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Crackdown On Paedophile Network In Chiangmai


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most of the pedofile's in Thailand hide behind the respectability of a charity, and that there is a lot more people involved in it than you would think !

Having visited LOS with my youngest son that is 40 years younger than I and having seen the stink looks from folks who assume that I was living on the dark side made me aware that there must be more to that world than was obvious to me. Never thought it went so far as is claimed here---charitable organizations used as a front for scum---wow! To violate the innocence of a child takes a very selfish act. Charitable? How we have failed!! Hard to belive that it was just a generation ago a man was not considered worthy to be a President of the US as he was a DIVORCED man.

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Really glad that no one seemed to see that I used (accidently) a q instead of g for Guilty.

I am married Thai and have lived in Thailand, I love the people and the country. And am infuriated that any group of men go out for Children. In the end I believe that God/Budda will deal with these animals.

Now those who come to Thailand just for sex, I have no fondness for these people too. If you can not find a partner where you are from. Then what does that say about "you"?

This is simpy IMO...


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If you have suspicions, then let the cops know. Do it through contacts or friends, or anomalously via a note (in Thai - get the Mrs/GF to write it) - send copies to several local policemen of rank, the headquarters and local politicians etc - and list the CCs on each copy. Use good quality paper and envelope and post it (rather than hand deliver). They will then be forced to move just in case so as not to loose face latter if the perp gets caught. Only do this if you are sure - but can't prove it (or can, but doubt it will get anywhere) as this would not be a nice thing to do to an innocent!

Please, please don't let these animals get away with it - Thai, farrang, Japanese - whatever.

Good advice, ty.

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Even though you are not 100 percent sure of this persons activities, but you suspect something is wrong with a person with 2 ten year olds, and for other reasons, do it the safe way to protect interests that might be involved.

Go to the nearest Police Department, and once there go to the person in top command and then submit the name of this person and any other information you have to the Top Cop. Let them handle it and let them investigate it their own way. If your information comes out true and that your suspicions are correct they will get this person, and I am sure they will let you know the final results eventually based on your information.

Forget about going to everybody- Go straight to the Police.


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Even though you are not 100 percent sure of this persons activities, but you suspect something is wrong with a person with 2 ten year olds, and for other reasons, do it the safe way to protect interests that might be involved.

Go to the nearest Police Department, and once there go to the person in top command and then submit the name of this person and any other information you have to the Top Cop.  Let them handle it and let them investigate it their own way.  If your information comes out true and that your suspicions are correct they will get this person, and I am sure they will let you know the final results eventually based on your information.

Forget about going to everybody- Go straight to the Police.


Not exactly sure Dave that this is the best way to go (actually not too sure that there is a best way)

Take the possible scenario that you speak to the top cop about a "Mr X" and then it turns out that "Mr X " and the top cop are somewhat more than just nodding aquaintances. You might just have signed your own death warrant.

I think I would favour the letter to many top people (the Cc's shown on all copies) method. Put the letters in the post and sit back.

And I think I would forget about the "head waiter" doing too much. He's a "one order at a time man" and won't want to be putting the kitchen under too much pressure

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I have been visiting Chiang Mai for 8 years now and only once Have I noticed any evidence of paedophilia. in that case he was abusing the 6 year old neice of a mate of mine. in that case he got a good shoeing from a couple of ex-pat mates of mine, was arrested, placed in a police cell with a group of Thais who

(by arragement) were fully informed as to the reason for his arrest) got another good kicking, and 18 months later is still on remand (he's Swedish for info). Apert from that I have never come across any evidence of paedophilia in hiang Mai. I hope I never do!!

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Indignity is cheap.

How many guys check the bar girls ID for age?

50-100,000 prostitutes from Burma way in Thailand, a good chunk of them under legal age. How many have openly protested the Burmese Junta and the Thai Government;s complacence or complicity in making this prostitute 'pool' so readily available?

How many have tried the various avenues available to try and force the Thai police to actually act like police and enforce the laws without favortism?

How many know or have heard of the various whore palaces that frequently have underage employees and give the old mai pen rai?

How many of you have researched what you can actively do to reduce the incidence of these horrific crimes like contacting UNICEF or similar and the various child protection agencies?

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How many guys check the bar girls ID for age?
Personally I don't check out the BG's let alone their IDs, but that's just me.
How many of you have researched what you can actively do to reduce the incidence of these horrific crimes like contacting UNICEF or similar and the various child protection agencies?

I would be very surprised if anyone researched it unless it was part of their job to. However, contacting Unicef etc is another good suggestion to put pressure on the authorities to investigate, whilst keeping you head down.

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Not many years ago in Chiang Mai there were coffee shops using many girls from Burma Laos and upcountry girls all underage quite openly.

The police were being paid off by one woman now thankfully dead, her son is a top cop as well. she "owned" 60 girls.

Some of these girls were only 14 they had to sit behind a plate glass window with badges on these were different colours reflecting the price men paid for a "short time" they did the deed in her room at the back of the brothel.

Probably many of these girls are now dead.

They had a crackdown on these "coffee shops" but had to bring police up from Bangkok as the local mob could not be trusted.

It's probably still there underground this time but the point is that there were no Farang customers but Thai's.

This said two wrongs don't make a right and these perverts who prey on small children must be rooted out and sent packing.

As for Daveyo's advice, this gentleman lives in America so he is a real expert on local affairs so any advice he gives is best taken with a large shovel full of salt.

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It is my strong belief that most of the pedofile's in Thailand hide behind the respectability of a charity, and that there is a lot more people involved in it than you would think !

Your suspicions are correct. Many pedos get themselves into a position of trust near kids, often as a teacher. In Thailand, the front has long been running an "orphange" ad helping the kids. The first one I remember was an American up in Mae Ai who ran an orphange. He was eventually busted. More recently a regular poster to SCT, who always proclaimed he worked to "help the children" was outed and he commited suicide rather than face the music. And the son ofa missionary up in Chiang Rai at another "orphange" has been accused of diddling the kids staying there.

Many of these orphanages are not inhabited by true orphans. The kids often have parents living up in the hills. The kids are sent down to these orphanages because of various promises made to the parents. Some of the places have been really bad like the one in Mae Ai. Others are run to make evangelicals feel good about themselves and give them a nice place to live while in Thailand.

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I am totally against anything having to do with sex with anyone under the legal age of consent.... which in my opinion is at least 18 years of age. But let us remember that this article is written for the sake of getting the reaction that I have seen here, despite the actual facts of the matter. Let us remember that if a person is accused (wrongfully or not) of these kinds of acts.... they are automatically guilty in the eyes of those who read or hear about it. I think that we as a group need to not easily fall into being manipulated. In my opinion, anyone who wants to sexually molest or have any kind of sex or fondle any person under the legal age of consent is ill and should be hospitalized, despite my revulsion at the act(s). I say this because they are IMHO mentally ill. But, again, my reading of the article a second time causes me to see some inconsistancies in the reporting. Additionally, having either been involved in an incident, or having been at an incident that was subsequently reported in the local newspaper, and seeing the distortion of the event by the "reporter", gives me pause to give much credibility to this "reporter" Sure, I know that some of this goes on, in Chaing Mai, as it does in other parts of the world, but I doubt the extent of it as identified in this news story. Makes it sound like all Aussies are sicko's, and I know that is not the case.

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:D Pedophiles, where is Al Queda when we really need them!

Down Texas way, they have a law whereby these scum bags are staked out in the desert naked for 3 days. Which just happens to be just long enough for their skin to become well-cooked and raw with blood.

Then, their genitals are covered in a sweet cactus jell. Hence, they are laid on a fire ant hill but mind you for ONLY 1 hour every day. This goes on until the ants have eaten them away or ###### knocks on their deserving door.

After a short period of recovery, assuming they do recover, the words PED O PHILE is branded on both cheeks and their forehead.

They are then sentenced to 50 years without the chance of parole.

It seems the one-thing murders, rapist and thieves really hate are child abusers. Strangely enough, so many of them, where, in their youth, innocent victims of this diabolical crime.

These PEDO’s are then reluctantly recruited as ketoy playthings for big bubba and da boys. It seems they spend the rest of their miserable lives getting what they gave to these children who deserve a better life than what this scum has in mind.

Ya, I know I’m holding back and not saying what I really feel! :D

:D In advance, I apologize to any of my sensitive peace loving European friends.

Yes I know. American's suck, And yes, we are all that is evil in this world, yad yad yad!

Except, some might reasonably say, maybe not, I repeat maybe not, in 1918, 1940-45, 1950-53, the 1980’s, and just maybe not in 1991.

And, yes, that sure is an ignorant American cowboy solution.

But it would be ###### fair justice wouldn’t you say?


That is all! Yankeekilo22

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Down Texas way, they have a law whereby these scum bags are staked out in the desert naked for 3 days. Which just happens to be just long enough for their skin to become well-cooked and raw with blood.

Then, their genitals are covered in a sweet cactus jell. Hence, they are laid on a fire ant hill but mind you for ONLY 1 hour every day. This goes on until the ants have eaten them away or ###### knocks on their deserving door.

After a short period of recovery, assuming they do recover, the words PED O PHILE is branded on both cheeks and their forehead.

They are then sentenced to 50 years without the chance of parole.

You will see this fascinating comment on the US justice system which really works by the way as they only have 2 million in their prisons is so relevant as to what is happening in Chiang Mai.

A big thank you from all of us.

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I am totally against anything having to do with sex with anyone under the legal age of consent.... which in my opinion is at least 18 years of age.
Do you know what the legal age of consent is in Thailand? Or for most western countries for that matter? Is your 'opinion' superior to the 'opinions' of those who crafted the laws currently on the books?

And Thailand is a nation of pedophiles if sleeping with anyone under 18 years of age makes one a pedo.

  In my opinion, anyone who wants to sexually molest or have any kind of sex or fondle any person under the legal age of consent is ill and should be hospitalized, despite my revulsion at the act(s). I say this because they are IMHO mentally ill.

You may be well meaning but are more likely mentally ill than a man who wants to 'molest' a 16 or 17 year old 'girl'.

Our bodies are programmed to want to mate with them. Westerners have been fed a load of shit for many years and have seemingly bought it wholesale.

There is not now and never has been anything wrong with desiring to sleep with young ladies. It makes biological sense.

I'll put my head on the chopping block and say right now that I find 16,17 and 18 year old 'girls' attractive. Japanese ones in schoolgirl outfits even moreso. :o

And, if I wasn't married, I'd probably 'molest' (a harsh word for a legal activity, in most places) a 16 year old 'girl' , and would definitely a 17 year old 'girl'-it would be entirely dependant upon a variety of factors-but not be related strictly to an age.

When did life get so black and white? What a bunch of sheep people have become. And they've always been hypocrites.

When I was 16, 17 and 18 years old I sat around listening to girls (friends) talking about how they were messing with 25 and 30 year old men. Some were boyfriends.

Then, when I was 21 years old and had a 17 year old girlfriend I had to listen to these same hags talk about how I was some sort of pervert-the crock of shit that is.

My girlfriend was mentally sound, not living at home, working afull-time job and had graduated a year early from high school due to being very bright. Then, when she hit 18 she was already in college working on her nursing degree...

These same girl-friends of mine will likely be 40 years old and still be talking about what a pedo a 40 year old man sleeping with a 20-25 year old is.

It just reeks of jealousy by women are hypocrites and often past their expiry date-and lipservice by men who kowtow to them and repeat the tired old refrain, "yes, maaaaam, they sure are perverts..."

Then, when we go out for a beer, the same guy is saying "######, that little 17 year old is tasty, mmm,mmm".

What a scam by mostly women who think it's wrong when its not happening to them, men who deny the truth of the matter, and both who engage(d) in all the same things they rail about.

And the men are the most interesting case study, in my experience, because the men who most want to kill other men for even looking at their daughters are/were the biggest hounds of all...


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The problem with pedofile's in these charity's is that they are the one's running it, they cover for each other, On your letter Isaan Alex you put your neck on the chopping block and I admire you for it, but why, School girl outfit's ?

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This thread and the ones involving comment on David are rife with posts by individuals who don't even know what pedophilia is by definition. I provide the first definition provided by Google at the top of their search results, a 10 second exercise in being informed.

Pedophilia involves reoccurring sexual arousal and desires or fantasies

involving sexual impulses toward a pre-adolescent child or children

IssanAlex is NOT talking about pedophilia. He is talking about sex with teenagers, post-pubescent individuals. The age of consent is arbitrary and varies from country to courntry and generation to generation. Two hundred years ago, marriage at 14 was common, it was the onset of puberty that was the sign used to determine the age at which one could engage in sex, whether married or not.

Sex with pre-pubescent children is pedophilia by definition and is definitely a sickness, since sexual desire for individuals who have not themselves reached puberty is unnatural. Among all species on earth, there are teltale signs when a given animal is ready to mate.

Among humans, that age has advanced with time, from the onset of puberty, as women's rights have advanced. Giving a girl enough maturity to make a reasoned decision on her own regarding her body and her "choice" may well have been the driving force that raised the age of consent to what it is today. My bet is that in every country in the world, the age of consent by law today is set at a older age than it was in the past.

Universally condeming pedophila is a safe call, but using the same brush to paint older people who have sex with younger people based on varying arbitrary ages of consent is plain unintelligent.

In the U.S., one can be convicted of rape for consensual sex in one state, while if the same act involving the same persons occured a hundred feet away in another state it would not be criminal. We have all grown up with these laws so our posts would be far more productive if we discussed our various views on what the proper age of consent should be and whether that age of consent should apply to Thailand.

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On your letter Isaan Alex you put your neck on the chopping block and I admire you for it,...
Thanks for that. Honesty has little rewards nowadays...

...but why, School girl outfit's ?

Let's call it a quirk. :o

I also like hair tugging, roughhousing, bruised legs, leashes, and tears (i.e. the ones that leak out of a ladies eyes...).

Who can explain these things.

I remember as a kid finding a book in my parents dresser. I think it was the "Joy of Sex". It talked about rape fantasies-very common and taken for granted.

A later edition backed off a bit, and made some sort of mention of it in the "Pickles and Spices" section.

All mention of rape fantasies disappeared in later editions.

Now you're some kind of rapist to even think of such a thing. :D


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"which in my opinion is at least 18 years of age"

Frankly no one gives a <deleted> just what your opinion is least of all the law enforcement agencies.

If the laws of the country (wherever that is) deem that the legal of consent is XX then that's it.

The legal age of consent in Thailand is 15 (Doc, will you please correct me if it is 16) providing that no money changes hands i.e. having it off with with a prostitue.

It is difficult enough policing the laws that do exist without some "goody two shoes" trying to impose what is only his "personal opinion"

Thailand elects (?) politicians to draft laws and unless you change the system don't come along and try and change them (the laws)

Many posters come from countries where many wrongs exist, so remember "charity (in this case if you are a do gooder) starts at home, so clean up your own backyard before you think about the neighbours property.

Some South American countries are considering lowering the current age of consent which is presently 12

Thailand is already full of self gratifying do gooders (most of whom given half a chance to use their positions) have a bit of a feel on the side.


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The legal age of consent in Thailand is 15 (Doc, will you please correct me if it is 16) providing that no money changes hands i.e. having it off with with a prostitue.

As far as I'm aware It is 15 but you have to have the parents consent (and i would imagine the girls), and I thought prostituion was illegal here at all ages.

Does anybody else think that the original post was very big on rhetoric and short of facts, don't know about the Aus press but the english papers are allways looking for a sensational story, that can't be dissproven.

I've never seen any evidence of child prostetution here, but know that it exist, mainly catering to Asian males, maybe I'm blinkerd or not looking in the right places, but then if I was forigen journalist, with money to pay for a good story i'm sure I could find plenty of evidence.

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This thread and the ones involving comment on David are rife with posts by individuals who don't even know what pedophilia is by definition.  I provide the first definition provided by Google at the top of their search results, a 10 second exercise in being informed.

Pedophilia involves reoccurring sexual arousal and desires or fantasies

involving sexual impulses toward a pre-adolescent child or children

IssanAlex is NOT talking about pedophilia. He is talking about sex with teenagers, post-pubescent individuals. The age of consent is arbitrary and varies from country to courntry and generation to generation. Two hundred years ago, marriage at 14 was common, it was the onset of puberty that was the sign used to determine the age at which one could engage in sex, whether married or not.

Sex with pre-pubescent children is pedophilia by definition and is definitely a sickness, since sexual desire for individuals who have not themselves reached puberty is unnatural. Among all species on earth, there are teltale signs when a given animal is ready to mate.

Among humans, that age has advanced with time, from the onset of puberty, as women's rights have advanced. Giving a girl enough maturity to make a reasoned decision on her own regarding her body and her "choice" may well have been the driving force that raised the age of consent to what it is today. My bet is that in every country in the world, the age of consent by law today is set at a older age than it was in the past.

Universally condeming pedophila is a safe call, but using the same brush to paint older people who have sex with younger people based on varying arbitrary ages of consent is plain unintelligent.

In the U.S., one can be convicted of rape for consensual sex in one state, while if the same act involving the same persons occured a hundred feet away in another state it would not be criminal. We have all grown up with these laws so our posts would be far more productive if we discussed our various views on what the proper age of consent should be and whether that age of consent should apply to Thailand.

It is nice to see that some people with common sense have started replying to this thread, not just utter fools calling people with younger sex partners "pedophiles".

A pedophile has sex with pre-pubescent children, not young adults of marriageable age.

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A pedophile has sex with pre-pubescent children, not young adults of marriageable age.

Young adults? :o


· n. (pl. children)

1 a young human being below the age of full physical development. Ø a son or daughter of any age.

2 derogatory an immature or irresponsible person.

3 (children) archaic the descendants of a family or people.

– PHRASES child’s play a task which is easily accomplished. with child archaic pregnant.

– DERIVATIVES childhood n. childless adj. childlessness n.

– ORIGIN OE cild, of Gmc origin.

adult /"adVlt, @"dVlt/

· n. a person who is fully grown and developed. Ø Law a person who has reached the age of majority.

· adj. fully grown and developed. Ø of, for, or characteristic of adults.

– DERIVATIVES adulthood n. adultly adv.

– ORIGIN C16: from L..

In other words, it is defined by full physical development, not sexual maturity or age...A 13 year old girl is a child. Period. Not a 'young adult', simply because she is not yet fully developed. Same with most any other person.

Of course, the pervs will have different ideas. Having sex with children is simply wrong, I feel. It is an adult taking advantage and exploiting a child, and everyone knows it. That's why the pervs try to twist words to try to justfy their terrible behaviour. They know it's wrong too!

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I've never seen any evidence of child prostetution here, but know that it exist, mainly catering to Asian males, maybe I'm blinkerd or not looking in the right places, but then if I was forigen journalist, with money to pay for a good story i'm sure I could find plenty of evidence

Believe me you won't have to look far, I have no idea about Farang men and sex with children.

If you want to see young girls being exploited drive out of the city centres head for the fairy lights and see for your self if you do you will be the only Farang there.

As far as I can see we are all against sin, with people wanting to put sex offenders on ant hills and against the wall not sure if that's before their balls are whapped off or later.

Not seen one post in favour of sex with children so what's the answer?

I understand that there were people who were aware of "you know who's" activities but only opened their keyboards after the arrest.

Any ideas?

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John B Good

Well actually have been in and out of thailand probably 100 plus times over 17 years, and have spent a good 5 years working here and more like 10 years living here.

But aside from that. I have not been banned from any website(yet), maybe from a couple (3 actually) of bars in BKK for causing trouble with them. I am generally a nice guy until someone tries to stuff my bill or rip me off.

I am not wearing blinkers (only rose tinted glassses).

The major thrust of the article as quoted by the original post is in my opinion a typical piece of Aussie PC B***shit. Sure there are all sorts of deviates here (me included) and some of them need to be deported etc no doubt.

What in particular pisses me off is the typical western media arriving at Don Muang spending 5 days doing an investigation and then writing it all up as fact and realitiy when it is little more than opinionated claptrap.

I see no real proof in the local media or the net or from my friends that the situation is any way near as bad as the Aussies would like it to be.

Anyway its an interesting topic in many ways as it does show up a lot of peoples biases and prejudices that simmer beneath the surface.


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What in particular pisses me off is the typical western media arriving at Don Muang spending 5 days doing an investigation and then writing it all up as fact and reality when it is little more than opinionated claptrap.

Can anyone give a link to what the Western media are writing about this "story"?

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OK. I am going to close this thread now.

There are too many idiots clogging up the database with facile comments, "Hang then, castrate them, out them etc". This type of posting is simple rancid hot air of use to nobody.

If anybody has any genuine information about paedophiles operating in Chiang Mai, Pattaya or elsewhere within the kingdom, please take it to the relevant authorities. If you are unsure of the relevant authorities you could contact the AFP in Chiang Mai r the Editors at Chiang Mai Citylife or Good Morning Chiang Mai, or even send email or PM to myself and I will ensure your information is not only passed on to the relevant authorities but also kept in strict confidence.

Topic Closed.

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