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Republican senator, swarmed by protesters after Trump speech, calls for FBI probe


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2 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

American Military News (reliable per Media Bias Fact Check) - AG Barr: Nationwide protests organized, ‘hijacked by violent radicals like Antifa’


“The voices of peaceful protests are being hijacked by violent radical elements. Groups of outside radicals and agitators are exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate and violent agenda,” Barr said from the Department of Justice. “In many places, it appears the violence is planned, organized and driven by anarchic, far-left extremist groups using Antifa like tactics, many of whom travel from outside the state to promote the violence.”


Let's all pretend that these are all grass roots events.  LOL

To accept this assertion as true, we'd have to pretend that it wasn't William Barr who said it. He's the guy who's been reproached by a judge for lying.

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1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

Any suggestions?


Doesn't matter what Trump does or doesn't do.  He'll be vilified just the same.  You know that so your statement is simply a canard.

So what that show?! That Trump don't have any influence! Only to people who is level "drink Detol and you heal"!

Even that not tell you nothing "not ring the bell"? "Round 12 to him and he haven't get any point so far even had time 11 round" should throw towel in ring! He just cant coz there is so many skeleton what going to come out! But if he still in oval room, hes sht not go courth!

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1 minute ago, watthong said:

Decency. Words from the mouth of the one who has it. And words from the mouth of the one who doesn't. Which one would you choose pretty much tells what kind of person you are.





Wrong thread for your "Uncle Joe" propaganda, watthong.  This site isn't to be used as a platform for Lincoln Project political ads.

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2 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

Barr's quote: ". . . Antifa like tactics . . ."  He didn't mention any radical group by name.


Also, because the FBI found no evidence doesn't mean there is no evidence.  They simply haven't found any to date.  Given that Wray heads up the FBI I'm not at all surprised.

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence," said Donald Rumsfeld in the runup to the Iraq War. Or, as the Queen of Hearts said in Alice in Wonderland "Sentence first - verdict afterwards."

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2 hours ago, JensenZ said:

Your comment is about as ignorant as the Reuters article which stated "without evidence".


That's what you do an investigation for - to find out the facts. Did you expect Paul and wife to collect information (evidence) while they were being mobbed. Perhaps they should have conducted interviews?

Topdeadsenter's question assumed that someone was paying for it. I simply asked him how he knew that. How exactly does that constitute an ignorant question?

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5 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Wrong thread for your "Uncle Joe" propaganda, watthong.  This site isn't to be used as a platform for Lincoln Project political ads.

So which sites can we reference? Breitbart, Fox News, New York Post....how am I doing?



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1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

You can blame it on the Dems and their media bullhorns.  For 4 years the Dems, the MSM, liberals and Rhino Republicans have been inflaming the hatred towards Trump and his supporters.  Are you suggesting that that has not been a major cause of dividing America?  Don't try and kid me.

Wasn't it Donald Trump who called some Republicans who opposed him "human scum"?

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4 minutes ago, rcummings said:

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence," said Donald Rumsfeld in the runup to the Iraq War. Or, as the Queen of Hearts said in Alice in Wonderland "Sentence first - verdict afterwards."

Not a convincing argument.  At all.

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24 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Yes, the only masks were for Covid.  LOL  Whatever, Sujo.

Just because Trump demonstrators are mostly so misguided by Trump so as not to wear masks, that doesn't apply to those who might not admire him so much. Tell me, did those masks cover their entire faces including the eyes? Or just from the nose down? That might give you a hint as to what those masks were for.

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8 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Deflection from my point.  As usual.

You blamed Trump's opponents for inflaming the situation in the USA. Does Trump bear no blame for his inflammatory language? I guess it's not like he's President of the United States...oh wait a minute.

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7 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

You didn't seem to quite so vociferous when the rightist mob were out with guns recently and where people were killed as a result. You should either decry all violence, regardless of which side it came from, or just admit to being a tunnel visioned, right wing conspiracy fueled hypocrite.

I note here mind, that there was no actual violence, though you wouldn't think that was the case the way your mob are baying. Rand Paul was mobbed, not battered.

Decry all violence? You mean as in.......all lives matter?

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3 minutes ago, Mick501 said:

Dems just can't help themselves.  Unable to formulate sensible policy of any kind, all they have is intimidation and violence towards anyone who disagrees with their socialist ideology.

Just been listening to Bill Bryson "The Body"....there's a really good chapter on the history of the frontal lobotomy.....you might like to read it.

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3 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Just been listening to Bill Bryson "The Body"....there's a really good chapter on the history of the frontal lobotomy.....you might like to read it.

Your point excellently demonstrates the differences between right and left. The left "listen", barely able to make sense of written word, whereas the right demonstrates logical and independent thought.  It is for this reason that nothing other than endless debt is ever achieved under left governments.

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1 hour ago, Sujo said:
1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

Convention attendees could hear hundreds of anti-Trump protesters gathered just beyond the White House gates shouting and blowing horns as Trump spoke. As some attendees left, they were confronted by masked demonstrators, social media postings show.


Masked demonstrators?  Why would you want to hide your identity at a peaceful protest?

Because you were a mask for covid. Unless you support trump

Yes, that woman is wearing a Covid mask.  LOL  Trump-haters will dispute and refute reality at every turn.  Nothing new.


What's she chanting at the 1:10 minute mark?  "Put your hands on me again and I'm going to <deleted> you up."  No, no threats either.  LOL


Before you throw stones at Trump for lying you folks might want to consider your own lies.



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