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Thai policeman shoots drug crazed man dead - family claim overzealous policing


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Police  can get away with a lot in Thailand 

So  the shooting  is not a thing  they would  worry about  

It is how they  think ..Police  like the army   can do no wrong (  believe this  )

pity   but the guy was a nutter    but  if not  armed  did not deserve to die then  

clearly   it would be classed  as  2nd  degree murder in most  countries  of the  world  

Hey  USA  cop  kneel on guy  head  and killed him

Now he is  charged with  murder   so  shoot  an unarmed man  is  really   no doubt  it is murder

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4 hours ago, tompelli said:

Anybody watch the video on the channel 7 link provided?

The guy had been disarmed.

The policeman went towards him, gun drawn & with the knife in his other hand.

He went to kick the guy on the ground & he grabbed the policeman's leg...policeman shoots him.

You'd prefer the cop to tussle on the ground with this unpredictable chap who has already used extreme violence?  Spoken like someone who's never seen an angry man.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

The elder sister of the dead man said that her brother was extremely high and drunk on alcohol and Ya Ba (methamphetamine mixed with caffeine in tablet form).

Is that an Excuse for going Mad and cutting a cop? No.  

Did he put the knife down before the cop  shot him in the legs ?

Was he still threatening with the knife before the cop kicked and shot him after the cop shot him in the legs? 

Difficult to just say Who done What . No clear evidence. 

It shouldn't  have happen but  Not really a big loss . One more Drug Crazed  person gone .


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Once he was pacified, shooting him was murder. Plain and simple. Police officers have to understand that these are risks of the job. You might be cut up, you might be shot. If you don't understand or accept that, then you don't need to be a police officer.

That cop needs to be locked up. He did not discharge his weapon to pacify an immediate threat to either his own life or others. He fired because he was angry and wanted to reclaim his power over another individual. That is not good policing; that is not the purpose of the police. 

Also, sorry, but if you're a trained, sober police officer and you can't best a drug-fueled knife-wielding assailant, maybe you need to go back to the academy, especially when you know these threats come with the job.

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17 minutes ago, JesseHumphry said:

Once he was pacified, shooting him was murder. Plain and simple. Police officers have to understand that these are risks of the job. You might be cut up, you might be shot. If you don't understand or accept that, then you don't need to be a police officer.

That cop needs to be locked up. He did not discharge his weapon to pacify an immediate threat to either his own life or others. He fired because he was angry and wanted to reclaim his power over another individual. That is not good policing; that is not the purpose of the police. 

Also, sorry, but if you're a trained, sober police officer and you can't best a drug-fueled knife-wielding assailant, maybe you need to go back to the academy, especially when you know these threats come with the job.

In 20 years from now you will be pissing and moaning about armed gangs running the neighborhoods and police inaction regarding the situation.

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19 minutes ago, JesseHumphry said:

Police officers have to understand that these are risks of the job. You might be cut up, you might be shot.

Knife wielding drug addicts have to understand that these are risks of the game.  You might be kicked, you might be shot.

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9 hours ago, colinneil said:

Murder that what it was.

Policeman had no reason to shoot him.

Do try to figure it out he was watching too much US video on youtube so he thought he was doing the right thing ????

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10 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

except that the crazy drug addict had stabbed him several time.


neighbbours had called the police bc this violent drug addict was on a rampage in the street attacking people. attacking and stabbing a responding police is defenitely crossing a line.


This is the kind of police officer you want when there is a dangerous knife wielding lunatic in YOUR street. 


good job jone, deserves a medal.

Yes, revenge murder. The man had sat down and was unarmed.

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3 hours ago, Heppinger said:

In 20 years from now you will be pissing and moaning about armed gangs running the neighborhoods and police inaction regarding the situation.


3 hours ago, Heppinger said:

Not correct.  It was punishment.

Yes, who needs courts of law. Just let police shoot all offenders. I don't believe you watched the video and if you did, then you are one morally bankrupt individual.

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8 hours ago, vermin on arrival said:

if you go to the channel 7 link and watch the video, you will see that the situation is over, and the policeman is carrying the knife now with the suspect sitting on the ground. The policeman then gratuitously kicks the person who was already surrendered in the head. When the suspect grabs his leg, he shoots and kills him. Murder.

Exactly right. 

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9 minutes ago, whaleboneman said:


Yes, who needs courts of law. Just let police shoot all offenders. I don't believe you watched the video and if you did, then you are one morally bankrupt individual.

Well until the courts of law and the wealthy people that run those courts of law are first on scene to deal with violent drug addicts i suggest you don't judge.  unless of course you are a Thai policeman, are you a Thai policeman?

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19 hours ago, colinneil said:

Murder that what it was.

Policeman had no reason to shoot him.

yes but the family should thank him for it,another dangerous and useless lowlife lost so what? wair untill he kills an innocent person? a child maybe?

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The drunk violent drug addict attacked the cop with knife and injured him?

If so,  the death of that offender is purely  self-inflicted.

He just got what he deserves after posing clear and present threat  to both own family and policeman.

That  police officer who was in charge  is not to blame.

Cops often face dangerous situations  which risk their lives.


Some people might believe that the cop should have resorted to non-lethal weapon like tear gas spray. 

The fact is, Chemical Mace or pepper spray have little or no effect on the drug-crazed attackers.

Because their sense of pain often does not work while  under the strong influence of drugs.


There are quite a few police deaths in the line of duty each year.




The officer in this case  just defended himself from the dangerous criminal while doing his job.

I sympathize with that officer who might suffer long-term trauma for his experience.

Taking someone else's life is a big heavy experience to cops as well.

Edited by black tabby
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2 hours ago, wazzupnow said:

yes but the family should thank him for it,another dangerous and useless lowlife lost so what? wair untill he kills an innocent person? a child maybe?

Yes, you are absolutely right.

I just can't understand why quite a few people blame the cop instead of the dangerous criminal.

The death of that S.O.B must have eased the life of his  remaining   family member.  

Anything after this incidence would be  about NO MORE to them.

No more of:

The stupid domestic violence he causes.

Their fear of getting killed by own family member.

Their hard-earned  bahts  wasted on his booze or drugs  while they might be already  struggling  to make their ends meet.

I call it a  clear case of instant justice that came out of the muzzle of the gun.

Thank god for the cop's sound decision on a tight rope.



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I'm not clear on this, but was the cop aware that the knife had already been removed by someone? 

Because if not, that cop had justification to shoot if he believed the meth head was was still armed and was grabbing him (called a "leveraging arm" in combat).


I know some won't believe this,  but knives are more dangerous at contact range than pistols.  Police are trained about this and probably seen plenty of vids and photos of knife victims to not be one.




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2 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:

I'm not clear on this, but was the cop aware that the knife had already been removed by someone? 

Because if not, that cop had justification to shoot if he believed the meth head was was still armed and was grabbing him (called a "leveraging arm" in combat).


I know some won't believe this,  but knives are more dangerous at contact range than pistols.  Police are trained about this and probably seen plenty of vids and photos of knife victims to not be one.




If you watch the video you will see that the situation was over and the cop was carrying the knife in one hand with his gun in the other, and the drug user was seated on the ground after having surrendered. The cop then walked over to him and kicked him in the head. The victim then grabbed the leg and the cop shot him in the head and killed him.

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On 7/27/2020 at 11:57 AM, webfact said:

He had asked her for 100 baht for more alcohol and after she refused he proceeded to attack people in the house.

At the end the family can feel safer now.

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20 hours ago, Heppinger said:

Knife wielding drug addicts have to understand that these are risks of the game.  You might be kicked, you might be shot.

Why are you holding the drug addict to a higher moral standard than a trained, sober police officer? 

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20 hours ago, Heppinger said:

In 20 years from now you will be pissing and moaning about armed gangs running the neighborhoods and police inaction regarding the situation.

Sorry, just to clarify, do you actually believe that police presence stops gang violence? 

And do police need to be allowed to murder pacified individuals in order to do their jobs? Can they not just, you know, do their jobs?

What is the deal with people giving 100% deference to police officers instead of holding these people accountable for their actions in accordance with the level of power they have over our lives? Why do people expect more from the drug-addicted knife-wielder than they do from the police officer who had the situation under control BEFORE he pulled the trigger?

Why? Why why why? Somebody please make it make sense. Somebody please tell me why you can't criticize police action? So many people on this forum talk about the authoritarian nature of the current folks in power. It makes one wonder why any criticism of police is immediately met with strawmanning, disingenuous arguments, and appeals to the authority of those officers in question.

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the video is clear, the drug addict was sitting down unarmed and looking down the ground,

he was not moving and had no intention of moving.

the police walked up and kicked the drug addict in the head, and then 

when the police continued kicking the drug addict tried to deflect the attack ,

and was shot for trying to deflect the kicks


never thought i say it but smartphones with selfie ability 

is a good thing for society 

Edited by scammed
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On 7/27/2020 at 6:58 AM, JesseHumphry said:

Once he was pacified, shooting him was murder. Plain and simple. Police officers have to understand that these are risks of the job. You might be cut up, you might be shot. If you don't understand or accept that, then you don't need to be a police officer.

That cop needs to be locked up. He did not discharge his weapon to pacify an immediate threat to either his own life or others. He fired because he was angry and wanted to reclaim his power over another individual. That is not good policing; that is not the purpose of the police. 

Also, sorry, but if you're a trained, sober police officer and you can't best a drug-fueled knife-wielding assailant, maybe you need to go back to the academy, especially when you know these threats come with the job.

And being a meth fueled zombie comes with it's risks as well. Perhaps the correct response is for folks to start burning the cities down.

Edited by EVENKEEL
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