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Best Places To Apply For One Year Non-imm O And/or B

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I recently had to make an emergency trip to the UK and was unable to apply for a reentry permit in the time available. Consequently I lost my several years old non-imm O visa and am now on my second concurrent (with a 7 day extension in the middle) 30 day visa exemption/visa on arrival.

There was a chance to regain my visa without leaving the Kingdom but I blew that - the whole situation is almost entirely down to bad luck and my fault, so no whingeing (sp?!) about the authorities from me here!

My plan is to leave the country before my current 30 days is up and apply for a one year non-imm O visa (based on income from overseas, bank deposits, statement of net worth, marriage certificate (to a Thai) and birth certificates of four dependents: son, daughter, step-daughter and step-son) and/or a one year non-imm B visa based on the above, an employment contract with an overseas company to provide goods and services from Thailand and income from said employment.

My question is: where is the best place to apply for these types of visa in the current climate? I hear conflicting stories about Penang and also Singapore. Does anyone have any recent personal experience, good or bad, of similar applications at Consulates or Embassies in the region?

I would also be interested in any opinions on the pros and cons of non-imm O vs non-imm B. (PR is a consideration but a sore point due to the loss of several years of non-imm visa use!)

Thanks in advance,


Edited by JuniorExPat
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Can you qualify for extension of stay under the 40k monthly family income? If so you only need a single entry visa and most Consulates will provide that.

Only KL and Singapore currently are reported to issue multi entry - and in the case of Singapore you will need to show bank balance of 400k or more. Other requirements would be the normal marriage certificate/birth certificate and copy of wife ID card that she has signed to be safe.

Penang is out for any multi entry as far was we know.

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Can you qualify for extension of stay under the 40k monthly family income? If so you only need a single entry visa and most Consulates will provide that.

Only KL and Singapore currently are reported to issue multi entry - and in the case of Singapore you will need to show bank balance of 400k or more. Other requirements would be the normal marriage certificate/birth certificate and copy of wife ID card that she has signed to be safe.

Penang is out for any multi entry as far was we know.

Thank you very much for such a quick response Lopburi3.

I was on an annual extension of a one year single entry non-imm O visa previous to this little 'disaster' and the only significant changes to my situation are one more child and a new employer, I can show the qualifying income plus a qualifying bank deposit. So it sounds like a trip to Penang will do the job, do you think? I believe that B3,800 will sort out a multi reentry permit to avoid a recurrence of this problem.


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Believe they are looking for tax payments for the previous year so if you have that kind of proof it should be relatively easy to return to extensions of stay. There is no longer a 400k bank deposit option for those not grandfathered and suspect your lapse of re-entry permit will prevent you using that option. Unless you travel often a 1,000 baht single re-entry permit should be all you require for insurance against another incident. But that is after you get the final extension of stay.

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Can you qualify for extension of stay under the 40k monthly family income? If so you only need a single entry visa and most Consulates will provide that.

Only KL and Singapore currently are reported to issue multi entry - and in the case of Singapore you will need to show bank balance of 400k or more. Other requirements would be the normal marriage certificate/birth certificate and copy of wife ID card that she has signed to be safe.

Penang is out for any multi entry as far was we know.

Auckland, 1 year multi entry non-B $250.

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Can you qualify for extension of stay under the 40k monthly family income? If so you only need a single entry visa and most Consulates will provide that.

Only KL and Singapore currently are reported to issue multi entry - and in the case of Singapore you will need to show bank balance of 400k or more. Other requirements would be the normal marriage certificate/birth certificate and copy of wife ID card that she has signed to be safe.

Penang is out for any multi entry as far was we know.

Auckland, 1 year multi entry non-B $250.

Ok got a simialer thing just got back over was in Suadi for 8 months and now I am on 30 days visa but will need to remain until after my wife has our baby and we can fly again. that wilol be September. I was told KL would be my best bet what will be my fees and is this option correct. Help

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Can you qualify for extension of stay under the 40k monthly family income? If so you only need a single entry visa and most Consulates will provide that.

Only KL and Singapore currently are reported to issue multi entry - and in the case of Singapore you will need to show bank balance of 400k or more. Other requirements would be the normal marriage certificate/birth certificate and copy of wife ID card that she has signed to be safe.

Penang is out for any multi entry as far was we know.

Lopburi3..Im about to go to Sinagapore in a few weeks and will be applying for a marriage multipule entry visa,I dont live in Thailand but wife and kids do and I can't get the visa here in HK.I travel there every other weekend and am bored with the days counting agro at the airport.I have more than enough cash to cover the required 400k in the bank but I dont keep it in Thailand as I dont live there.Will the overseas bank acoounts showing a cash sum be good enough when applying for my visa

Thanks for your help

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Overseas accounts have been accepted. It seem to be just to prove your ability to not require local employment to meet normal survival standards during the period of the visa.

Thanks Lopburi3...will post how it goes in a few weeks time

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I recently had to make an emergency trip to the UK and was unable to apply for a reentry permit in the time available.

Re-Entry Permits are easily available at the Airport

The Desk is just adjacent to the Queing Area for Exit Immigration

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Yes but if he only gets a single entry and does not stay in Thailand long enough to satisfy immigration of his marriage and extend in country its a catch 22..

I have many mates who live here, have Thai wives, but because they work away and are not sitting around waiting at immigrations beck and call cannot time thier 12 month extension.

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I recently had to make an emergency trip to the UK and was unable to apply for a reentry permit in the time available.

Re-Entry Permits are easily available at the Airport

The Desk is just adjacent to the Queing Area for Exit Immigration

Easily available if you are not rushing for a flight (badly timed weekend flight with no possibility of getting reentry permit at Chiang Mai prior to the trip) and forget to carry photos of yourself. The immigration officer had the good grace to look sympathetic when he informed me that there is nowhere in the new airport that provides passport photos and he believed that half an hour in a taxi would be my best bet!


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Yes but if he only gets a single entry and does not stay in Thailand long enough to satisfy immigration of his marriage and extend in country its a catch 22..

I have many mates who live here, have Thai wives, but because they work away and are not sitting around waiting at immigrations beck and call cannot time thier 12 month extension.

That is a good point worth noting for some - I've been married for a few years and been here a few years longer on non-imm annual visa and I rarely leave the country . . . . . yes, I know, I should not have got into this situation in the first place! A call at 17:00 on a Friday calling you immediately to the UK can throw you!!


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  • 3 weeks later...
I recently had to make an emergency trip to the UK and was unable to apply for a reentry permit in the time available.

Re-Entry Permits are easily available at the Airport

The Desk is just adjacent to the Queing Area for Exit Immigration

But the nearest place, according to an Immigration officer at that location, to get photos taken for the application is a 30 minute taxi ride away . . . . doh!


Edit: Repetition and discussing with oneself - excuse me, time to medicate!

Edited by JuniorExPat
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Okay, so according to Jim of Jim's Place, Penang who I will probably see next week, I have all the paperwork and he has all the know-how for me to get a Non-imm O visa in Penang. It will, however, only be a 3 month visa. It seems that I will be able to apply at Immigration for the usual extension (annual? I hope so!) once the 3 months are up.

This appears to be the best, value for money, least time away from the family route to go down.

Having said all that, I have not visited Laos, Cambodia or Vietnam - any words of wisdom from the informed TVers here on the practicalities of making an application in any of these countries?


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I recently had to make an emergency trip to the UK and was unable to apply for a reentry permit in the time available. Consequently I lost my several years old non-imm O visa and am now on my second concurrent (with a 7 day extension in the middle) 30 day visa exemption/visa on arrival.

There was a chance to regain my visa without leaving the Kingdom but I blew that - the whole situation is almost entirely down to bad luck and my fault, so no whingeing (sp?!) about the authorities from me here!

My plan is to leave the country before my current 30 days is up and apply for a one year non-imm O visa (based on income from overseas, bank deposits, statement of net worth, marriage certificate (to a Thai) and birth certificates of four dependents: son, daughter, step-daughter and step-son) and/or a one year non-imm B visa based on the above, an employment contract with an overseas company to provide goods and services from Thailand and income from said employment.

My question is: where is the best place to apply for these types of visa in the current climate? I hear conflicting stories about Penang and also Singapore. Does anyone have any recent personal experience, good or bad, of similar applications at Consulates or Embassies in the region?

I would also be interested in any opinions on the pros and cons of non-imm O vs non-imm B. (PR is a consideration but a sore point due to the loss of several years of non-imm visa use!)

Thanks in advance,


I'd personally look at a flight to Perth ... get the multi ... then extend at your liesure ... not CHEAP ... but really not expensive

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Having said all that, I have not visited Laos, Cambodia or Vietnam - any words of wisdom from the informed TVers here on the practicalities of making an application in any of these countries?


I had a non Imm B visa issued in Vientiane at the beginning of this year. Could not have been easier. Application in by lunchtime collect visa next afternoon fly back out that evening.

Hotels very cheap and had a nice fish dinner and beer down by the river. Tuk Tuk everywhere but same as here haggle price first before going anywhere. You are still a farang with ATM machine imprinted on head, just a different currency.

Talking of currency they take USD everywhere at good rates. You can get a phone card for your Thai mobile from 5 USD so can even talk to home if you get lonely. :o

Only neggie with Laos is no cheap Air Asia flights! I paid about 7000 baht return, but hotel was only 500 baht per night for what would have cost 1000-1200 baht in Pattaya.

Hope this helps!

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Having said all that, I have not visited Laos, Cambodia or Vietnam - any words of wisdom from the informed TVers here on the practicalities of making an application in any of these countries?


I had a non Imm B visa issued in Vientiane at the beginning of this year. Could not have been easier. Application in by lunchtime collect visa next afternoon fly back out that evening.

Hotels very cheap and had a nice fish dinner and beer down by the river. Tuk Tuk everywhere but same as here haggle price first before going anywhere. You are still a farang with ATM machine imprinted on head, just a different currency.

Talking of currency they take USD everywhere at good rates. You can get a phone card for your Thai mobile from 5 USD so can even talk to home if you get lonely. :o

Only neggie with Laos is no cheap Air Asia flights! I paid about 7000 baht return, but hotel was only 500 baht per night for what would have cost 1000-1200 baht in Pattaya.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for that, coincidentally a friend here in Chiang Mai just suggested that I go to Vientiane for this trip.

Sounds interesting will take a look and eventually report back.


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Air Asia does some very cheap deals to Singapore if you book up in advance. Hotel 81 chain has very cheap hotel rooms. Had no problem when I did my multi o although it was just before the show 400k came in. Have spoken with people who did it after and they had no problem. Be aware that Air Asia runs the same plane back and forth all day so delays add up. My late evening flight had a 3 hour delay on it. Cheap they may be but 3 hours extra in the airport. Bummer.

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