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Age difference is it really important for a good relationship?  

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My wife has always told me "guys here that have young gf's (19-24)etc, will have problems. I have to say we have alot of friends here with young thai gf's and we have alot of young tg friends. on the whole they are nice and happy etc but it's true, they are f***ing lunatics.

glad i've got an old bird. :o

Me too mate :D

Dave's definition of old bird is in between 25 and 30 years old,... :D:D

So is mine Bluecat, my wife is 29 :D

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guys here that have young gf's (19-24)

Is a girl considered young up to 24, Dave?

I heard it before.

When your wife reaches 25, time to look for a mia noi (Thai saying,...) :o:D

What do you do when your "mia noi" reaches 25...........



I think different age gaps apply to different couples. It's not always an indicator of how well a couple will do. In my case, I'm 8 years younger than my husband. For some people that's too much difference, but for us it works fine :o


Our lifestyle correspondant writes.

Well I sure would hope so,,At your age if you got a YOUNG one they would drop you in the can for underage contributing.

And they don't come any older than I am,so us old dudes gotta get em younger as women wear out a lot earlier than we do.Can't get much work out of a 70 YO. broad. And she don't know whether to iron her dress or her hide.And you can't have a serious conversation with em either cause they can't hear.

Right on Kev

I wonder of you could get your good lady to give her views on when you climb up on the ironing board twice a week to get your " hide " the once over with the steam iron?

I am sure it will make fascinating reading as I and many others are sure she is thrilled to bits at the prospect.

I also note that a lot of your posts are in upper case, is that because at your age you are hard of reading?

Ya know as you so rightly say " It's a bit like wiping your ass on a hoop".



4-6 years seems to be reasonable to me, considering same interests, same discussion points a.s.o. Up to 10 years still fine with me. Here I am talking about marriage.

I realize, however, it will be difficult for me to proof my point. Therefor I recommend you try out the mia-noi concept through all ages. Purely for scientific research, of course. :o

Therefor I recommend you try out the mia-noi concept through all ages. Purely for scientific research, of course. :D

Mia luang not reading, I guess,... :o:D


Pleae Kevin, explain how a seventy year old woman would not know what she is doing, but a seventy year old man would. Why are only seventy year old women deaf? You are wrong! Women handle old age much much better than men. We live longer and stay healthy and aware longer. Alziemhers disease is two to one, against men.
















85>>49 UPS UP to the hill she is lucky to spent what she surly get

So the perfect woman for me now is 27. Exactly right! So in 10 years my "perfect" woman will be 32, and my wife will be 37. In 20 years, my perfect aged woman will be 37, and my wife will be 47.

This means that the longer that we are together the less ideal she becomes???????

Surely not :o


Maybe that was a bad definition BC.

I maybe should have meant more experienced, When i said young it meant the girls who still like going out and getting sihtfaced everynight in disco's etc, in pattaya especially the young girls who are only into getting cash, getting laid, getting drunk and trying to out do the next girl.


The real question should be "What is the ideal Age Gap for a Successful Relationship?".

How many times do you read - Crusty old fart, marries young thai lady. She leaves him as soon as she gets permanent residency in his country.

A ten year age gap seems to be about the average. As Thai women often look 10 years younger than their western counterparts, the average man marrying a Thai women looks to have a woman who looks 20 years younger than him. This is great.

Pushing the boat out and getting a wife who looks 40 years younger than you may be great for your ego, but is not likely to be successful in the long term.

How old are you, Polly?

I would be extremely careful about upsetting Polly if I were you as our Polly thinks that whapping the old mans apendage off by the missus in a bad mood is a good thing.

I did ask her her views on female circumsion but no reply as of yet.

in pattaya especially the young girls who are only into getting cash, getting laid, getting drunk and trying to out do the next girl.

Jeez, I should go to Pattaya more often.

Sounds like fun to me,... :o:D

A mate of mind said last night “I am convinced beyond any doubt that love is ageless” is he right?

If its ok for Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones or Calista Flockart and Harrison Ford then why not the rest of the world. Or does money buy love?

So come on guys what’s the age difference between you and the love of your life

i couldnt help dredging this old story from the archives .......




A former gas company boss aged 75 has wed a pretty Thai girl of 23 in

a secret ceremony in Thailand.

Twice divorced Brian Clegg insisted: I'm not a dirty old man. Everyone

likes a 23 year old girl dont they? Lifes a book but the last chapter

should be the best because its the climax!

Mr Clegg paid out 3000 in air fares and dating agency fees to wed

pretty Banjit Sawaengdee last month.

The wealthy ex-businessman said: I'd been living on my own for 2 years

when I decided to look around for a new wife.

I was given 10 videos of girls to choose from before drawing up a

shortlist of the ones I wanted to interview when I visited Bangkok.

Joom wrote to me asking for a meeting. I wrote back and after a couple

of letters and exchange of photographs I was convinced she was the one

I wanted to marry.

Joom is waiting for her settlement visa to come through but I am

paying her 200 pounds a month subsistence while she waits. Shes a

healthy, slim and attractive young woman. I dont know her background

or where she lives exactly but thats not a problem. There are hundreds

of women like her who want to meet British men and live in Britain.

I've told her that if she comes to live here she will be financially

secure for the rest of her life but that I'm not prepared to support

her family while shes here.


Fourth wedding for mail order hubby

by Diana Blamires

They say fools don't make the same mistake twice and woe betide anyone

who calls Brian Clegg a fool.

"When people say to me I am a dirty old pervert I tell them to sod

off," said the 76-year-old former chairman of Northern Gas who,

undeterred by the failure of his one-week marriage to a Thai mail

order bride, is now planning to marry a Ugandan woman more than 40

years his junior. Mr Clegg, whose foray into matrimony with

23-year-old Joom ended in a blaze of humiliating headlines just before

Christmas, has now proposed to Christine, a check-out girl who lives

in a council flat in south London.

Mr Clegg fell for the woman he plans to make his fourth wife when she

tracked him down after seeing him on television talking about his

mail-order marriage.

He had only known Christine a matter of weeks before he proposed, is

not even terribly sure of her age, but this time Mr Clegg is convinced

he has struck it lucky. He is also coyly sheltering her from

publicity, declaring that they will only announce their engagement

formally when his divorce is finalised.

"She's completely in love with me. She can't believe how lucky she

is," he boasted proudly as he sipped his favourite dry martini in his

penthouse flat in Poole.

It all began when Mr Clegg appeared on ITV's The Time The Place in

which he was questioned on his sexual exploits with his Thai bride by

aferocious audience of housewives and psychoanalysts.

Mr Clegg had to hold his own against the wrath of a woman whose

husband had left her for a girl half his age.

When one member of the audience accused him of being a dirty old man

he retorted: "I think she's a stupid old woman." Christine was so

impressed by his performance on the show that she made contact with

him by getting his telephone number from the Thai bride agency who

were mentioned on the programme.

"She's a very determined girl. She thought I answered the questions on

the show with great clarity. She was impressed that I didn't lose my

temper. She wanted to meet me.

"She came down here to see me and at the end of the evening I said,

'Are you sleeping in the spare room or are you sleeping with me?' She

said, 'What do you think I came for?' I have taught her a lot. She

jokes and calls it the academy of sex."

Mr Clegg, who has a degree from Trinity College, Cambridge, wants to

teach his bride maths, chess and better English.

"We are in contact every two days. I just want her to be happy. I have

the ability to make her life better," he said.

Christine, who has two daughters aged 19 and 11, and works for

Waitrose, has visited her new "boyfriend" four times.

As soon as Mr Clegg's marriage to the third Mrs Clegg, Banjit

Sawa-engdee, known as Joom, is annulled he hopes to marry Christine.

"She wants an engagement ring to show off the super boyfriend she is

marrying." Mr Clegg is confident that he is not falling into the same

trap as he did with Joom. He said: "I should not have married Banjit.

I didn't have long enough to get to know her. We married after we'd

spent three days together. I received these letters from her before I

went to meet her in Thailand.

"They built her up in my mind. When I arrived and met her she could

hardly speak any English. The letters must have been translated by the

agency. I married her anyway. I thought she's 23, she's got a lovely

shape, I can't go wrong."

Things got off to a better start with Christine. He is so polite that

he hasn't even asked her age, though he guesses she is her


Mr Clegg, who was one of the big names of the gas industry, sold the

merits of the virgin North Sea field to big businesses. He retired as

chief of Northern Gas 16 years ago.

He has had two other marriages. He has a 46-year-old son and a

39-year-old daughter by the first and an 11-year-old son by the


He added: "I want this to be the final chapter of my life. I want to

spend it with Christine."


POLLY,,Never said that they wouldn't know what they were doin,said they wouldn't know what to iron the wrinkles out of, and I doin pretty well on the active memory dept. my self, don't seem that the Alzheimer's runs in my family,,my mother is 92 and she just got her first computer and my dad died at 87 and my grandma lasted to 101,and I am only 71 and still goin OK,,most folks don't think I am to much over 50 or so well guess we will see in the next 25 years,,Had my first kid when i was 18 and my last child was born when i was 62,don't reckon I will sire no more,,but I am capable,it is the women that get to old.

A Pic of me taken a few months ago is in here somewhere,look and see.


Hey RIMJOB; I read it ,not worth the effort to answer

How old are you, Polly?

I would be extremely careful about upsetting Polly if I were you as our Polly thinks that whapping the old mans apendage off by the missus in a bad mood is a good thing.

I did ask her her views on female circumsion but no reply as of yet.

I was just teasing her. :D

The answer to your question was deleted. It must have been kind of offensive, I guess. :o

Twice divorced Brian Clegg (aged 75) insisted: I'm not a dirty old man. Everyone likes a 23 year old girl dont they? Lifes a book but the last chapter should be the best because its the climax!

So Brian Clegg's Thai marriage to a lady 52 years younger only lasted one week. I think anyone who marries someone they have only known for a few days is asking for trouble, especially if they know nothing about the background of their spouse.

Come to think of it I applied for a Fiancee Settlement Visa for my girlfriend after only being with her for 5 days - and yes we were successful in getting the visa. The relationship has worked out well - but we are close in age (7 years), both have University Degrees and have many other interests in common.

we remember the same tv shows & music

My g/f has never heard of The Beatles or knew what D-day was about (or even WW2) :o

I think different age gaps apply to different couples. It's not always an indicator of how well a couple will do. In my case, I'm 8 years younger than my husband. For some people that's too much difference, but for us it works fine :D


You are (and will always will be) a very special person...........


only 71 and still goin OK,,most folks don't think I am to much over 50 or so well guess we will see in the next 25 years,,Had my first kid when i was 18 and my last child was born when i was 62,don't reckon

Who doesn't think you look much over 50?

Bar girls? As for brain cell depletion, in my opinion you seem to have about three left.

Any news on your good lady wife's opinion on your magnificent body when she irons the wrinkles out of your "hide".

As for breeding children have you found out what's causing it yet if not read a book that is not about guns and do the world a favour?

Yee haa


How come I get the impression you don't like Kevin, Maerim?

He's made some uncool comments about me as well, but that was two days ago!?!


Onya Kev, I thought you looked about 51 actually :D Is that your tobacco farm?

keep on going Kev and dont let the buggers get you down :o

Onya Kev, I thought you looked about 51 actually :D Is that your tobacco farm?

keep on going Kev and dont let the buggers get you down :o

Not my tobacco, But the family is not broke and into a lot of different farming, Grow a lot of different things and have a lot of land scattered around from the valley up into the high country,and also some cows and fish farming,and raise chickens[feed out 8000 fryers at a time] and 2 daughters that are teachers. all the children are univ. graduates.And my wife has 40 rai in timber that will be ready for harvest in 5 years. :D

No sweat about the buggers, as ya know everyone likes a good RIMMER[as in MAYRIM] every once in awhile,if you are into that sort of thing :D

How come I get the impression you don't like Kevin, Maerim?

Not me, I'm collecting "Kevinisms" hopefully one day to publish these literary gems for posterity as I think the English language could do with an overhaul.

His musings on monks not getting any " pussy", ironing the " hide" of ladies who are getting a bit long in their afternoons or perhaps he meant hiding their iron, one never knows.

Of course my all time favourite is " a bit like wiping your ass on a hoop" what this gentleman has got against small horse like creatures is beyond me but there is no accounting for taste.


Of course my all time favorite is " a bit like wiping your ass on a hoop" what this gentleman has got against small horse like creatures is beyond me but there is no accounting for taste. ""

What that means,as you do not seem to read and comprehend to well,is that there is no end to it,,kinda like your drivel. :o

PS. I corrected your spelling. :D


OK MAYRIM; Here is the post that pissed you off and started you following me around the site and making stupid remarks to my every post,,by the way,you never did correct me on it.

This post was made in response to your advise that I just add more wraps of teflon tape the the male threads to seal them. Was made in NEWS ARTICLES "thailand ,detroit of the east."

""Pipe threads in Thailand are all cut straight,like machine threads,pipe threads are cut on the taper to seal without bottoming,if they bottom they will not seal,has nothing to with high pressure steam,and anyone that knows his ass from a hole in the ground knows that 1 wrap of Teflon tape is all that is needed and that the tape will not hold pressure,maybe you better go to school and learn pipe fitting before you try to tell me how to do a job that I was trained to do. I have been a pipe fitter and was also a USCG licensed chief engineer with 10,000 hp motors and 17,500 hp steam ticket. ""

now if you have an answer,do so,if not then quit following me around and get a life rimmer.

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