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1,004 contacts of infected DJ traced in push to prevent local outbreak


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22 hours ago, tjo o tjim said:

A lot of test validity comes down to the number of amplification cycles. 

Not so much the validity per se. But it does correlate to viral load and hence infectivity. 


The authorities know what amplification yielded this result. Since I haven't seen any suggestion it was a viral remnant of a past infection, rather than a current one, it was probably not at an extremely high amplification.


They will likely continue to test him periodically and this will shed further light. If the positive result was from a very recently acquired  infection then immediztely subsequent tests will likely  be positive at same or higher amplifications; if it was from the tail end of an old infection one would expect it to taper off i.e. need higher and higher amplifications and eventually be altogether negative.


They may also do genetic sequencing ofthe virus which would also help i dicate whether contracted in Thailand or abroad.


 However even if such details are released, don't expect to see this all accurately reported inthe media, which habitually scrambles/misreports technical details.


It is good to know they routinely test players before sport matches.

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13 hours ago, DavisH said:

It is probably calculated from their last contact with the dj, rather from the testing date. 

If I travel outside Thailand and return while there is still the 14-day quarantine requirement, can I start counting the 14 days from the day I was last in contact with someone else who has a case of Covid 19 confirmed by the Thai government? That could really shorten the time I have to stay in "quarantine." Nice!

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On 9/11/2020 at 3:49 PM, from the home of CC said:

test/ trace/ isolate is your only path to keep this in check till the vaccine arrives. Many countries who profess to be smarter, more innovative and better educated have failed miserably at keeping it in check by these methods. They have seemed to throw all their resources at the vaccine when I believe that a quick accurate test (and cheap) should have been just as high on the priority list. The TTI steps are costly, time consuming and rely on the public spirit of cooperation for the sake of others health. It's obvious why it all failed in western nations.. 

Force vaccinate people isn't the answer, unless you like tyranny.

 They want people taking expensive vaccines, while there are already cheaper way to deal with this WHO & Bill gates scamdemic


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