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I Killed A Dog


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My father in law bought a new pickup about four years ago. The very next day, one of his staff were driving accross an osterich farm with 4 x 200 litre drums of diesel in the back to be delivered to a building site on the other side. He managed to hit a osterich at about 50km's per hour. (FK's how?) The pickup was a write off. The osterich kept eveyone in food for weeks. :o



Was it an Austrian OstErich ? :D

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In my time here, I have killed two dogs with my car. I never stopped, so I never paid anything... But, if I did stop and paying was appropriate (kids pet, old lady's pet...) I would give 500 baht or so...

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In my time here, I have killed two dogs with my car. I never stopped, so I never paid anything... But, if I did stop and paying was appropriate (kids pet, old lady's pet...) I would give 500 baht or so...

Your right 100 baht is a small price to pay ....i new this was not a throw your dog at falang car thing as there was 5 or 6 dogs,too many to be thrown at one time.

I did feel bad for a few days then the lady next door asked me to try some dog she was cooking so i tried it.All i could taste was the spice she had used.I was thinking of a golden labrador seeing eye dog at the time i was eating and this made me not so hungry anymore.

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points system then :

1 point - frogs , toads ( can rack up a lot of points after rain ).

2 points - birds ( it does happen )

5 points - cats ( not once in my time here , too clever ??? )

5 points - dogs ( stop , if it looks like its got an owner time to pay up , if not say sorry )

5-10 points - snakes ( points differ on how sh#t scary it looks )

15 points - monitor lizards ( if you see one, buy a lotto ticket :o )

20 points - buffalo ( ouch :bah: )

25 points - elephant ( brake quick ).

All points relate to vehicles with 4 wheels. If on 2 wheels , points get doubled.

All in jest of course :D:D:D:D

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Maybe someone could come up with a "points system" for driving over things, like that 70's film; "Death Race 2000?" Contestants should be awarded points for dogs, cats, chickens, drunken motorcyclists, etc.

I think the guy who ran over an ostrich^^ above, might be the winner already.


so is anyone going to take the points system test then :D:o:D:D .

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Bedu would throw their knackered camels at westerners cars and demand money for their prize winning racing camels. Never heard of it actually happening to anyone though, only a friend or a friend of a friend. Urban myths eh :o

Those Beduin must have been pretty big guys to throw a camel at a car.

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Bedu would throw their knackered camels at westerners cars and demand money for their prize winning racing camels. Never heard of it actually happening to anyone though, only a friend or a friend of a friend. Urban myths eh :o

Those Beduin must have been pretty big guys to throw a camel at a car.

The Bedouin tribesmen are famous for erm,... tossing camels. :D

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In my time here, I have killed two dogs with my car. I never stopped, so I never paid anything... But, if I did stop and paying was appropriate (kids pet, old lady's pet...) I would give 500 baht or so...

How would you feel if someone killed your dog and didn't stop?

You drive a pick up, don't you?

If you killed my dog, I'd expect a lot more than 500b. I'd jump in my car and chase you for it. :o

Would you stop if you hit a buffalo?

Would you stop if you hit an elephant?

Would you stop if you hit a golden retriever?

Where do you draw the line?

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In my time here, I have killed two dogs with my car. I never stopped, so I never paid anything... But, if I did stop and paying was appropriate (kids pet, old lady's pet...) I would give 500 baht or so...

How would you feel if someone killed your dog and didn't stop?

You drive a pick up, don't you?

If you killed my dog, I'd expect a lot more than 500b. I'd jump in my car and chase you for it. :o

Would you stop if you hit a buffalo?

Would you stop if you hit an elephant?

Would you stop if you hit a golden retriever?

Where do you draw the line?

By law, I'd be required to stop and remove the carcass but I wouldn't be required to pay you anything - nor would I. In fact, were my vehicle damaged, I could sue you for allowing your dog to get onto the road! You, not I, would be potentially liable.

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If you killed my dog, I'd expect a lot more than 500b. I'd jump in my car and chase you for it. :o

Couldn't chase him very far could you,

The first pothole you hit in your toy car would collapse the suspension, and if he went off a tarmac road in the wet in his 4x4 pick up, what would you do ( apart from get stuck in the mud ), persue him on foot ?


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I hit once a dog very badly,I did not stop either,as I will not pay anybody as well.if I could pay money to get his soul back i will do...but the case is you should lock your dog up so it cannot cross any road at all,thats seems appropriate more then any money at all,and those street dogs nobody seems to care anyway.

I do not care about any owner of the dog but the dog itself I do,but sometimes it seems not avoidable,espescially when they are running highways,i mean what if stop and you create a car accident,then i will really start to worry!!!

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If you killed my dog, I'd expect a lot more than 500b. I'd jump in my car and chase you for it. :o

Couldn't chase him very far could you,

The first pothole you hit in your toy car would collapse the suspension, and if he went off a tarmac road in the wet in his 4x4 pick up, what would you do ( apart from get stuck in the mud ), persue him on foot ?


Actually I'd say my Mazda 323 Astina could chase most things, especially a pick-up.

We don't all live in the middle of nowhere.:D

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Would you stop if you hit a buffalo?

Would you stop if you hit an elephant?

Would you stop if you hit a golden retriever?

I'd say in the first two cases you're not going to be doing a whole lot of driving anyway. :o And indeed I once almost ran into an elephant, they're remarkably hard to see at night.

Golden Retrievers though just dent the bullbar, then you can see them spinning around in the rear view mirror.

It's not nice, but then dogs shouldn't be loose on the road either.

Edited by chanchao
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I'd say in the first two cases you're not going to be doing a whole lot of driving anyway. And indeed I once almost ran into an elephant, they're remarkably hard to see at night.

Golden Retrievers though just dent the bullbar, then you can see them spinning around in the rear view mirror.

It's not nice, but then dogs shouldn't be loose on the road either.

What about a drunk motorcyclist?

What about a kid without a helmet?

The law is that you should stop!

The right thing to do is stop.

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BTW Chanchao,

I think that all Western women look the same. I mistook a woman for my sister last year. It happens when living here over 10 years and not seeing many of them. I also fin them very attractive, especially the Swedish blondes.

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What about a drunk motorcyclist?

What about a kid without a helmet?

Those are people. Are you sure you don't know the answer to this?

Or if you do know the answer but ask anyway then you're trolling or otherwise making frivolous postings.

The law is that you should stop! The right thing to do is stop.

For people, absolutely.

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And indeed I once almost ran into an elephant, they're remarkably hard to see at night.

Ok, since you went first, I will also admit to almost hitting an elephant with my motorbike. Luckily I was alone so no witness to spread it around the village. :o

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Hit a dog once when going to the farm in my pick-up. It ran out of a gate chasing his friend. The friend got past the front of the vehicle just in time, unfortunately the other dog didn`t.

Stopped reversed back a little and got out to have a look. Stone dead instantly. Walked into the gate to apologise and said that I never even had a chance to brake. There were around a dozen Thai`s sitting on a big square table. " Mai pen rai" was the cry. "Farang ma gin laow dooay gahn".

We reminisced about the old fellow. I don`t remember the rest. Fkn Laow kaow. :o

P.S. I think I hit another one on the way back.

Edited by chang35baht
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A couple years ago in Phuket I was riding my Honda Phantom very slowly down a lane in our small village when a chicken walked into the middle of the lane and stared me down...I slowed down. Chicken Little sauntered back to the side of the road, I accelerated, then suddenly, the chicken darted in front of my motorcycle again at the last second. I ran over the top of it, killed it, started sliding, ended up under the bike, scraped up elbows, burned and scraped leg, and broken mirrors etc..

I consider myself pretty macho, so don't tell many people how I was taken down by a hen...

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Reading this I was reminded of something the simply sublime Alan Partridge once said:

"I remember I hit a fox once. Yes, in the Peak District. I remember seeing the reflection in its eyes just before I hit it. It was too late, of course. But I didn't kill it, that was the tragedy, I had to go back and finish him off with a jack"

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They'd have been far more upset with you if it had been a chicken. Some of these fighting cocks are seriously expensive! One of our dogs used to escape from our compound & kill chickens. The prices we had to pay went up & up. We once got one off her, still alive, & even took it to the vet (just a chicken, not a fighter - she never killed one of those). The last one she killed, the owner asked for 5,000 bt for a scrawny old female. I disputed this & he calmly said it was the mother of a fighter! :o We kept that guy in whisky for quite some time!

Your right about that November. My Soon to be Father in Law has about a half dozen fighting cocks and they are not cheap at all. Last time I was there we went to a quaint lil training camp where they let the cocks fight with their spurs safely wraped up and he told me that some of the finest can cost up too 500,000 baht! He also mentioned some other cool stuff that I thought was funny, like how cock dopeing is perfectly leagal to do before fights the cocks are almost always high and druged up to make them more agressive. At first I thought that the whole cock fighting crowd was kinda seedy and underground but as it turns out it is really a time honored sort of "Thai Thing" and pepole from all walks of life enjoy it......not to digress, but I guess it's best to avoid the cock if your driving :D

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I went to visit a friends parents in a village,after a nice afternoon i decided to go into the nearest towns see the sights.As i drove thru the village(very slowly)a pack of about 6 dogs rushed across the road in front of me so i stopped....i waited and they all seemed to have gone across OK so i started to move .Then bump there was still one left under my car.I got out to find a medium size pup going thru the jerking death motions surounded by children they thought it was fun.Then a lady came out from the house and soon as she saw me ($$$$) she started to cry and shout in thai ....the children just played and giggled.I can not speak thai and the lady new who i was as it is a small village so i drove off.

Next morning a heared a lot of talking out side the house at 6 am it was the lady who said it was her dog.My friends parents gave her 100 baht they seemed happy so i asked what they did with the dog....she said we ate it last night.So it seems 100 baht is the going rate if you run over a dog.

Does anyone know how much for chickens and buffalo....i might need to know one day.

trolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll :o

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Ran over a cock (chicken).

Whole flock decided to cross the road, then stopped. I honked and slowed down. Whole flock decided to scatter then regroup and dashed back across the road, except for one that decided to stop under the wheel.

Not seeing, I drove on then bump.....saw it scittering across the road....

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I went to visit a friends parents in a village,after a nice afternoon i decided to go into the nearest towns see the sights.As i drove thru the village(very slowly)a pack of about 6 dogs rushed across the road in front of me so i stopped....i waited and they all seemed to have gone across OK so i started to move .Then bump there was still one left under my car.I got out to find a medium size pup going thru the jerking death motions surounded by children they thought it was fun.Then a lady came out from the house and soon as she saw me ($$) she started to cry and shout in thai ....the children just played and giggled.I can not speak thai and the lady new who i was as it is a small village so i drove off.

Next morning a heared a lot of talking out side the house at 6 am it was the lady who said it was her dog.My friends parents gave her 100 baht they seemed happy so i asked what they did with the dog....she said we ate it last night.So it seems 100 baht is the going rate if you run over a dog.

Does anyone know how much for chickens and buffalo....i might need to know one day.

trolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll :o

Jdinasia you are a real party poopa.....people enjoying a story and you have to jump in with.....NOTHING is that all you can do !!! whinge. you should lighten up a bit enjoy life tell us a story from your driving days.

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Yes, chickens are widely known to be the absolute stupidest creatures EVER, not counting retired Brits in Pattaya. I mean, what as God thinking?! It's a mystery how they even made it on to the Ark.

No mystery there Noha was a Brotha.... :o lol I know I can't go 40 days and 40 nights without some fried chicken!

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