realise? If that is the case, and the relationship is obviously not based on a mutual attraction, what is it based on then? A fundamental non-starter. No better or different than a bar-girl and customer relationship IMO.

And don't give me the 'Thai women have different priorities' or 'they are happy if you take care of them financially' old chestnuts. They are lying there dreaming of being pumped by an athletic 21 year old stud just like every other normal woman, and that is probably what they will end up doing without a second thought, and more importantly, without you finding out.

Good luck to everyone that is married to a Thai.

You dont need luck ,you need the right woman,.sounds like you didnt find her ,.i too went through many before finding my wife and we are fine,no luck required,.like many men coming to thailand i too tried to have relation ships with prostitutes,i assured them that i could forget what they did before we met, but with all it fell on deaf ears,. these girls are programmed to extract as much money from you as possible and as rule of thumb if their lips are moving ,theyre lying !,.this is my opinion on the ones i tried with,. of course there will be the exception to the rule,. and im sure some guys have one thats fine, i was not prepared to take any more chances,. its not about a thai woman or a western woman,. its about finding the right woman, and recognising it ,,.. good luck

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Speaking from a personal experience I would never marry a Thai girl. They have nothing to offer me other than sex that would make me want to spend the rest of my life with them...

Don't get me wrong, Thai girls in general are great fun...

Another thing I find about a lot of Thai girls is that they will tell little white lies with impunity.

Why on Earth you'd ever want to get seriously involved with somebody you can never fully trust is beyond me. AMEN BROTHER!!!

I see all these older, unattractive guys in Thailand with younger wives and I wonder, do they actually know they are physically unattractive to these young, pretty women? Do they realise? If that is the case, and the relationship is obviously not based on a mutual attraction, what is it based on then? A fundamental non-starter. No better or different than a bar-girl and customer relationship IMO.

And don't give me the 'Thai women have different priorities' or 'they are happy if you take care of them financially' old chestnuts. They are lying there dreaming of being pumped by an athletic 21 year old stud just like every other normal woman, and that is probably what they will end up doing without a second thought, and more importantly, without you finding out.

Good luck to everyone that is married to a Thai. (I sincerely agree with this last comment though no matter if the auther was tongue in cheek)

Great to hear another realist. I've been trying to find out if people like you existed here. I've been shouted down for alluding to the above so I don't dare post such things now.

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if you say "old farang" on thai visa, i am pretty sure that is an automatic crucifixtion. Applying that 20 year old thai women are not sexually attracted to their 50 year old husbands, that is a double crucifixtion. Time to run and hide because these guys are gonna eat you alive emperor.

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Speaking from a personal experience I would never marry a Thai girl. They have nothing to offer me other than sex that would make me want to spend the rest of my life with them...

Don't get me wrong, Thai girls in general are great fun...

Another thing I find about a lot of Thai girls is that they will tell little white lies with impunity.

Why on Earth you'd ever want to get seriously involved with somebody you can never fully trust is beyond me. AMEN BROTHER!!!

I see all these older, unattractive guys in Thailand with younger wives and I wonder, do they actually know they are physically unattractive to these young, pretty women? Do they realise? If that is the case, and the relationship is obviously not based on a mutual attraction, what is it based on then? A fundamental non-starter. No better or different than a bar-girl and customer relationship IMO.

And don't give me the 'Thai women have different priorities' or 'they are happy if you take care of them financially' old chestnuts. They are lying there dreaming of being pumped by an athletic 21 year old stud just like every other normal woman, and that is probably what they will end up doing without a second thought, and more importantly, without you finding out.

Good luck to everyone that is married to a Thai. (I sincerely agree with this last comment though no matter if the auther was tongue in cheek)

So then, what about the 21 year old studs that are married to Thais? What does the future hold for them?

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Speaking from a personal experience I would never marry a Thai girl. They have nothing to offer me other than sex that would make me want to spend the rest of my life with them...

Don't get me wrong, Thai girls in general are great fun...

Another thing I find about a lot of Thai girls is that they will tell little white lies with impunity.

Why on Earth you'd ever want to get seriously involved with somebody you can never fully trust is beyond me. AMEN BROTHER!!!

I see all these older, unattractive guys in Thailand with younger wives and I wonder, do they actually know they are physically unattractive to these young, pretty women? Do they realise? If that is the case, and the relationship is obviously not based on a mutual attraction, what is it based on then? A fundamental non-starter. No better or different than a bar-girl and customer relationship IMO.

And don't give me the 'Thai women have different priorities' or 'they are happy if you take care of them financially' old chestnuts. They are lying there dreaming of being pumped by an athletic 21 year old stud just like every other normal woman, and that is probably what they will end up doing without a second thought, and more importantly, without you finding out.

Good luck to everyone that is married to a Thai. (I sincerely agree with this last comment though no matter if the auther was tongue in cheek)

So then, what about the 21 year old studs that are married to Thais? What does the future hold for them?


Too many bitter old cynics out there i think, I for one am a 25 year old :o 'stud' :D my partner is the same age and our relationship couldn't be further from what these guy's are whinging about!


Edited by markr
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i dont speak thai, but i have to say that it is kind of rare that i meet a thai who i feel really understands what i am saying. this might not make much sense, but i could have the same conversation with two thai people - all their responses the same, and I can tell by looking in one of their eyes that they understand what i am saying, while the other does it. Also, I can see in the eyes of many thai people that they have self esteem issues when being around a farang and do not feel comfortable, and this is not nessecarily because they speak bad english.

really, this entire thread is pointless besides the following fact: DONT PUT MONEY AND LAND IN WIFES NAME IF YOU CANT AFFORD TO LOSE IT, AND IF YOU DO, PLEASE BLAME YOURSELF.

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Speaking from a personal experience I would never marry a Thai girl. They have nothing to offer me other than sex that would make me want to spend the rest of my life with them...

Don't get me wrong, Thai girls in general are great fun...

Another thing I find about a lot of Thai girls is that they will tell little white lies with impunity.

Why on Earth you'd ever want to get seriously involved with somebody you can never fully trust is beyond me. AMEN BROTHER!!!

I see all these older, unattractive guys in Thailand with younger wives and I wonder, do they actually know they are physically unattractive to these young, pretty women? Do they realise? If that is the case, and the relationship is obviously not based on a mutual attraction, what is it based on then? A fundamental non-starter. No better or different than a bar-girl and customer relationship IMO.

And don't give me the 'Thai women have different priorities' or 'they are happy if you take care of them financially' old chestnuts. They are lying there dreaming of being pumped by an athletic 21 year old stud just like every other normal woman, and that is probably what they will end up doing without a second thought, and more importantly, without you finding out.

Good luck to everyone that is married to a Thai. (I sincerely agree with this last comment though no matter if the auther was tongue in cheek)

So then, what about the 21 year old studs that are married to Thais? What does the future hold for them?


Too many bitter old cynics out there i think, I for one am a 25 year old :o 'stud' :D my partner is the same age and our relationship couldn't be further from what these guy's are whinging about!


Congrats and well done!

Can I please join the "stud club" Hahaha!

I am a 23 year old stud and my educated wife is 22 and our relationship gets better ever day. My wife has never been refused a visa and got her permanted migration visa to Oz approved in one day! I could go on about all the good things, but to be honest, I like reading the stories and complaints from the loosers who waited untill they were to old to discover what Thai women had to offer! All these complaints about BG's ripping them off and not getting visas and so on......... Keep the bad stories comming!

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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i dont know what percent of farang are with former bar girls, but it has to be atleast 1/4, and probably closer to 1/2.

well to be strait up mate ,

you would never know, and your figures are assumption and mean nothing.

its like asking, " how long is a piece of string." ?

is it a quarter of an inch long or is it half.? :o:D

It would be way more than half. How many farang do you know have a non-bg wife?

Ask them how they met their wife. A classic line is that she was in a bar but she wasn't a bg. :D:D

sorry about this begbie,

but i can honestly say that of all the farang that i know that have relationships with thai girls, not one is married or going out with an ex bar girl.

suppose it boils down to who one associates with. :D

Or whos telling the truth.

telling the truth would be more apt i would think most of the people on this forum went to thailand in the first place to meet girls in some way shape or form

i have TGF ex BG 6yrs now both happy have house in patters and she has house and land in bung kan cant see how ex bar girl is any different to bank clerk ,maybe people get so used to telling porkies that they start to believe it themselves.


you have told us many times before that your wife is an ex bargirl and im not passing any judgements whether this is a good thing or not , as i simply dont give a toss one way or the other.

you seem to be happy and thats all that matters, but to suggest that in every farang /thai relationship, the girl is ex bar is simply ludicrous and boardering on slander.

actually its an insult to all the thai women that hold down respectable jobs and are happily married to farang.

im sure some of our thai ladies on this forum would be highly offended when reading this thread so blanket statements are not warranted in this case.

thank you very much. :bah:

a few people seem to think that my friends are all associating with ex bargirls and are being deceived,

but i certainly would not like to suggest that to them.

after meeting these girls i would be suprised if this is the case.

you may be wright, but you could also be wrong so another assumption is thrown up and unsubstantiated.

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if you say "old farang" on thai visa, i am pretty sure that is an automatic crucifixtion. Applying that 20 year old thai women are not sexually attracted to their 50 year old husbands, that is a double crucifixtion. Time to run and hide because these guys are gonna eat you alive emperor.

He will be old (er) and single one day, wonder where he will end up !.. On a lighter note i brought my uncle frank over for a holiday when he was 66 and had been in the living room for 8 years watching tv and waiting for god since his wife passed away,.he loves it here,. before we came over i read him the riot act, no involvement, and read this book on the plane ( money number 1 ),. hes now been coming 4 times a year for 4 years and is often out with me til 5am,. one time i was back in the uk and he text me and said he was on jomtien beach with a 21 year old,. i text him back and said ' you be careful, it could be fatal " ,. he replies " <deleted> it, if it kills her it kills her !,..whats wrong with enjoying yourself at 70,. these young guys just cant get their head round that the darling they were with last night will go with an old fart tomorrow night,.

Edited by mikethevigoman
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Speaking from a personal experience I would never marry a Thai girl. They have nothing to offer me other than sex that would make me want to spend the rest of my life with them...

Don't get me wrong, Thai girls in general are great fun...

Another thing I find about a lot of Thai girls is that they will tell little white lies with impunity.

Why on Earth you'd ever want to get seriously involved with somebody you can never fully trust is beyond me. AMEN BROTHER!!!

I see all these older, unattractive guys in Thailand with younger wives and I wonder, do they actually know they are physically unattractive to these young, pretty women? Do they realise? If that is the case, and the relationship is obviously not based on a mutual attraction, what is it based on then? A fundamental non-starter. No better or different than a bar-girl and customer relationship IMO.

And don't give me the 'Thai women have different priorities' or 'they are happy if you take care of them financially' old chestnuts. They are lying there dreaming of being pumped by an athletic 21 year old stud just like every other normal woman, and that is probably what they will end up doing without a second thought, and more importantly, without you finding out.

Good luck to everyone that is married to a Thai. (I sincerely agree with this last comment though no matter if the auther was tongue in cheek)

So then, what about the 21 year old studs that are married to Thais? What does the future hold for them?


Too many bitter old cynics out there i think, I for one am a 25 year old :D 'stud' :D my partner is the same age and our relationship couldn't be further from what these guy's are whinging about!


Congrats and well done!

Can I please join the "stud club" Hahaha!

I am a 23 year old stud and my educated wife is 22 and our relationship gets better ever day. My wife has never been refused a visa and got her permanted migration visa to Oz approved in one day! I could go on about all the good things, but to be honest, I like reading the stories and complaints from the loosers who waited untill they were to old to discover what Thai women had to offer! All these complaints about BG's ripping them off and not getting visas and so on......... Kepp the bad stories comming!

Well done my man!

Your in the club!

Great stuff, enjoy yourself and go with it!

Mark :o

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if you say "old farang" on thai visa, i am pretty sure that is an automatic crucifixtion. Applying that 20 year old thai women are not sexually attracted to their 50 year old husbands, that is a double crucifixtion. Time to run and hide because these guys are gonna eat you alive emperor.

He will be old (er) and single one day, wonder where he will end up !.. On a lighter note i brought my uncle frank over for a holiday when he was 66 and had been in the living room for 8 years watching tv and waiting for god since his wife passed away,.he loves it here,. before we came over i read him the riot act, no involvement, and read this book on the plane ( money number 1 ),. hes now been coming 4 times a year for 4 years and is often out with me til 5am,. one time i was back in the uk and he text me and said he was on jomtien beach with a 21 year old,. i text him back and said ' you be careful, it could be fatal " ,. he replies " <deleted> it, if it kills her it kills her !,..whats wrong with enjoying yourself at 70,. these young guys just cant get their head round that the darling they were with last night will go with an old fart tomorrow night,.


Well, if they can afford viagra, they can proably afford a $2 hooker as well! :D

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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i dont know what percent of farang are with former bar girls, but it has to be atleast 1/4, and probably closer to 1/2.

well to be strait up mate ,

you would never know, and your figures are assumption and mean nothing.

its like asking, " how long is a piece of string." ?

is it a quarter of an inch long or is it half.? :o:D

It would be way more than half. How many farang do you know have a non-bg wife?

Ask them how they met their wife. A classic line is that she was in a bar but she wasn't a bg. :D:D

sorry about this begbie,

but i can honestly say that of all the farang that i know that have relationships with thai girls, not one is married or going out with an ex bar girl.

suppose it boils down to who one associates with. :D

Or whos telling the truth.

telling the truth would be more apt i would think most of the people on this forum went to thailand in the first place to meet girls in some way shape or form

i have TGF ex BG 6yrs now both happy have house in patters and she has house and land in bung kan cant see how ex bar girl is any different to bank clerk ,maybe people get so used to telling porkies that they start to believe it themselves.


you have told us many times before that your wife is an ex bargirl and im not passing any judgements whether this is a good thing or not , as i simply dont give a toss one way or the other.

you seem to be happy and thats all that matters, but to suggest that in every farang /thai relationship, the girl is ex bar is simply ludicrous and boardering on slander.

actually its an insult to all the thai women that hold down respectable jobs and are happily married to farang.

im sure some of our thai ladies on this forum would be highly offended when reading this thread so blanket statements are not warranted in this case.

thank you very much. :bah:

a few people seem to think that my friends are all associating with ex bargirls and are being deceived,

but i certainly would not like to suggest that to them.

after meeting these girls i would be suprised if this is the case.

you may be wright, but you could also be wrong so another assumption is thrown up and unsubstantiated.

1. never mentioned that tgf was ex bg before today

2 like i said before what planet did you just drop off

3 take off the rose coloured glasses and see the real world

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if you say "old farang" on thai visa, i am pretty sure that is an automatic crucifixtion. Applying that 20 year old thai women are not sexually attracted to their 50 year old husbands, that is a double crucifixtion. Time to run and hide because these guys are gonna eat you alive emperor.

He will be old (er) and single one day, wonder where he will end up !.. On a lighter note i brought my uncle frank over for a holiday when he was 66 and had been in the living room for 8 years watching tv and waiting for god since his wife passed away,.he loves it here,. before we came over i read him the riot act, no involvement, and read this book on the plane ( money number 1 ),. hes now been coming 4 times a year for 4 years and is often out with me til 5am,. one time i was back in the uk and he text me and said he was on jomtien beach with a 21 year old,. i text him back and said ' you be careful, it could be fatal " ,. he replies " <deleted> it, if it kills her it kills her !,..whats wrong with enjoying yourself at 70,. these young guys just cant get their head round that the darling they were with last night will go with an old fart tomorrow night,.


Well, if they can afford viagra, they can proably afford a $2 hooker as well! :D

have you heard the bar girls say " i no like young man " its because they dont want to pay, they think they have pulled !

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Just a reminder that this thread shouldn't be a discussion of bargirls or prostitution......

I love Thailand but agree with the OP - i would never marry a Thai there are not many genuine Thai lady's out there and i am not prepared to take care of a huge family (financially). I've learned this whilst living here.

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if you say "old farang" on thai visa, i am pretty sure that is an automatic crucifixtion. Applying that 20 year old thai women are not sexually attracted to their 50 year old husbands, that is a double crucifixtion. Time to run and hide because these guys are gonna eat you alive emperor.

He will be old (er) and single one day, wonder where he will end up !.. On a lighter note i brought my uncle frank over for a holiday when he was 66 and had been in the living room for 8 years watching tv and waiting for god since his wife passed away,.he loves it here,. before we came over i read him the riot act, no involvement, and read this book on the plane ( money number 1 ),. hes now been coming 4 times a year for 4 years and is often out with me til 5am,. one time i was back in the uk and he text me and said he was on jomtien beach with a 21 year old,. i text him back and said ' you be careful, it could be fatal " ,. he replies " <deleted> it, if it kills her it kills her !,..whats wrong with enjoying yourself at 70,. these young guys just cant get their head round that the darling they were with last night will go with an old fart tomorrow night,.


Well, if they can afford viagra, they can proably afford a $2 hooker as well! :D

have you heard the bar girls say " i no like young man " its because they dont want to pay, they think they have pulled !

No, wrong there, they say it to make the old farts feel better :D

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