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Extension of Driving Licence at Lamphun possible?


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Hey guys, a few years ago i was told by a friend, instead of renewing the drivers licence at Chiang Mai Transport office where usually you have to wait 2-3 hours, it's better to do it in Lamphun where there's usually no queue...


I just called the office in Lamphun but they were unable to tell, did not understand me or did not want to help.


Anyone with recent experience in Lamhun's Office? I have a 5 year Car and Motorbike licence which is going to expire on September 20th.


thanks alot

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You would probably also need a certificate of residence from Lamphun immigration to extend your driving license there, for which you would probably need an actual address in Lamphun.


I extended my driving license in CM a few weeks ago, besides of that I had to go twice (first time show the complete papers and get an appointment, second time for my actual appointment to watch a video and do the vision test), it was an effective process. First visit took a few minutes, second visit about 1.5 hours out of which about 45 minutes or so were the video.

I don't know if they currently still have this appointment system.

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I think jackdd assumption above about needing a Lampun COR is probably correct.  There may be a country wide policy (which I have not been privy to), but it could also vary from DLT to DLT.  Following is a quote from a single incident (an observation of 1) of COR from Jomtien but DLT service in Chachangsao DLT:


Quote: "

When I went back to renew it (Chachoengsao), I had my new (2 month old) Residence Certificate from Jomtien and they put my proper (Nong Prue) address on the new license, even though I was in a Chachoengsao DLT office.
I was a little concerned that they might have told me to go to a Chon Buri office instead, but they just processed it without question which was a relief.  If they started getting 200 people a day from Pattaya showing up they may change their minds though !

Thank you very much for that follow up. Your experience (a sample size of One, so far) tends to indicate it is indeed possible to do it in another province. However, your final observation is pertinent.  If DLT Not too busy, then Perhaps No problem; but if busy they may object.  As with many things dealing with the Thai bureaucracy it may differ province to province & even within the same province depending upon a whole host of conditions from how busy they are to an employees personality.


Conclusion: I will get my Certificate of Residence (based upon Yellow Book) in Jomtien, and be prepared to wait out the scheduled appointment approx 2 months downline.  I may consider travel to another DLT, but if a considerable distance I will first try to ascertain from them (phone, ??) if they will process it. 

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