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Medical professionals urging covid-19 measures to be reconsidered and plead a return to normality

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Belgium is a small country (less than 10 million inhabitants) but Belgian medical professionals have launched a website   https://docs4opendebate.be/en/   to support the initiative they launched

> Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media.

The Open Letter provides a comprehensive and easy-to-read non-jargon 'state of the art' overview of the covid-crisis and urges to stop the unnecessary measures and a return to normality.

It has till now been signed by over 600 doctors and over 1700 other medical professionals, and it is spreading now to other countries.

Due to many citizens wanting to endorse the initiative it has now also been made open for them and +12.000 citizens signed the Open Letter.


It's worth reading the overview in the Open Letter, with non-sensational fact-based comments on all covid-crisis related aspects.

The website https://docs4opendebate.be/en/ provides access to the Open Letter as well as links to similar initiatives in other countries (Netherlands, Germany, USA).


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