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Condo advice required

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Unknow to me at the time of buying an older condo in downtown north Pattaya, the unit directly above was owned but not inhabited by a Russian owner for around 25 years. The basic problem is that during the rain season gallons of a pigeon excrement/rainwater mix comes barreling through my living room ceiling whenever this apartment floods due to excessive rainwater entering their apartment. Sometimes the ceiling even collapses under the weight ! Neither the unit owners nor the condo management seem the slightest bit interested in doing anything about this and, apart from hiring an expensive lawyer to sort this ridiculous situation, I would welcome any advice  from anyone who has ever had a similar problem.

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Look that you can prove that you complained. I always do everything that is important by email. Take photos of the damage and perhaps you can go inside the room above. Perhaps the problem is easy to fix at least that far that no water comes anymore to your room. Whatever you do always write to the condo management, the committee and the owner and ask them to fix it before you act finally. Also don't forget to take photos. I also record all important conversations. Phone calls are recorded automatically. This can be very helpful to improve other people's memory... But it also serves me as documentation. Private calls I don't save. 


Important photos and recordings I always save in a cloud as backup. 


Edited by Oldie
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14 minutes ago, Oldie said:

Look that you can prove that you complained. I always do everything that is important by email. Take photos of the damage and perhaps you can go inside the room above. Perhaps the problem is easy to fix at least that far that no water comes anymore to your room. Whatever you do always write to the condo management, the committee and the owner and ask them to fix it before you act finally. Also don't forget to take photos. I also record all important conversations. Phone calls are recorded automatically. This can be very helpful to improve other people's memory... But it also serves me as documentation. Private calls I don't save. 


Important photos and recordings I always save in a cloud as backup. 


...I had the same issues with my condo in Cozy Beach.  I reached out to the condo manager on site and got nowhere.  


I took pictures, documented the dates/problems. I then contacted the condo committee/foreigners.  By building a good relationship over the years, they helped me contact the property management group based in Bangkok.  They sent a rep from Bangkok to gather information.  I presented all the facts in a detailed report and summary report. I also had two foreign condo committee members meet with the rep and property manager and was finally able to make things right.  


If you have already done those things, I would suggest you contact Tony at Magna Carta and see if they can assist you.  Remember, although you are in the right, neighbors above in the wrong - easier to make honey with sugar than vinegar.  Be calm, professional in dealing with the situation.  


best of luck!

Edited by hoopsandyoyo
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The condo is obliged to make repairs to stop the ingress of water into the apartment above wether it's from rainwater or a burst pipe somewhere 

The water doesn't always go straight down but can flow horizontally from, possibly a leaking downspout due to corrosion on a old metal pipe

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