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income affidavit retirement extension

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4 hours ago, fvw53 said:

You are indeed as your nick name indicates "lucky" because a Belgian consul would not do this.

Not only me.

The Austrians, Belgians, Dutch, French, Germans, using the services of the Austrian Consulate in Pattaya are "lucky" as well. 


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On 6/28/2020 at 11:23 AM, fvw53 said:

Indeed and this is because Immigration cannot read the Dutch, French and German small print on the legalisation that the Embassy only confirms the signature and not the content of the affidavit

Isn't that cheating the Thai government? They probably won't bother to check the veracity of the income documents.


Someone should report this.

Edited by EricTh
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9 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

Not only me. The Austrians, Belgians, Dutch, French, Germans, using the services of the Austrian Consulate in Pattaya are "lucky" as well. 

Not French. They must use the French Embassy in Bangkok, or the temporary offices organised by this Embassy in main cities, like Pattaya.

(True that French used to use Austrian Embassy in Pattaya, but it was until many years ago already)

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7 minutes ago, EricTh said:

Isn't that cheating the Thai government? They probably won't bother to check the veracity of the income documents. Someone should report this.

Maybe you should check your infos before reporting this ;). I already wrote in post #16 that the Embassy Letter from the French Embassy is in English, and pretty sure it's the same for other countries listed above; English or both languages.

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47 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

Not French. They must use the French Embassy in Bangkok, or the temporary offices organised by this Embassy in main cities, like Pattaya.

(True that French used to use Austrian Embassy in Pattaya, but it was until many years ago already)

Do you know it is Immigration Jomtien which decided to not accept the L.o.Income from the Austrian Consulate anymore? 

Or the Austrian Consulate which decided to not issue anymore for French citizens? 

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4 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

Do you know it is Immigration Jomtien which decided to not accept the L.o.Income from the Austrian Consulate anymore? 

Or the Austrian Consulate which decided to not issue anymore for French citizens? 

Immigration has nothing to do with that. I really think it's a 100% decision of the Bangkok French Embassy. Since they have a monthly temporary office in Pattaya, there is no more reason to use services of Austrian Consulate in Pattaya. (They continue to use their office though ????)

Edited by Pattaya46
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Last year I did 800k in the bank. Last week  obtained an income letter from the Canadian Embassy showing rental income/ long term investment. Took the letter to Chiayaphum immgration she looked at  it asked if it from my condos she said come back 30 days before my Non O extension expires. Non need for any other documents ie bank letter etc... only photo copies of my passport.  So much easier then last year. 

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9 hours ago, EricTh said:

Isn't that cheating the Thai government? They probably won't bother to check the veracity of the income documents.


Someone should report this.

This way of legalisation is NOT only done this way in Thailand but by every Belgian consular service in the world.

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9 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

Maybe you should check your infos before reporting this ;). I already wrote in post #16 that the Embassy Letter from the French Embassy is in English, and pretty sure it's the same for other countries listed above; English or both languages.

There is a difference between a letter written and signed by the Embassy whereby they take responsibility and an affidavit (= your statement signed by you) and whereby the Embassy certifies that you signed it.

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22 minutes ago, fvw53 said:

There is a difference between a letter written and signed by the Embassy whereby they take responsibility and an affidavit (= your statement signed by you) and whereby the Embassy certifies that you signed it.

That's correct.

As a Belgian citizen you have 2 options when choosing for the Embassy income-statement method (which does not require money kept on a thai bank-account):

1) At the Belgian embassy you can apply for an Affidavit in which Embassy staff simply confirm that it was you that signed the income-declaration in their presence.  No evidence of that foreign income required as it is a declaration 'on honor'.

2) At the Austrian consulate in Pattaya you can get a certified Income Statement, but that requires you provide evidence of such foreign income.

>> Both options are accepted by IO as proof of meeting the financial requirements, when applying for the Non Imm O Visa or extension.  But the Immigration officer handling your case has the discretionary power to ask you to provide evidence of the SOURCE of that income when using the Embassy income-statement, and some offices if they ask for this only accept a (certified) pension-statement as proof of foreign income.

Note: There are several reports of IOs that do not ask for such proof of source of the foreign income, and simply accept your Embassy income-statement without further evidence required.


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On 6/28/2020 at 12:36 PM, Peter Denis said:

did get the income affidavit at the Belgian Embassy in Bangkok 3-4 weeks ago,

Nice to see the Belgiques kept their doors open to allow getting the income statement affidavit. Others did not, although some, like the Swiss, arranged an email workaround for obtaining the income statement. For those who didn't, I would hope Imm would allow inability to obtain income statement as a valid excuse for having one's extension expire without renewal; after all, if they had waited -- in vain -- for the embassies to reopen 30 days prior to renewal expiration -- there wouldn't have been the 2-months lead time to deposit 800k in a Thai bank.....

On 6/28/2020 at 2:37 PM, Peter Denis said:

It has to be signed in the presence of the Embassy staff and no need to provide any evidence of the monthly income you declare, as it is a statement on honor.

I guess the Immigration officers in black trench coats who visited the US, Australian, and British embassies a year ago, with their instructions about factual integrity in the reporting of income, never made it to the Belgium embassy. Or, better yet, were ignored.....

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