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Losing 1kg+ Per Week


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For the second time I am on a diet and I lose 1-1.5kg a week by stopping drinking beer and eating healthy.

First day of diet 3 weeks ago I was 83kg, I weighed myself yesterday and I am 78kg. I do not go to gym or do any other exercise. I drive most places.

Whilst on diet a typical breakfast consists of mixed fruit salad and cup of tea (low fat milk), once or twice a week I will have scrambled eggs on brown toast, no butter.

Lunch will be fish, prawns with salad or veg, dinner will be similar, mostly fish or vegetables, a few times a week chicken. I always eat till full, if I am hungry between meals I eat fruit.

I eat breakfast early, lunch between 12-1 and dinner 6-7.

I feel healthier and the weight is falling off me. If I want to drink alcohol I drink vodka lime soda, although I am only going out around 1 time per week at moment.

I think i'll have to be careful when I reach my target weight of 70kg, last time I went from 80 down to 70kg I put all the weight back on, it took a few years though. I think I will weigh myself weekly and work ouyt excatly what I can eat and drink if I want to maintain the wieght without gaining.

I put almost 100% of my weight gain down to beer, I think if I drink lower calorie drinks that will be enough to keep me at a sensible wieght.

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Why no exercise?

There are more then enough studies that say thin is great but without exercise your only halfway healthy. Don't forget we also lose muscle mass as we age so your metabolic rate drops because of the loose of lean tissue. You can be thin and still have a host of health problems.

It's my opinion that your dieting to be healthy and maybe look and feel better why not go the whole nine and exercise as well?

You may PM if you have any questions I am a professional in this field.

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For the second time I am on a diet and I lose 1-1.5kg a week by stopping drinking beer and eating healthy.

First day of diet 3 weeks ago I was 83kg, I weighed myself yesterday and I am 78kg. I do not go to gym or do any other exercise. I drive most places.

Whilst on diet a typical breakfast consists of mixed fruit salad and cup of tea (low fat milk), once or twice a week I will have scrambled eggs on brown toast, no butter.

Lunch will be fish, prawns with salad or veg, dinner will be similar, mostly fish or vegetables, a few times a week chicken. I always eat till full, if I am hungry between meals I eat fruit.

I eat breakfast early, lunch between 12-1 and dinner 6-7.

I feel healthier and the weight is falling off me. If I want to drink alcohol I drink vodka lime soda, although I am only going out around 1 time per week at moment.

I think i'll have to be careful when I reach my target weight of 70kg, last time I went from 80 down to 70kg I put all the weight back on, it took a few years though. I think I will weigh myself weekly and work ouyt excatly what I can eat and drink if I want to maintain the wieght without gaining.

I put almost 100% of my weight gain down to beer, I think if I drink lower calorie drinks that will be enough to keep me at a sensible wieght.

how tall are you

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How tall?

Or how short?

170cm or just under 5 7"

My problem with exercise is I find it so boring. I hate Gym and I can't get motivated when swimming lengths. If snorkling or with a speargun I will swim miles, I also enjoy kayaking.

I think I need to play squash, tennis etc. There needs to be something to occupy me more than simply exercising, I simply find it so tedious that I give up.

I'm 29 years old adn I don't think I am really unhealthy, just overweight. At 83kg I wasn't even obese, just had a bit of a beer gut and a 2nd chin that was getting embarressing!

Edited by womble
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  • 3 months later...
How tall?

Or how short?

170cm or just under 5 7"

My problem with exercise is I find it so boring. I hate Gym and I can't get motivated when swimming lengths. If snorkling or with a speargun I will swim miles, I also enjoy kayaking.

I think I need to play squash, tennis etc. There needs to be something to occupy me more than simply exercising, I simply find it so tedious that I give up.

I'm 29 years old adn I don't think I am really unhealthy, just overweight. At 83kg I wasn't even obese, just had a bit of a beer gut and a 2nd chin that was getting embarressing!

Congrat man, atleast you can notice some gain weight factor in your life. Lossing fat is good, but not weight(too much i mean). Cause lossing weight oo much in sudddent will give our body a shock.

Beside, did you feel sleepy during the deit period? Cause as in my case i do, and my friend told me is just our body burn the excess fat only, is it true?

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Good for you, I'm on a diet a well mainly fish and steamed veggies but at 60 it doesn't come of quickly, so far I seem to be on track with your weight loss. I have a really bad back so I limit myself to gentle walking. Not to boring the wife goes with me and we chat. Wish I could do more in that area.

A kilo a week would be fine but I have another 13 kilos to take off so we will see if it stays at that level I doubt it.

Might see if I can find a bike that would be moer fun the just walking up and down the street. LOL

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Why no exercise?

There are more then enough studies that say thin is great but without exercise your only halfway healthy. Don't forget we also lose muscle mass as we age so your metabolic rate drops because of the loose of lean tissue. You can be thin and still have a host of health problems.

It's my opinion that your dieting to be healthy and maybe look and feel better why not go the whole nine and exercise as well?

You may PM if you have any questions I am a professional in this field.

Is exercise confined to the treadmill enough? I do nothing but that - but I do try to work the inclines/speed/time spent all to enough to get me fairly tired. I am aware that my upper body muscles are not being worked much or at all, but I have read that walking is an excellent form of exercise. And with something to listen to it's not boring and given the controls on the machine it's more convenient than going out for a normal walk. What would be your professional comments on treadmill-related exercise?

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Any exercise is good. Depending on your preferences, gentle exercise, good, build up the heart beat, better, work up a sweat, better still. It does depend on your age, general condition, etc. But the choice is fantastic. I do Tai Chi, yoga, and get to the gym 3-4 times a week for a good cv work-out. I can (within reason) eat and drink what I want. I think exercise is the key!

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Pesoanlly I have lost seven pound in four weeks, when I could excercise I would have lost ten in the first week. I think it is very important wish I could do it. I take my best shot and walk at least it is low impact, just can't do it for the length of time that I need to. But as you pointed out something is better then nothing.

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Any exercise is good. Depending on your preferences, gentle exercise, good, build up the heart beat, better, work up a sweat, better still. It does depend on your age, general condition, etc. But the choice is fantastic. I do Tai Chi, yoga, and get to the gym 3-4 times a week for a good cv work-out. I can (within reason) eat and drink what I want. I think exercise is the key!

How does age affect your rule of thumb - gentle/fast heart beat/sweat? Do you mean that an older person, even if in ok condition, should not aim to 'work up a sweat'?

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Good for you, I'm on a diet a well mainly fish and steamed veggies but at 60 it doesn't come of quickly, so far I seem to be on track with your weight loss. I have a really bad back so I limit myself to gentle walking. Not to boring the wife goes with me and we chat. Wish I could do more in that area.

A kilo a week would be fine but I have another 13 kilos to take off so we will see if it stays at that level I doubt it.

Might see if I can find a bike that would be moer fun the just walking up and down the street. LOL

Is your back pain from a specific injury like a car accident, slipped disc, etc? If not most of the time it is due to poor mobility/muscle imbalances. More specifically look up “anterior pelvic tilt”. Basically does the line of your belt face downwards? Very common especially in people who spend many hours a day sitting in a chair.

A combination of simple exercises and stretching can solve the problem for many people in a few weeks.post-6890-1187267406_thumb.jpg

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