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How to Trade in international stock and shares as a UK expat from Thailand?

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Dear All,


In mid-February just as I could see Covid was breaking I released decent chunk of money from UK investments (long term) and now have some cash to play with.


The funds I was in were old school FTSE type shares which took a battering just after I got back in to cash.


I am non-resident for tax purposes in the UK. I have been trying to find a way to invest in potentially more lucrative, if risky "Tech Stocks" such as Nasdaq.


I have tried to open accounts with a couple of companies including Hargreaves Lansdown and Resolut, but they insist I must be a UK or EEC resident.


I am worried about using companies over here as they may not be FCA regulated and I don't want to lose the lot if the brokerage company goes bust or they turn out to be dodgy.


Can anyone in a similar situation advise as to where to set up an account in order to trade.


I could use my ex-wife's address in the UK to set up a trading account which I still use as my Bank and Credit Card billing address, but I am worried I might have to pay capital gains at source on any withdrawals and then have to claim it back when I do my tax return.


Also as you might guess me and the wife do not get on...I have lived in Thailand and been non-resident for UK tax purposes since 2011.


I still have to file a UK income tax return as I rent my house out there and pay tax on the income.


Many thanks in advance for any replies.



When I had an account with Citibank Hong Kong, that allowed me to trade shares in the US and HK. Can use an address here. Obviously big problem now is getting to HK to open the thing, although you may possibly be able to do it online.


Thanks Keyser,


My problem is I bank with Barclays in the UK and Krung Thai in Thailand.


I don't want Barclays to know I live abroad permanently as they had a purge on a few years ago and made expats close their accounts if they were no longer UK residents. Barclays have no branches in Thailand.


I do not trust Thai banks as once a Thai GF managed to get my PIN Number (must have been the peeping over the shoulder at the ATM)....It was not until after we had split up that I found she had used my card to transfer over 60,000Thb to her account before she did a runner.


I went to my bank and they said it was my fault and did nothing!


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