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Part/full time expats wanted

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Hi there,

We are considering using telemarketing and direct sales methods of selling our diamonds. We are able to offer diamonds direct to the customer for 25% less than the standard Int wholesale price.

We are looking for motivated people (who have no knowledge of the gem trade!)who would like to join with us in the devolopment of this idea and put the plan into action. We envisage there being salaried and commission based opprotunities and welcome honest , forward thinking English speaking people to contact me as soon as possible.



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Dear Brian,

We are diamond dealers of high standing. Our websites include www.gemdealers.net thai-diamonds.com , moissanitesource.com.

We sell only CERTIFIED stones certiified either by GIA or IGI here in Bangkok. We also sell stones EXCLUSIVELY using ESCROW (www.escrow.com) thus buyer and seller are 100% protected.

I must say Brian a personal email making an enquiry about our business or a phone call would be more polite than a comment such as 'sounds like a scam to me'.

Please feel free to contact me at anytime should you wish to clarify any facts with me.




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If you are not scamming then I am sorry...

But.. To anyone else that is reading this post then I offer the following advice from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, and then allow them to make up their own mind.

Brian Β :blues:

How to spot a scam

In the past three years, over 7000 Australians have lost at least $500 million to financial scams.

Could you fall victim?

Do you know how to spot the clues?

It looks real

Scams that catch people often look realistic and are presented professionally. Scamsters often go to a lot trouble to:

print attractive documents and set up a business-like website

choose names that sound like reputable companies

tell a persuasive story using the right jargon

drop the names of people you know to build your trust.

Five clues for spotting scams:

1 Bigger and faster profits than real investments

Scams always offer a higher return than genuine investments. Some offer 20% a year, others go for 300% a year or even more. It's too good to be true. By comparison, Australian shares are some of the most successful investments, and their value has grown about 7-9% p.a. over the long term. Β 

2 Less risk and less effort than real investments

Most scams say that financial success is easy and risk isn't a problem. But real wealth demands planning, hard work and guts. Even the best investors make mistakes and have to weather storms like market busts and economic recessions.

3 Something special that genuine investments don't offer

It could be a 'secret' offer, 'inside information' or 'new techniques'. There's always some feature to make you feel like you've got an edge over other people. But chances are it's a fairytale - and it won't have a happy ending.

4 More urgent than the real thing

Every scam gets dressed up as an opportunity, so scamsters often say 'don't miss out' and 'act quickly' to make you hurry 'before it's too late'. They're really just trying to grab your money before you have a chance to check properly.

5 Offered by a stranger

Many scams come from overseas, through unsolicited email or surprise phone calls. Others get sold through 'wealth creation' seminars or on the grapevine. While the people can sound genuine, they rarely have any real credentials, such as an ASIC licence to give advice or sell financial products.

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Dear Brian,

I quite agree with you posting that advice.The amount of Aussies defrauded by people here in Thailand selling stocks and shares is phenomenal. I read only a few days ago that these 'bolier room' operations are continuing here in Bangkok.

The very fact that people get defrauded with gems is what is motivating us to offer this service. With high turnover there is no need to make large margins. Jewellery shops for centuries have been making 100's % mark up on diamonds (hence why they always have top quality premises in the high street). Our thoughts on wholesaleing diamonds direct to the public is nothing magical its just down to simple cost cutting.

A diamond normally passes through 4 different hands prior to reaching the shop where the retailer then adds his huge margin (after all he has HUGE overheads). Our idea as we buy direct from the cutters is to just cut out all those middlemen and using www.escrow.com as a payment system allows our clients to check their deal out PRIOR to funds being released to ourselves. I think that the average Joe had been defrauded for years by family jewellers and I hope that should we get this venture off the ground that we will be able to provide a great service and inexpensive stones and at the same time make a profit oursleves.

Kind regards


PS LOL I didnt think I would have to argue a corner or explain my business here,..... I just want some expat help thats all!! Feel free to contact me at anytime :o

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Hi there,

Yes if we decide to go ahead with the idea then we will of course get work permits for the person (s) that we work with. I believe that the market locally would be expatriates initially and should everything go well we would expand into Singapore.

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I am closing this topic. The initial ad should be placed under "classiefieds" (no comments allowed there),and the discussion should be here in "Others" with no mention of url or company.

Thanks for understanding our rules.



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