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Kids With No Symptoms May Shed Covid-19 Coronavirus For Over 2 Weeks

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Kids With No Symptoms May Shed Covid-19 Coronavirus For Over 2 Weeks

Bruce Y. Lee  Senior Contributor


Oh kids, what are you hiding?


A study just published in JAMA Pediatrics found that kids infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus can continue to shed the virus for an average of about two weeks even though they never develop any symptoms. That’s almost one and a half Scaramuccis, assuming that a Sacarmucci is 10 days.


The study involved 91 children (median age of 11) in 20 hospitals and 2 non-hospital isolation facilities in South Korea. All children had tested positive for the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) from February 18 to March 31, 2020. Before getting infected, none of the kids had had any problems with their immune systems or any underlying diseases, aside from the three who had asthma and the three who had epilepsy.


Read more: https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2020/08/30/kids-with-no-symptoms-may-shed-covid-19-coronavirus-for-over-2-weeks/#181ac8565560

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



You could in theory say that a banana is almost a hot dog or that an avocado is almost an automobile when comparing these things to the planet Jupiter. After all, a banana is lot more similar to a hot dog than either is to the planet Jupiter. Nevertheless, suggesting that kids are “almost” or “virtually” immune to the Covid-19 coronavirus seems quite far off and unjustified. This latest study is further evidence that kids can quite readily get infected by the virus. In fact, the study is additional confirmation that kids can get quite sick from the virus as well. So you can’t assume that kids will be like gigantic bottles of hand sanitizer and be able to simply ward off the virus. The problem is that it isn't true/

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