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Soi 8 Chicken Keebabs ( Shwarma )


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Are you talking about kebabs or shwarma?

I have not found decent Arabic bread for a shwarma, even around Marine Plaza.

A good lamb shwarma, or even beef, would go down a treat sometimes.

Don't like it much without the cone of bread, though - juices don't run down your chin if you eat it plain.

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on soi buakow is the 29 baht shwarmas next to stereo bar at the entrance of soi lk metro. many condiments and salads to add. humus being one of them. so beat that!

i always have 2.

You can't call them sharwarmas or kebabs. They're just wraps and I've never had worse. I'd never go back there a second time no matter how cheap they were.

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on soi buakow is the 29 baht shwarmas next to stereo bar at the entrance of soi lk metro. many condiments and salads to add. humus being one of them. so beat that!

i always have 2.

You can't call them sharwarmas or kebabs. They're just wraps and I've never had worse. I'd never go back there a second time no matter how cheap they were.

JR Texas: One food item that I really miss in Thailand is Gyros....the wonderful Greek "shwarma." It is made with spiced lamb and served inside fantastic Greek bread.

The chicken keebabs across from the VC Hotel are terrible, but I eat them sometimes. I did have an actual shwarma in Bangkok and it was pretty good. But still can't find a genuine gyros with the great bread.

Is there a place in Thailand that makes them? If not, I think it would be a good business idea because I think most expats would prefer them to the so-called keebobs and shwarmas. But they would have to come with the genuine and wonderful Greek bread.

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Is there a place in Thailand that makes them? If not, I think it would be a good business idea because I think most expats would prefer them to the so-called keebobs and shwarmas. But they would have to come with the genuine and wonderful Greek bread.

There was a Greek restaurant in Chiang Maii called Zorbas that had Gyros, but the owner fled the country recently in great debt to his partner. Don't think he'll be back. :o

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I agree, of the ones mentioned, the Soi 8 kebab's are the best!
Nope, the ones on second rd are better and have beef as well

Where on 2nd road is that?

Think baz is talking about the stall located on 2nd road between soi 13 and soi Yamoto.........they have chicken and beef but the beef are best with chilli and garlic sauce on.

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I agree, of the ones mentioned, the Soi 8 kebab's are the best!
Nope, the ones on second rd are better and have beef as well

Where on 2nd road is that?

Sidewalk between soi 13 and 13/1

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<br />
Nope, the ones on second rd are better and have beef as well
<br /><br />I concur <img src="style_emoticons/default/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> <br /><br />highchol, are you on about the one just outside Sunshine Hotel? Is the one near Silver A Go-Go still there?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

i think it is, about 1/3 of the way down the soi on the left. There is a go-go almost opposite I cant recall its name but i popped in there a couple of weeks back while I ate my keebab and naturally wash it down with a few beers.

10 or so years back ( same family ) used to sell them further down the soi on the right near the side entrance to wonderbar.

I prefer the Soi 7 keebabs as i cant recall having a case of the rumble tums the next day. Ive also eaten on no2 road soi13 many times but occaisionaly have had. Maybe this is a bt unfair and i had not had enough beer on those occaisions!

I had another stroll down soi 7 on Tuesday as again I had a hankering for one. This time i popped into the well known bar with the nauticaly themed name that serves cheap beer. There was a bash on for one one of the girls b/day. The place was jumpin.

A good night out, enough to take your mind of the drab weather.

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I really crave a good pork one does anyone know where I can find one?

Popped down to my favourite shwarma place in Jeddah last night. Asked the Lebanese staff for a pork shwarma, but had to settle for a couple of lamb ones instead.

Two hour drive each way through the desert, but well worthit. Petrol costs 29 halalas (about 3 Baht) a litre out here.

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