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For the well meaning and hard working Thai coworker, you know the kind.. What is the best way to let them save face...when they are don't have a clue what they are doing and are causing a major SNAFU...?

Being patient, jai yen, helpful and all that has done of course....


if i need to get something done and am finding it hard.

i find that if they think that they have come up with the idea then things get done easier.

trying to get thais to do things your way is sometimes difficult.so suggest different ideas around your way and let them come up with "their" (your) way.

make them feel that its their idea and therefore they feel they have done something important!

even if it was your idea in the first place.


sorry i think the above is a little confusing but its the best way i can put it.


Thai Time

There is a difference: Check to make sure you are talking about the 24-hour clock when confirming a time. Can also mean a local relaxed attitude to time.

Squat Toilets

Many buildings now have the traditional European toilet. Remember to carry some toilet paper with you and take your time - nobody is watching!

"How much is that?"

Thai people are naturally curious, they don't really want an answer so reply with another question! "Oh, far too expensive" - "Not too much"

Dealing with Thai staff

This should be considered an education not a frustration! Read as many books on the subject as possible. The experts say for every bad criticism you want to give you have to give at least 20 good points (however, frustrating)

Express boats

It's an interesting way to travel and very cheap. Wear non-slip shoes and comfortable clothes - the boats don't stop. Watch the Thais and follow

Crossing the road

Watch the locals and try and cross with them. The drivers are watching for hesitation - walk slowly into the road, signaling with your hand (held low) you want them to slow down - works every time!

Money touts

Don't get involved - walk away

Bad drivers

Don't get cross - it's a cultural thing, you will never win the argument

The bore who has done it all!

Smile and don't argue - you will certainly enjoy yourself if you did it.

Taxi drivers

"They are a law upon themselves" - Try to know or understand where you want to go. If they sense hesitation or lack of knowledge you may find yourself going further than necessary. Make it clear before get on. Don't hesitate to practice your Thai.

Not having the right change

Taxi drivers are notorious for never having change - always ensure you have small change available


Bangkok has traffic - but it has improved. Do what the locals do and go and sit and have a drink before you head home. Trying to get somewhere on a Friday, when its raining and pay day is impossible - don't fight what you can't change

Strangers offering tours

Nobody does anything for nothing. There will be a catch - and you will not be happy. "Smile and say No"

Getting lost

This will happen - remain calm, always try and carry a map with you and look for landmarks. Buy some water and sit down and take a break - regain your composure and start again. Let 's visit City Orientation to find the way out.

Being late for an appointment

When it rains in Bangkok people are expected to be late for an appointment. Other reasons will make you late - again, don't fight the system. Try and leave a little earlier and take a book to pass away your free time. Its part of life!

Long queues at government offices

Time is a different commodity to the locals and waiting for government officials is a frustration which you shouldn't allow to bother you. Take a book and remember, keep smiling. Its there country !

Local people not understanding

You've just repeated the same question for the 4th time - and they still keep smiling. They are too shy to say they don't know, smile back and try and ask in a different way.

Visiting the Grand Palace

This is one of their national treasures - The Thais have a perfect right to be 'a little forceful'. Read about the correct dress code before you visit places of interest and don't try and fight the system. Visit should & shouldn't [link to should & shouldn'ts Page] for some ideas of this.

The heat

Yes, it is hot! Watch the locals and follow them. Don't stand in the direct sun, walk in the shade, never rush anywhere

Ordering food

Be specific as to what you want. Mistakes happen because the waiter/ess doesn't understand and is shy to say so. Visit restaurant in Thailand [link to restaurants Page] to find your place and Easy Thai Phrase for preparing essential word in the restaurant.

Nobody wanting to help

Generally the Thai's are shy people, if you march around frowning, they will not help. Smile and ask for help - you will be surprised at the reaction

Laughing at you

If you make a mistake, fall over etc. It will probably be followed by a lot of laughing. This is not meant as spiteful, they are laughing with you. Smile back.

You have asked and they've said Yes

You have found a workman to carry out some work at your apartment, he's agreed but never shows up again. He may not have been happy with the price, he may be busy or your building management is charging too much for him to work there!

This should be considered an education not a frustration! Read as many books on the subject as possible. The experts say for every bad criticism you want to give you have to give at least 20 good points (however, frustrating)
if i need to get something done and am finding it hard.

i find that if they think that they have come up with the idea then things get done easier.

trying to get thais to do things your way is sometimes difficult.so suggest different ideas around your way and let them come up with "their" (your) way.

make them feel that its their idea and therefore they feel they have done something important!

even if it was your idea in the first place.

I agree with these methods, one of the most rewarding parts of living in Thailand is working with my staff, I love them to bits and always try to make everything 'sanook' for them, I always encourage them to come up with ideas and be more assertive, however there was a big f*@% up this morning and I shouted at a couple of them for being donuts - a real no no, I know, but it really worked a treat, we had a laugh about it later - and I bought them donuts for lunch. For all my daily buggering around and horseplay I gained a bit more respect today for telling them off. You can easily be thought of as too nice.

I believe the Thai's have a phrase which translates as 'slapping my face and rubbing my back' It certainly worked for me today.

Unless I get gunned down on my way home from work tonight, in which case please ignore this post :o

Unless I get gunned down on my way home from work tonight, in which case please ignore this post :D


please check in, we are worried!


12call, where can one buy your 'Getting it right in Lol' guide, and is their a section on how to approach the fair gender, negotiate with officials and how to keep your balance on the back of a motorbike taxi?



Very nicely said.. We need more organized reminders of how to act and respond with Thais.


Interesting story. Have to go but more later. This is important stuff :o

To answer the original question.

The Thai way, not your way.

Takes a bit of time to get used/master it.

But works wonders.

My TGF/fiance' can be very stubborn at times.

I'm of Irish and Swedish decent, so that means every cell in my body has a stubborn gene in it.

My faen says: "I stubborn okay. You stubborn no good."

She's trying very hard to get me to buy off on that one, but it ain't gonna work. There's not much I can do about my nature.

When we are both stubborn at the same time, things get interesting.

My TGF/fiance' can be very stubborn at times.

In general, they are stubborn.

Question of education.

Kids are kings.

Do not get fooled.

Be firm but in a "soft", Thai way.

Explain and convince.

Not easy but possible.

Good luck.


Interesting thread...what if the thai worker presumes that as a falang you make 15-20 times his salary, live in absolute luxury and otherwise enjoy a lifestyle that he could only dream about simply decides 'hey falang, fukc you' knowing that his falang boss would not be able to do anything about it? Elsewhere in this forum (about the guns and violence?) jealousy, greed and envy have been discussed as the reason for thai on thai shoot'em ups...how does that translate to falang bossman/thai subordinate relationships?

Some years ago in Indonesia resentment from the client's local people made it so we could not do our jobs...we lost half of our staff from resignations...my son was about to be born in the UK but they would not release me to attend my wife...for no other reason than resentment. I swore never again.

There is a bigger picture...have a look at it.


Laughing at you

If you make a mistake, fall over etc. It will probably be followed by a lot of laughing. This is not meant as spiteful, they are laughing with you. Smile back.

Took me a little time at first to get used to this good piece of advice. Especially when trying my best to get the tones down right. Boy, do they laugh when you think you sound stupid but it's not directed at you... :o

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