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Nerve Block


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Does anyone know where I can get a Nerve Block Performed,

I am on my feet often and, often get sore feet. I would like a nerve block performed so to minimise the pain. I have been to many western doctors and all say that there is nothing wrong with my feet, hence this would be more of a comfort procedure, so as I can continue my job until the end of my contract.

Any advise would be appreciated

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Before you enter in any pain blocking procedure you should understand the consequences. Pain is the bodies alarm that signals something is wrong. Turning off the alarm for the wrong reason can lead to more serious problems because the condition is ignored, that is why I will not work with anyone for pain management without a referral from a doctor. It does not matter if I am working with a person during pre-op to help them reduce or eliminate their pain medication prior to surgery, or actually working in the OR during waking surgery I still need a referral. Even something as simple and easy as fibromyalgia or a migraine headache I still need a referral.

from what you say the effect is the pain in your feet, but your doctor can’t find the cause. That suggests the cause is not internal but external. Construction workers often have feet pain from walking on re-barb bars. The fix is special shoes that distribute the weight more evenly and not cause pressure points. Have you looked at that yet? The shoes would need to be custom made even going so far as taking casts of your feet in some cases.

If you want to do a nerve block you can do some self experiments by placing your feet in ice water for about 10 minutes. If you are comfortable walking without sensation in your feet then you will get a better idea of what direction to go. You may find it undesirable because the chance you could twist your ankle is increased.

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I haven't had any experience with this in Thailand but the type of physician needed is an anesthesiologist specializing in pain management. The first thing they would have to do is to identify the nerve (s) responsible; this will determine whether or not a nerve block is feasible. Nerve blocks are best when there is a single nerve involved and it is one not critical to normal function.

The foremost specialist in pain management in Thailand is Dr. Pongparadee Chaudakshetrin who is the head of the pain Clinic at Siriraj Hospital. HeI am not sure but think he may have has private practice hours at Praram 9 Hospital, suggest you call there and ask. 02-202-999. You could also try the following:

Bangkok Hospital - Pain Clinic (in the neurology Dept) - Dr. Kongkiat Kulkantrakorn (Saturdays only) or Dr. Erawady Mitrabhakdi. Both are U.S. trained.

Bangkok Nursing Home - Pain Clinic (I don't know any of the doctor's names but you could call and ask)

There is also a Pain Clinic at Siriraj Hospital but as it is a government hospital, red tape and language barrier may present problems.

Good luck

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Just to pass on some more info, I have also been to several doctors who looked at the bio mechanics of my feet, and been told that there is nothign physically wrong with my feet, and in regards to trying the ice, when I am standing in water, I have no pain, it is only when there is pressure applied is there pain, as mentioned before the only excpetion is when I am in the shower.

When I was younger I was fooling around with a can of fly spray and a lighter and was buring ants on the sand, not realising that the sand was hot, I walked over the hot sand and severly burned the soles of my feet. I applied ice to my feet and that was the end of it, until this started to happen when i was 14, I can not remember the age I was when I did this, I have also told the doctor this and he seems to think that it is not the cause, however after countless years, I am fed up with the run around. and would like the nerve block performed,

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I think what John meant with standing in ice water was that this will temporarily block the nerves in your feet. This way you can have a feel of what it would be like after having a nerve block performed.

If you do this and are very uncomfortable walking around you may reconsider having a nerve block, I'm not sure if a nerve block can be reversed and sometimes the cure can be worse than the problem.

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I think what John meant with standing in ice water was that this will temporarily block the nerves in your feet. This way you can have a feel of what it would be like after having a nerve block performed.

If you do this and are very uncomfortable walking around you may reconsider having a nerve block, I'm not sure if a nerve block can be reversed and sometimes the cure can be worse than the problem.

Yes that is exactly what I meant, you may find the sensation or lack of more disturbing that the pain.

I can tell you of a few personal experiences I have had in the last few years. Both of them the cause was physically nowhere near the effect. Most recently I had a sharp pain in my right wrist that turned out to be some minor inflamation in my right shoulder. I discovered this when I moved my arm to a certain position. That was fixed with just taking an anti-inflammatory for 2 days. The other was a pain in my left arm that turned out to be needing a simple visit to a chiropractor for a spinal adjustment in the neck area.

If you think about a foot massage and when they get out that wonderful little stick to make sure you have not fallen asleep, they are stimulating pressure points that effect other parts of the body. Meaning there is a direct connection between you feet and every place else in your body.

Another though of things you may want to look at is along the lines of Fibromyalgia. The person anticipated the pain thus making it more intense and starts a cycle. In your case it is more along what a drill sergeant may say “it’s all in your mind” but not exactly. There is another thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...109310&st=0 that you may want to read to give you another perspective on what may be causing your problem.

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Just wondering, where did you get this idea of a nerve block?

As my brother the veterinarian would say, "a telephone diagnosis is not worth the paper it is printed on". Same goes for internet I guess.

Anyway, sounds like you need to see a professional as suggested above. You haven't said how old you are or whatever medical problems you may have, but it is possible that those are relevant issues.

I suspect a competent physician might try you on one or more of a couple of medications. I hesitate to mention what they are because it really is most important for you to get the word from someone who can really do a thorough history and physical, and probably who specializes in that area. Perhaps a pain management physician would be the way to go on this, whether it is an anesthesiologist who has subspecialized in this field or a physician from another discipline who has done the same.

Good luck, I hope things work out.

BTW, i would think that doing anything to deaden those nerves might carry the same risk that affict diabetics with peripheral neuropathies -- since they are unable to feel any cuts, trauma, etc., to their feet, and in addition their immune systems are somewhat compromised, they are very susceptible to infection and very often end up with serial amputations of the lower extremities. Sometimes it starts with a toe, then can progress to the ankle, knee, etc. etc. It really is a shame to see and a tough road to go down.

(I do realize that what I have said has already pretty much been said by the other people who responded to this thread.)

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