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Deputy Prime Minister Raids Pantip Plaza And Seizes 1 Pornographic Vcd

Jai Dee

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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Development and Human Security Paiboon Wattanasiritham (ไพบูลย์ วัฒนศิริธรรม), conducted an inspection of pornographic vendors at Pantip Plaza and instructed officers to conduct a sting operation resulting in the apprehension of 1 VCD vendor, along with the seizure of 1 pornographic VCD, 30 MP3 discs, and 2 bags of marijuana.

When my Thai nephew introduced me to Pantip Plaza I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Every imaginable movie and computer program you could imagine. Mac and PC. Programs that costs thousands of dollars in the US....200 baht.

I guess they must have completely sold out of everything the day the Deputy Prime Minister raided the place cause he didn't find a whole lot.

Perhaps if he needs more he could save a trip and just send my nephew to Pantip the next day.

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Another example, I am very sad to say, of how Thailand is likely to be viewed as a joke outside the Kingdom. Everyone who has ever been to Bangkok knows that Pantip is the place to go and buy counterfeit software and dodgy DVDs. So for the Deputy PM to lead a 'raid' and discover one single dodgy DVD is going to be viewed as laughable.

Thailand needs to get serious about combating this problem or else the rest of the world is likely to get serious on Thailand's behalf. Microsoft, fed up with the lack of response from the Thai authorities, took its conerns to the US Government recently who are far more likely to take come kind of action.

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DPM raids Pantip Plaza and seizes 1 pornographic VCD

The Deputy Prime Minister led a raid on Pantip Plaza to suppress vice and intellectual property crimes.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Development and Human Security Paiboon Wattanasiritham

To put a face to a name:


He's also the instigator of this other wonderful thread:

Pornographic-cartoon websites to be closed

If nothing else, the man knows his porn.

btw, he received his university education in the UK, so that might explain a few things.

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Got to feel sorry for the kid that was caught with the weed. Being the only bust of a publicized raid gone bad. The poor chaps going to get more time than the guys that raped the 9 year old girl last week.

In 2003 drug wars, Thaksin would have put him under the steam roller instead of the CD cases.

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c'mon Jaidee.....april fools was 3 weeks ago... :D

anyone know what the title was for the porno?

A Govt PR exercise that has gone terribly wrong. Whats next???

The most of the vendors were tipped off for sure. :o

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This really good news. Finally some has taken it upon himself to ride Thailand of crime. Who else would have done it. Our cities new Caped Crusader has taken it upon himself to wipe out this problem, once and for all.

According the report:

Pentip Plaza

1 VCD - A Porn (I wonder if the D.P. Had the opportunity to check the quality of this production to make sure it was a good VCD).

MP3 Cd's

Counterfeit software (should help reduce the overhead costs of having to buy new programs for the Immigration Dept., ICT, and etc to use).

A bag of Marijuana / Gang a / Pot / Loco Weed, or what ever you call it. (Did they check the actual quality of this product, if so how. In the form of a Du bi / Joint, or in some tasty Brownies “I love those brownies”). To be honest, the pot in Thailand does not measure up to Canadian, Humboldt, or even from Mexico. It's more like what is fed to the cows which are used for McDonald's here. .

So, now. I now would love to hear our Famous Caped Crusader tackle the other places such as:


2.The Mall Bankapi

3.Outside of all the major department stores,

4.Neighborhood schools

5.The vendor outside the Police headquarters in Bangkok,

6.Your son.

In our next chapter will will read how the D.P. Will tackle:

Fraud, Waste and abuse


Nasty tuk tuk drivers


Massage parlors at Soi Cowboy

Sex shops

His own

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In our next chapter will will read how the D.P. Will tackle:

Fraud, Waste and abuse


BTS was privately funded. Tanayong (spelling?), a private Thai real estate company, built it with their own fund. They got the concession (obviously.) So I'm not sure what you meant by fraud, waste and abuse of the project. (Actually, had it not been Tanayong who built and funded it themselves, it might have not turned out to be as good and efficient as it did.)

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Awesome work by the deputy prime minister!! 1 porno vcd!!! :D:o

what a laughable bunch!!!!!!! :D

I guess it says a lot about their "intelligence" work :D ot lack of it !!!!!!

no wonder its the land of smiles LOl got to smile about them idiots running the show or you'd go crazy here :D

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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Development and Human Security Paiboon Wattanasiritham (ไพบูลย์ วัฒนศิริธรรม), conducted an inspection of pornographic vendors at Pantip Plaza and instructed officers to conduct a sting operation resulting in the apprehension of 1 VCD vendor, along with the seizure of 1 pornographic VCD, 30 MP3 discs, and 2 bags of marijuana.

I love it. They found more dope than they did porn CDs. Must have looked real hard, eh?

The Deputy Prime Minister then visited entertainment venues along Patpong district on Silom Road and reports finding no illegal activities. Mr. Paiboon reported that youths under the age of 20 years were not found inside local entertainment venues and bar proprietors and their staff were cooperative.
Would it be cynical to suggest that possibly perhaps maybe somebody had advance notice of this visit...?

That says it all.

I can hardly attempt to buy a computer game with my family without having touts try to push everything from straight sex to animal sex vcds on me where I shop, and yet no police raid has ever found anything there.

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Two questions:

1) Do they have a job opening for test watching the the seized CD under the influence of the seized Thai herbs and if yes,

2) Is this position available for foreigners?

even if it was Raro there is no way your wife would let you take the job!!!!!!!


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I suspect the DPM only made it into the news because he ALLEGEDLY bought it himself :o took it home, ready to Shag WOw, :D then realised it was a DUD. :D

Miffed, he called the News Desk to change his story somewhat..

My blades are whirring now folks .. :D

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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Development and Human Security Paiboon Wattanasiritham (ไพบูลย์ วัฒนศิริธรรม), conducted an inspection of pornographic vendors at Pantip Plaza and instructed officers to conduct a sting operation resulting in the apprehension of 1 VCD vendor, along with the seizure of 1 pornographic VCD, 30 MP3 discs, and 2 bags of marijuana.

I love it. They found more dope than they did porn CDs. Must have looked real hard, eh?

The Deputy Prime Minister then visited entertainment venues along Patpong district on Silom Road and reports finding no illegal activities. Mr. Paiboon reported that youths under the age of 20 years were not found inside local entertainment venues and bar proprietors and their staff were cooperative.
Would it be cynical to suggest that possibly perhaps maybe somebody had advance notice of this visit...?

That says it all.

I can hardly attempt to buy a computer game with my family without having touts try to push everything from straight sex to animal sex vcds on me where I shop, and yet no police raid has ever found anything there.

For a single day at Prantip the cries of "sexy movie" ... "sexy dvd" fell silent ..... the DPM heard not a call, except from one careless youth who was so blitzed on his grass that he did not heed the warning to close-up ..... the danger of drugs my friends ..... the danger of drugs .... :o

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It looks to me that this Government is making itself more and more popular by this kind of useless actions. Has this Deputy PM really nothing else to do?

Another splash of water...

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DPM raids Pantip Plaza and seizes 1 pornographic VCD

The Deputy Prime Minister led a raid on Pantip Plaza to suppress vice and intellectual property crimes.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Development and Human Security Paiboon Wattanasiritham (ไพบูลย์ วัฒนศิริธรรม), conducted an inspection of pornographic vendors at Pantip Plaza and instructed officers to conduct a sting operation resulting in the apprehension of 1 VCD vendor, along with the seizure of 1 pornographic VCD, 30 MP3 discs, and 2 bags of marijuana.

The Deputy Prime Minister then visited entertainment venues along Patpong district on Silom Road and reports finding no illegal activities. Mr. Paiboon reported that youths under the age of 20 years were not found inside local entertainment venues and bar proprietors and their staff were cooperative.

The Deputy Prime Minister added that he would conduct discussions with Bangkok Governor Apirak Gosayothin and representatives of VCD dealers to arrive at a proper solution to violation of intellectual property rights.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 24 April 2007

The amount of times I have visited the DVD shops of the Capital to get the latest films (not pixelated nudity I have to say!) only to find the shops closed and be informed by the vendors that thay are expecting a raid - "come back tomorrow" leaves me convinced that the channels of communication from the police to the vendors are wide open. If the minister seriously thinks that Panthip is free of porn, illegal copies of films and software rather than saturated with it he is seriously mistaken. If he also thinks that Patpong wasn't fully prepped and awaiting his arrival then he really needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

Sssssssshhhhhh! Don't tell him. He might have to go back. No telling what he might find next time. Perhaps some naked cockroaches? A dirty floor?

Golly gee. Thanks for the great laugh today TV.



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It goes to show how the police made the minister look like a fool. How can this country progress with such incompetent leader. Even a 12 year old kid can buy porn in Pantip and Patpong. You can see highschool kids drinking beer outside 7/11 in Siam Square. Is the minister trying to prove that we are stupid or whether he is the d--ba--?!

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