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Aussie Warned Against Thai Tour


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Aussie warned against Thai tour

BANGKOK: -- Forget about relaxing on a tropical island beach? - perhaps. Even better, forget the latest holiday craze, tour packages involving plastic surgery.

Australian surgeons warned again against cosmetic surgery performed in Thailand.

The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons said more than 20 people had been recently treated for complications, most needing corrective surgery, after having plastic surgery performed as part of a tour package to Thailand.

Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons president Norman Olbourne said people who took part in holiday packages that included plastic surgery risked complications leading to infection.

"We have seen women whose breast implants are exposed through infected wounds because of poor surgical technique or a lack of post-operative supervision," he said in a statement.

At least one Australian travel agent had offered a "hot travel deal" which directed people to a Thai hospital website where they could "choose surgical procedures of interest", the college said in a statement.

The travel agent then made all hospital appointments and booked flights and accommodation for travellers.

Dr Olbourne said the cost of such a package - including flights, surgery and accommodation - was the same as the price of a breast enlargement in Australia.

"When whole packages ... are costing the same as what we are paying for the cost of a breast implant alone, you have to question the quality of the product," Dr Olbourne said.

"We are also concerned that the cost of subsequent corrective surgery is borne by Australian taxpayers. Is it reasonable that we use our national health scheme to pay for others' mistakes?" he asked.

-- AAP 2004-06-11

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Whilst I am not full bottle on plastic surgery and the pros and cons relating to that procedure, many western (Caucasian) physicians / surgeons have reservations about some of the procedures performed in Asia.

They say that Asian professionals are not always familiar with western peoples conditions.

Even where the asian specialist has received some / or part of his training outside Thailand there is still doubts about just how good they might be.

For me I think that it would depend on just how serious the condition is (i.e. open heart surgery, brain surgery etc)

I am absolutely sure that there are some very competent medical people here but Thailand has yet to excell in many fields (has it)

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Reading the news article with a critical eye, I come away with the distinct impression that the Australian physician quoted is protecting the turf of his organization, other Australian physicians, who evidently are concerned about the drain of surgical business to cheaper venues.

Poor post op care is really the responsibility of the patient. On a vacation and failure to return to the operating surgeon for follow-up because of return to Australia seems highly probable. "Post-op infrection being caused by poor operative technique" is absured on the face.

Concern for the Australian health care system being harmed by paying for 20 cases of post surgical complications is silly, if for the numbers involved, if nothing else.

The recent report in this forum about back surgery in BKK is illustrative how "off the mark" the tone of the article is.

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