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hi all,

I am in Bkk since january last year, left france after a divorce and tryed to have a "new life " here.

As many, I started to be here as tourist, and after a while my gf and myself we have open a lit' business on internet, about outfits for dolls. Irak's war is coming, and as the customers were mostly US and me a french with a big mouth, we have loose our customers. My gf is teacher, then for the living is no trouble, just I feel like a pimp yet, and I am looking for a job.

I am searching, but in fact I have no real idea where I can find something, I have a broad range of qualifications, Mostly IT, also electricity, and yet I do the sound ingenior (for free alas) in a music school (including karaoke creation, and recording of students or future stars aka Zig Zag or Bmix or Ploy for those who listen thai pop songs :o

My main trouble is I am french aka, I can not, as opposite of many back packer, teach english ... I have not find a school where they teach french.

the good news is I am a non immigrant visa, but I must convert it in work visa before the 12 th  of june or it will be necessary to ask for another.

Any kind of help or advice will be welcomed.


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Not trying to get rid of you or anything but have you checked out Phnom Penh?

I know a lot of French Nationals who work,own businesses and teach there and its much easier to get by than LOS.

There is a large French Expat community there and the Cambodian government gets a most of its aid from France ..so

Anyway bien amicalement a vous et chok dee na krup  ::o:

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thanks for the help :o

I know Pnong Penh, that was the place I went for my non immigrant  visa  B, honestly the place is very nice, absolutely where I would like to stay, but my gf is thai, she have to work in Bkk, and she like this busy city lol. But I will think and maybe can I found a solution.

About ajarn.com, thanks I wil take a look in 5 mn, just take time to answer this post. I knew this place, but silly me I don't go in often. Thanks to remenber me. And yes I am french, and it's certainly why I positively dislike my situation, we consider a man can be called a man only if he act as a man, aka working, on the other ways we call him "a maquereau" aka a pimp. Honestly I would like to thank you both for your advices, and I will try to follow it.


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