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No Fish For You! Simons Fish & Chips Jomtien


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You are probably talking about "The Pattaya Guide". A monthly booklet. There are allways Discount Coupons inside, but now all have a Closing Date (End of the publishing Month)

Just went through the two latest issues of the Pattaya Guide, and no mention of a "Simon's" anything (except for "Simon Says" from Shenanigan's). I'll keep an eye out for other Pattaya guides when I'm out today and see if I can find anything.

I've never tried using a coupon for anything in Thailand. I did get a 10% discount card from Mityon (?) when I bought my moto and used it (once) without hassle.

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I don't get it, why did you still expect the beer not to be on the bill, even after the waitress had said the coupon wasn't valid and thrown it in your face?

It was bad customer service but I wouldn't have expected the coupon to be valid if it came from a 6 month old magazine.

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Another quality Farang business owner in Pattaya it seems.

The coupon throwing, venom spitting waitress is probably his charming wife or girlfriend.

I was in a chippie in Bromley once when I was 17, I bought Chicken and the chicken was raw near the bone, I pointed this out to the owner who started mouthing off at me, my mates came in to tell me to "F#!$%#G hurry up" this guy saw the other 10 Skinheads I was with and changed the chicken without further debate....lol. :o

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Not a good idea to put photographs on the net under these circumstances for legal reasons ( so removed).

If you had sworn 10 times whilst inside my premises I would have banned you as well.

Looks as though you`ve had yer chips.

Can i try your fish/n chips ? promise not to swear !

I don`t sell fish and chips......but I am in the Holiday business.....anything from 3 days to life :o

You do have a sense of humour,,, i like it !
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my experience.....................the service is sshite, the food is <deleted>........................never be back even if it was free

pay me 100baht i still wouldn't eat it

Agreed Total Tourist Spot , ate there once will not be back for a plate of over priced grease.

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I love some of the comments on here. I really do think people manufacture arguments and confrontations to post on here so some of you can rip them left and right.

"Oh what fun! tear into another poster to make ourselves feel bigger."

Is it that or the typical anti(read as I am so jealous) -American sentiment that is found so easily here?

The guy had a bad time of it with a stupid Fish and Chips shop owner. Of course there are two sides to the story but why make up something like this? If you don't like his story why post something negative?

Heck he even admited losing his cool and the argument by using profanity why post that if it is all a scam?

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...... Clearly the OP was anticipating a confrontation over the coupon. I'm sure the guy hit the owner with some Brooklyn style customer-is-always-right shit. A real hard core coupon clipper always looking for loopholes to get freebies. I saw enough of these people in Scarsdale NY. They make me puke buckets.


I'm just curious how you could come to this very learned opinion merely by reading the posts.

How is it clear the OP was anticipating a confrontation? I can see nowhere that he claims he went in looking for a fight. Were you perhaps one of the customers in attendance that evening?

How are you so sure the OP hit the owner with the "customer-is-always-right shit"? Were you there? Did you witness the confrontation?

How do you know the OP is a "hard core coupon clipper"? Do you know him? Has he admitted as much in his posts?

Methinks your imagination and your mouth are running somewhat rampant.

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I don't get it, why did you still expect the beer not to be on the bill, even after the waitress had said the coupon wasn't valid and thrown it in your face?

It was bad customer service but I wouldn't have expected the coupon to be valid if it came from a 6 month old magazine.

Reading comprehension issue.

She accepted it first thing. Said YES and took it.

The throwing it in the face was her parting gesture (at the end of the incident).

Can't remember the last time I used a coupon in Thailand. Maybe the first (and last?) time. But look, I live on US DOLLARS. Our dollars are sheit and if I do happen to see a coupon for a place I want to patronize, why not clip it? Not from Brooklyn and wasn't looking for a fight. Thats why I sought acceptance of it before the meal. Frankly if they had said it was no good, I would have walked out before ordering. The reason? The principle. They print a coupon, they had best accept it.

Edited by Jingthing
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I'm sure he has made a career out of getting these freebies by finding a loophole (like the old coupon w/no expiry), then creating a verbal ruckus in establishments so that they hand him a freebie to get rid of his cocky ass and foul mouth. No doubt he is a master of the technique; kind of like an Alan Dershowitz subhuman type. Just a nasty disgusting thing you need to get out of your face at any cost. I will contact the owner for his side of the story and report back here. Now THAT should be interesting. Don't just take any worm's word for what happened in a situation like this. I suggest others contact the owner as well and report back.

BTW, I hate fish but this story stinks

If we can't take "any worm's word for what happened", then why should we believe you?

We await your "Dan Rather" style interview of Simon!

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Look on the bright side. You got the free beer and a free meal in the end. It all works out. There are so many fish and chips in Pattaya!

Good point! Where are the best ones? Best fish and good prices? To hel_l with coupons and having things thrown in my face.

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I don't get it, why did you still expect the beer not to be on the bill, even after the waitress had said the coupon wasn't valid and thrown it in your face?

It was bad customer service but I wouldn't have expected the coupon to be valid if it came from a 6 month old magazine.

Reading comprehension issue.

She accepted it first thing. Said YES and took it.

The throwing it in the face was her parting gesture (at the end of the incident).

Can't remember the last time I used a coupon in Thailand. Maybe the first (and last?) time. But look, I live on US DOLLARS. Our dollars are sheit and if I do happen to see a coupon for a place I want to patron ize, why not clip it? Not from Brooklyn and wasn't looking for a fight. Thats why I sought acceptance of it before the meal. Frankly if they had said it was no good, I would have walked out before ordering. The reason? The principle. They print a coupon, they had best accept it.

maybe the owner and told her she would have to pay for the beer out of her salary for accepting the coupon.

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Ok my side of the story...firstly I dont usually post on forums ...just read them and i will not be posting again even if he threatens to nuke me....but i felt i would have to reply to our American friend..

I was not in the shop when he presented the voucher for the bank breaking free beer,the girl who served him is new and her english is about as articulate as his.When I was called over by the waitress regarding the matter I explained to John wayne that this was a very old voucher and she did not understand what he was talking about and she had never seen this voucher before...Now here's the thing ...if he had said calmly i'm not happy with this there is no closing date offer bla bla bla.....i would of said ok fair point and given him the beer ..as someone pointed out Chang is 19 baht and i am so grateful he didnt order a bottle of stella !...but he launched into a four letter offensive with air support ect...which got me angry to say the least.....yes in retrospect it was silly to talk about the police thats when i decided he could have the meal and the drink free and not to come back ,he remonstated for 5 mins accused me of being anti american..pathetic...i'm not anti anyone only rude people..as for the other customers he mentions they laughed when he'd gone..perhaps he might like to contact

Michael Moore to make a film about it..

Now all customers are entitled to their opinions and if they dont like my food so be it...

but dam right aggression and rudeness is not on.

note...I am not an x builder but an x airline ops manager ..make of that what u like...

ALSO... i NOTE THIS FORUM DOES NOT ACCEPT BAD LANGUAGE ...for a senior member maybe he should take note!

rgds simon's chips

Edited by Jai Dee
quote limits corrected for clarity
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Ok my side of the story...firstly I dont usually post on forums ...just read them and i will not be posting again even if he threatens to nuke me....but i felt i would have to reply to our American friend..

I was not in the shop when he presented the voucher for the bank breaking free beer,the girl who served him is new and her english is about as articulate as his.When I was called over by the waitress regarding the matter I explained to John wayne that this was a very old voucher and she did not understand what he was talking about and she had never seen this voucher before...Now here's the thing ...if he had said calmly i'm not happy with this there is no closing date offer bla bla bla.....i would of said ok fair point and given him the beer ..as someone pointed out Chang is 19 baht and i am so grateful he didnt order a bottle of stella !...but he launched into a four letter offensive with air support ect...which got me angry to say the least.....yes in retrospect it was silly to talk about the police thats when i decided he could have the meal and the drink free and not to come back ,he remonstated for 5 mins accused me of being anti american..pathetic...i'm not anti anyone only rude people..as for the other customers he mentions they laughed when he'd gone..perhaps he might like to contact

Michael Moore to make a film about it..

Now all customers are entitled to their opinions and if they dont like my food so be it...

but dam right aggression and rudeness is not on.

note...I am not an x builder but an x airline ops manager ..make of that what u like...

ALSO... i NOTE THIS FORUM DOES NOT ACCEPT BAD LANGUAGE ...for a senior member maybe he should take note!

rgds simon's chips

I didn't see the manager in the shop when he entered. True, I assume he is being truthful about that.

He calls me "American friend" but one of the first thing he did was attack my nationality. In the implied context that only an American would expect a valid coupon to be accepted by a Thai waitress. I do not know if he has a bug up his arse about Yanks or not, but I think he does. I am about as John Wayne like as Truman Capote. Whats up with the stereotypes?

He was called over at the END OF THE MEAL after the bill was presented. Before that, I never saw sign of him.

I don't know the employment history of his staff. Is that my problem or concern that he doesn't train his staff? All I know is that I presented the coupon FIRST THING before even ordering, the response was YES in English to the question, IS THIS GOOD FOR A FREE BEER? (and guess what, most Thai waiters understand the words FREE and BEER). And the coupon was physically accepted. She took it. I think I did enough to conclude they would honor their coupon. I didn't print it. They did. Don't they expect people to use them?

The man never said to me the waitress had never seen the voucher before. I believe that though. Again, is that my problem?

There was nothing CALM about my first confronation with me. It was massively rude. Like his tone was YOU ARE TRYING TO RIP ME OFF. I only replied that the waitress had accepted it and then immediately threats to call the police. That kind of response from him was uncalled for to a customer who did his best to seek acceptance of a coupon that he priinted. He is one who escalated it with the police threat, and he did within seconds of meeting me.

As far as his claim that he would have accepted his coupon calmly, if you had heard his voice and seen his face when he denied it, you would know that to be a lie.

The owner never denied the coupon was his coupon and that it didn't have an expiration and that his employee had accepted it.

I accused him of being anti-American ONCE with his THIS IS THAILAND, NOT AMERICA pitch. He knows that. I think he probably is, but can't prove that, much as I can't prove that he pawns off low grade local fish at Cod prices.

This man's timing perception is all off. The invectives came AFTER the police threat and BEFORE he wouldn't take my money (I was prepared to cough up the asked for total) and ordered me to leave his shop forever. Yes, there were invectives during that interim. I didn't time them.

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I don't think it's appropriate for a public slanging match to be conducted on the Forum.

As has been demonstrated, there are always two sides to every argument, and rather than resorting to airing them here on the Forum, please take up the issue either via PM or some other means.

ThaiVisa does not need discussion topics such as this.


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