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.....and His First Question Was?


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Sitting in my office this afternoon and my (Thai) boss came in.

I was in front of my brand new laptop (my own) which I brought in from home.

He looked at this laptop and his first question was????

The first correct answer will win a beer at next week's pissup here in Phuket!

Waiting for your replies!


Edited by thaigerd
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"falang, what are you doing using my new laptop?"

He then beat you about the head and shoulders and walked off with it.

Don't you dare complain about it here matey we'll have none of your sniviling, nacy boy, whimpers. Now like it or go home!

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This falls under the heading of "things that used to annoy me slightly but now I kind of like. Sometimes one really does want to know how much someone paid for something, and our western manners and restraint would have left us not knowing. Now we can know.

Privacy falls under the same heading for me. It used to annoy me that privacy was virtually nonexistant and everyone knew everyone elses business. Now, I just see it as an extended network of people "mostly" looking out for my interests.

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