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Farang Women


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I see many posts saying how bad Thai women are, how unfaithful, how devious, etc etc............................

So why the fascination with them, what is it about Thai women that keeps you wonderful people coming back for more?

How many of you guys had a disasterous relationship with a woman or women in your own country, then came to Thailand expecting something different. Then you act the same way as you did with a farang women, but you expect different results because your new woman is Thai?

I notice many farangs are intrigued and fascinated by Thailand and the laid back attitude of the Thai people, they are very attracted to the " MAI PEN RAI" attitude, but once they come to live in Thailand, they want everything to be the way it is in their own country, and then call the Thais stupid or lazy, they are niether, they are just different to what you are.

So the next time you slag of Thai women, just think about how you fared with women in your own country, or are they all bad also?

Of course it could never be you could it? It must be the women that are at fault.....

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this 'thread' sound like a blanket accusation with no intention to further reasonable discussion, just unpleasantness.

I say shut it down...

its just a thread............nothing more, why do you have any objection to this thread. i cannot see anything controversial about it. It is related to Thailand and expats that live here, if that is not in vogue in ThaiVisa forum, then close it down, i know, you can be a new admin, then you can close down all threads that YOU find do not appeal to YOU.............................jesus h christ, lighten up

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(Poll: Does Thailand Have Honest Straight Girls?

Yohan Posted on: Fri 2004-06-11, 17:07:45)

(Begs @ Fri 2004-06-11, 12:34:29)

Be honest and reveal who you really are, and what other name or names you use on this forum.

I am not sure, to whom you refer.

Thailover1 gave his homepage as a reference in his earlier replies


My homepage is in my profil.

I do not post by using any other name.


Be honest and reveal who you really are, and what other name or names you use on this forum.

May I ask you the same in return?

Such threads like yours are rather gender-sensitive. Expect some harsh discussions......

Please introduce yourself first a little bit - I did it also on your request.

Are you Thai or foreigner? A man or a woman? Single? Married? Divorced?

Not a bad subject at all and very much Thailand related.


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I was with a girl in england for 11 years, looking back now it was a complete waste of maybe 9 years of my life.

we had our moments but all in all she was a complete and utter bitch.

i wish her good luck for the future and praise the day that she left me for another man (a friend).

After her walking out she even had the cheek to demand half of the money of the flat which we were living in, (my father bought it to let out) she got sweet fa.

i have no hard feelings whatsoever because i'm so thankful for what i have now. :o

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this 'thread' sound like a blanket accusation with no intention to further reasonable discussion, just unpleasantness.

I say shut it down...

May I ask you, why ?

Because you do not like it?

I saw many many postings from you, something like Israel or other absolut senseless stuff.....at least totally senseless stuff in my eyes....


tutsiwarrior Posted on: Thu 2004-05-13, 16:18:34

bodypaul...stow the muslim jive, they were with us before the shit and will be with us long after...

'crazy assed muslim fundamentalist fanatics' is another question...but must be asked in the context of US/Israel foreign policy postures... 

If you do not like it, then just do not click on this thread....

There are 1000s of other threads, with totally different subjects on Thaivisa-Forum.

Post somewhere else in Thaivisa Forum! There is place for everybody!


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Are you Thai or foreigner? A man or a woman? Single? Married? Divorced?

Not a bad subject at all and very much Thailand related.


Male, English, Divorced 2 times in Farangland, lived in Thailand since 1990, now working overseas in Japan roughly 2 months on and one month off, is that ok with the Forum Police?

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I was married in England for 13 years. After 2 years things were rocky, and I should have called it quits then. Big mistake - 2 kids, a mortgage and 11 years later got a divorce.

It is difficult trying to get your life together again after being divorced in your 40s.

Having tried the largest introduction agency in the UK, I would say that this was a complete waste of money as most of the women I met were either too ugly or screwed up from previous marriages. You end up thinking that the older you get the more probable you will be left 'on the shelf'.

Meeting a Thai lady was a different experience altogether - many are much more attractive and a lot less screwed up than the women I met in the UK.

There are many beautiful Thai women who want to marry a farang, and some of these women have all the good traditional Thai qualities of a caring and faithful wife.

That is the fascination of Thai women.

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Are you Thai or foreigner? A man or a woman? Single? Married? Divorced?

Not a bad subject at all and very much Thailand related.


Male, English, Divorced 2 times in Farangland, lived in Thailand since 1990, now working overseas in Japan roughly 2 months on and one month off, is that ok with the Forum Police?

I myself got a critical eye by the *Female Forum Police* and sometimes I am followed by a troll (belongs already to the inventary of Thaivisa-Forum) - and Tutsiwarrior gave me also a warm welcome....

As you were asking the same (to me?) in another thread, I did not find anything wrong to return this question and to get an idea, that the poster is not the total hoax but for real.....it happens sometimes when discussing such topics, that male foreigners are posting as women or such fancy stuff.

Thank you


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Oh well, George stopped Tutsiwarrior already. Fine with me and I cannot see anything wrong with this thread.

Neither do I complain about farang woman. Was married myself with a Swiss for 7 years. Divorced. Two years later met and married present wife. This year we are married for 25 years. The fact that she is Asian has not so much to do with the point, more with the fact that I do live in Asia and did not see any reason to fly to Europe to find a new one. :o

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yer right yohann there is a place for everything on this forum like the following...

get fukced you verbose pedantic moron...

Posted by Tutsiwarrior

Wed 2004-04-21, 00:27:46

sounds like a cheap way to do a 'market survey'

I'm chinese, by the way... 

Posted by Tutsiwarrior

Fri 2004-05-07, 02:16:57

sounds like a job for 'Ann Landers'...see weekly BBk Post column 

No problem, Tutsi, I think your postings are very useful for this thread....


Cheap market survey......You are right, you might call it like that, so please stay with this thread. No need to shut it down.


get fukced you verbose pedantic moron...Yes, you are Chinese, but I have some friends in the US Navy....I am accustomed to such kind of conversation and so I do not care....


copied from her homepage: This is a major issue to Miss Manners' Gentle Readers, who feel they are being assaulted everywhere by other people's conversations ...

The polite attempt to shut people up must begin from the assumption that they did not intend to offend and will be upset and contrite to find out they have done so. (Already you hate it. Please bear with Miss Manners.) It is therefore necessary to break it to them gently.


I also do not care about Miss Manners or Ann Landers, but if you like, call them and give them a hard time....I like to read about you in the BKK Post.

Have a nice Sunday!


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yohann...I'm quite flattered that you keep a file on tutsi's forum posts, for what reason is for others to assess...

Let's chill..OK? Don't attack someone without accepting the possibility of retaliation is all I'm saying.


I do not keep any files, it is all in the database of the Thaivisa-Forum,

just click on the profil of the member, and then click on 'find all posts of this member'

I have to say, Thaivisa-Forum is quite a good database....not much missing, however some threads, new postings are a bit difficult to find.

I am accepting the possibility of retaliation or call it whatever, I am accustomed to attacks, as I have a lot to do with system administration in the company. I am not worried about virusmail, hoaxmail, hatemail, trojans, malware, spyware, African scam, viagra sale, porno-links......

Good night!


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Thanks for turning the tape off before going to bed, Johann.

To the topic:

"just think about how you fared with women in your own country,"

Do not remind me, begs!

Maybe wisdom does come with age, but my present relationship with a Thai of roughly the same age as me and her daughter has been going well for 6 years now, more than I can say about previous ones.

One does take a chance, starting to relate to a new partner in a dramatically different culture and environment. Has been a fantastic thrill for me most of the time.

I do take your point, whereever one goes, one brings oneself along as well, so to say. So one shouldn't just look outwardly, looking for faults in others, but think about one's own shortcomings before blaming all the 'unfair, inadequate women' in the world.

Or something like that, lost it now, 1.20am, chias,...

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How do I deal with (fare) Farang women? I tend to steer a wide berth of them in general. My wife has one or two farang women friends and they are nice gals, but... every once an a while, the old domination trait cames out in them and it puts me right off. :o

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First and foremost, I don't care for ethnic origin, color or shape. Well, shape maybe. It is the woman, the human being I am interested.

But I do admit, the way Farang women do look down at their local counterparts hits my nerves.

But than, I am old enough to open my mouth and tell them in a very polite way to shut up. The usual shock is a dividend, although I know I cannot change anything. Their husbands so are becoming closer and closer friends. :o

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Don’t often participate in these threads as am a western woman :o but mainly due to them becoming quite insulting and irrational. However (sifting through the thread :D) there have been some valid and justified comments made by posters about their views on farang women. I can see many of the points and empathise with those who have been treated badly. However we are not all bad and don’t think it’s fair to condemn all western women due to a few bad apples. I’m relatively young compared to most here, but have been engaged twice to western men, both who did very mean things (in every possible way) :D . Sure in some respects this has tainted me (find it hard to trust - which I wish wasn’t the case), but I don’t resent western men. I know there are good men out there, I just happened to have picked the wrong ones (that’s the way I like to look at it) :D.

We’re all entitled to associate with whomever we please and it’s perfectly fine if one’s circle does not consist of any western women – but please do not look at us in a negative light, as I’m sure we all know at least one exceptionally special western woman eg mother, grandmother, etc. :D

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The only serious relationship i've been in before was a girlfriend of 3 years in the United States. It was an eternal up and down after the first year; she couldn't decide if she wanted to date other guys or not, etc. I told myself i'm never going through that with anyone again, in any country or any culture. You want to go, then go, but you're gone forever, no ups and downs.

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Don’t often participate in these threads as am a western woman :o but mainly due to them becoming quite insulting and irrational. However (sifting through the thread :D) there have been some valid and justified comments made by posters about their views on farang women. I can see many of the points and empathise with those who have been treated badly. However we are not all bad and don’t think it’s fair to condemn all western women due to a few bad apples. I’m relatively young compared to most here, but have been engaged twice to western men, both who did very mean things (in every possible way) :D . Sure in some respects this has tainted me (find it hard to trust - which I wish wasn’t the case), but I don’t resent western men. I know there are good men out there, I just happened to have picked the wrong ones (that’s the way I like to look at it) :D.

We’re all entitled to associate with whomever we please and it’s perfectly fine if one’s circle does not consist of any western women – but please do not look at us in a negative light, as I’m sure we all know at least one exceptionally special western woman eg mother, grandmother, etc. :D

Yes, very valid comments. The same said by a Thai or any woman would be equally relevant.

Thank you.

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Hi, Nat, Thanks for your posting,

1- if a posting towards you is personally insulting, report it to the Administrator George and it will be deleted (regardless if it is from a man or from a woman) and if the next postings are again abusive, then the Administrator George will delete the user as well.

2- some few bad apples....I do not think, that there are only a few bad apples out of a huge majority.....but this is not the main point, which creates all these critics about foreign women. There are very different other reasons....

and there are also a few (plenty?) bad apples among the Thais and other Asian girls.


a- if a man cheats a woman, he is doing something 'crazy' and he leaves you. The woman needs only to wait, and the next man might show up within some few weeks (I know cases of even some hours....)

b- if a woman cheats a man, it is usually well organized, and he will lose all, what he owns....his own house, his savings, even their children, and is subject to pay support over decades. It will take him years to consider a new relationship.

4- In my case you are wrong, I do not know any at least one exceptionally special western woman eg mother, grandmother in my whole life -

5- Out of my own personal bad experiences I do not recommend any relationship with a Western woman, especially from Europe. This does not mean, that I hate all women. Sorry! This is my opinion. Other people might have another opinion. Sorry again, thank you very much!


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I was married to a "falang" woman for 13 years and was very happy. now I am married to a thai (for 3 years) and also very happy.

Maybe I'm just a freak.

Yahon, not accusing you of anything and I think everybody should be able to express thier own opinions, but did something make you this bitter to women?

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Girls are nice, women are wonderful, and all are to be respected and loved but not nesscessarily understood.

Made a new farrang friend here the other night and she's a woman... I wasn't very forthcoming but once she started to converse we got on pretty well and we're going out for a beer next week.

She also thinks Thai guys are lovely but 'hasn't been there yet' - I say she should and fair play if she does - I'm all up for the scales being tipped a little.

Met a Thai girl the same night who despite being well over the limit, drove me home in her Honda Civic only to tell me that she liked me but she didn't want to get involved with me because all English men were bad.

She invited herself to stay the night in my room (fully clothed I might add) and made me smoke on my balcony. This morning she asked me for 100bht for gasoline and told me I was bad (because I was English) before kissing me on the cheek and leaving.

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I was married to a "falang" woman for 13 years and was very happy. now I am married to a thai (for 3 years) and also very happy.

Maybe I'm just a freak.

Yahon, not accusing you of anything and I think everybody should be able to express thier own opinions, but did something make you this bitter to women?

Please read by point no.5 again...

why should I be 'bitter' to (all) women?

I am married to a Japanese woman since 1976 now almost 28 years, never divorced....

You said, you were happy, married 13 years to a foreign woman.....(what means foreign woman by the way? white? Latino? black? American? European? or whoever?)

why did you separate? Or are you widower? and so happy and why did you not marry a foreign woman again? Why did you prefer a Thai woman to follow up?

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